Hello fellow RPA enthusiasts! 

As you all know by now, SAP Intelligent RPA is the Topic of the Month (ToM) here on SAP Community. To celebrate it, we have prepared awesome content to share with you throughout May. If you missed any of it, don’t worry, you can find everything in our topic page ?

Continuing with the exciting activities, I am happy to share that we are having a special SAP Community Call on May 26th. Why is it special you ask? Because you will be able to participate! In this session, besides some great RPA material our RPA experts will be answering YOUR questions live! 


Participating is super easy: 

  • You can submit your product related questions until May 18th by commenting them below this blog post. 
  • Your question was already asked by another member? Give it a like!  
  • Found other questions interesting? Like them too! 

 ➡ We will gather the most liked questions from the comments, and they will be answered during the upcoming SAP Community Call (May 26th).  

➡ SAP Community call: SAP Intelligent RPA: Automate procurement function with SAP Ariba + Q&A session: Including business benefits and outcomes of automating Ariba with SAP Intelligent RPA and use cases of applying SAP Intelligent RPA with Ariba processes.

Stay tuned for more SAP Intelligent RPA content this month! Looking forward to reading your questions!  

All the best, 


Randa Khaled

Randa Khaled

Author Since: November 19, 2020

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