In this blog, we will learn SAP EWM Technical. In the first part,  read the header and item of the delivery. There are some business cases where we need to write the logic to get the information of deliveries like inbound and outbound. we can utilize the logic in reports, function modules, and classes.

A delivery consists header and item details and the relationship is produced by the key holding the DOCID and the ITEMID.

Below are the properties are assigned the delivery:

  • Status
  • Dates
  • Reference Documents
  • Locations
  • Business Partners

The below image is showing Delivery objects in SAP EWM

Images Source by SAP Reference.

Below are the Database tables for deliveries

Database Table Description
/SCDL/DB_PROCH_I Inbound Delivery Header
/SCDL/DB_PROCI_I Inbound Delivery Item
/SCDL/DB_PROCH_O Outbound Delivery Order Header
/SCDL/DB_PROCI_O Outbound Delivery Order Item
/SCDL/DB_DLVH_O Outbound Delivery Header
/SCDL/DB_DLVI_O Outbound Delivery Item


Technical Details:

Using the Delivery Query:

To read the document/warehouse request details with the Query method depending on the document category. This method is part of the class /SCWM/CL_DLV_MANAGEMENT.

Below coding example for utilize the query method:

  1. Declare the local internal tables and class objects.

DATA:ls_read_options TYPE /scwm/dlv_query_contr_str,
ls_include          TYPE /scwm/dlv_query_incl_str_prd,
lt_headers         TYPE /scwm/dlv_header_out_prd_tab,
lt_selection        TYPE TABLE OF /scwm/dlv_selection_str,
lx_delivery         TYPE REF TO /scdl/cx_delivery,
lt_items              TYPE /scwm/dlv_item_out_prd_tab.

2. Create Instance of Class object.


3. Range table for ERP Document Number.

lt_selection VALUE #fieldname /scdl/if_dl_logfname_c=>SC_REFDOCNO_ERP_I
sign ‘I’ option ‘EQ’ low ‘0080000890’ ).

       4. Set read options and include the details of delivery in the header and item
ls_read_optionsdata_retrival_only abap_true.
ls_includehead_status abap_true.
ls_includeitem_status abap_true.
ls_includeitem_hierarchy abap_true.

       5. Query to Read the details of outbound delivery.
CALL METHOD lo_delivery->query
iv_doccat       /scdl/if_dl_c=>sc_doccat_out_prd
it_selection    lt_selection
is_read_options ls_read_options
is_include_data ls_include
et_headers      lt_headers
et_items        lt_items.
CATCH /scdl/cx_delivery INTO lx_delivery.

Get the outbound delivery details in the above internal table LT_HEADERS and LT_ITEMS.

Image : SAP Reference

Utilize below methods to create and update data in delivery in the same class.

  • Method – ITEM_UPDATE for Update the Door, Bin and Quantity etc.
  • Method – CREATE_OD for Create Outbound Delivery

In this part we have covered, how to read the data from outbound delivery on /SCWM/PRDO transaction. We will continue to post useful technical details.

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Sara Sampaio

Sara Sampaio

Author Since: March 10, 2022

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