This article is intended for database admins, consultants, customers & partners to know the basics & understanding of Design time Artifacts available in HANA WebIDE for your SDI Project Implementation..

The following table lists in alphabetical order the design-time artifacts you can develop and deploy with the SAP HANA Deployment Infrastructure (HDI). For more information about the syntax required for a particular type of design-time artifact and the configuration of the corresponding build plug-in, choose the artifact type in the following table.

About SAP HDI Containers

An SAP HANA HDI container consists of a design-time container and a corresponding run-time container.

The SAP HANA Deployment Infrastructure (HDI) uses so-called containers to store design-time artifacts and the corresponding deployed run-time (catalog) objects. The HDI makes a strict separation between design-time and run-time objects by introducing the following, distinct container types:

  • Design-time container (DTC)

    Provides an isolated environment for the storage of design-time files

  • Run-time container (RTC)

    Stores the deployed objects built according to the specification stored in the corresponding design-time artifacts

List of Design-Time HDI Artifact Types

A – L

P – T

T – Z



Table Type

.? (txt, copy only)

Projection View

Text Configuration

AFL Lang Procedure **

Projection View Configuration

Text Dictionary

Analytic Privilege

Public Synonym

Text Extraction Rule

Calculation View

Replication Task

Text Extraction Include

Core Data Services

Result Cache

Text Extraction Lexicon



Text Mining Configuration

DocStore Collection

Role Configuration


Drop/Create Table

Search Rule Set




Virtual Function

Full Text Index


Virtual Function Configuration


Synonym Configuration

Virtual Package

Graph Workspace


Virtual Procedure


Structured Privilege

Virtual Procedure Configuration

Map Reduce Job ***

_SYS_BIC Synonym

Virtual Table


System Versioning Table

Virtual Table Configuration




Logical Schema Definition

Table Data


Most commonly used HDI Artifacts for SAP Commissions Implementation Projects

Flowgraph (.hdbflowgraph)

Transform a design-time flowgraph description into a corresponding set of database procedure or task objects.

A flowgraph performs a configurable series of data transformation operations, such as joining, filtering, cleansing, masking, aggregating, and so on.

Calculation Views (.hdbcalculationview)

Transform a design-time calculation view description into a set of view database objects.

Virtual Tables (.hdbvirtualtable)

Virtual tables enable you to access objects in other databases without having to replicate in SAP HANA.

Transform a design-time virtual table resource into a virtual table database object.

The virtual-table plug-in transforms a design-time virtual-table resource (defined in .hdbvirtualtable and .hdbvirtualtableconfig artifacts) into a virtual-table database object. The target database to which the virtual table points must be available by means of a database remote source. The file format required for the design-time artifacts uses a DDL-style syntax that is equivalent to the corresponding syntax in the SQL command CREATE VIRTUAL TABLE, although without the leading CREATE command.

Grants (.hdbgrants)

Assign the privileges required by users to access objects in the target schema.

The .hdbgrants configuration file enables you to assign privileges to the owner of the synonym object and the application users (consumers) of the synonym’s target objects in the same way as you would with the SQL grant statement.

Procedures (.hdbprocedure)

Transform a design-time procedure resource into a procedure database object.

The procedure plug-in transforms a design-time procedure resource (described in a .hdbprocedure artifact) into a procedure database object. The file format required for the hdbprocedure artifact uses a DDL-style syntax that is equivalent to the syntax of the corresponding SQL command CREATE PROCEDURE, but without the leading CREATE command. The procedure plug-in supports the following languages for the hdbprocedure artifact: SQLScript, L, and R. AFLLang procedures are handled by the “AFLLang Procedure” plugin.

Replication Task (.hdbreptask)

Transform a design-time replication task description into a corresponding set of database procedure or task operations.

A replication task retrieves data from one or more objects in a single remote source and populates one or more tables in SAP HANA.

Functions (.hdbfunction)

Transform a design-time function resource into a function database object.

The Function plug-in transforms a design-time function resource described in the .hdbfunction artifact into a function database object. The file format required for the .hdbfunction artifact uses a DDL-style syntax that is equivalent to the syntax of the corresponding SQL command CREATE FUNCTION SQL, without the leading CREATE.

Synonyms (.hdbsynonym and .hdbsynonymconfig)

Transforms a design-time synonym definition into a database synonym object.

Although it is true that design-time resources must be free of explicit schema references in order to enable deployment into multiple containers, the rules requiring the use only schema-local objects is occasionally too restrictive. For example, often it is necessary to be able to access database objects that are not brought into the system via HANA DI; such objects include database objects from an ERP system or replicated objects. These objects can be easily accessed by defining synonyms.

Sequence (.hdbsequence)

Transforms a design-time sequence resource into a sequence database object.

The sequence plug-in transforms a design-time sequence resource (defined in a .hdbsequence artifact) into a sequence database object. The file format required for the .hdbsequence artifact uses a DDL-style syntax that is equivalent to the syntax of the corresponding SQL command CREATE SEQUENCE, but without the leading CREATE. If the sequence definition contains a RESET BY query, then this RESET BY query is executed during deployment to set the sequence to its start value. Sequences without a RESET BY query are also supported.

Triggers (.hdbtrigger)

Transforms a design-time trigger resource into a trigger on a database table.

The trigger plug-in transforms a design-time trigger resource (defined in a .hdbtrigger artifact) into a trigger on a database table. The file format required for the .hdbtrigger artifact uses a DDL-style syntax that is equivalent to the syntax of the corresponding SQL command CREATE TRIGGER, but without the leading CREATE.

SQL Views (.hdbview)

Transforms a design-time view resource into an SQL view database object.

The view plug-in transforms a design-time view resource (defined in a .hdbview artifact) into an SQL view database object. The file format required for the .hdbview artifact uses a DDL-style syntax that is equivalent to the syntax of the corresponding SQLScript command CREATE VIEW, without the leading CREATE.


Part 1 – SAP Commissions – Smart Data Integration[SDI] – Part 1

Part 2 – SAP Commissions – Smart Data Integration[SDI] – Part 2

Part 3 – SAP Commissions – Smart Data Integration[SDI] – Part 3

Part 4 – SAP Commissions – Smart Data Integration[SDI] – Part 4

Sara Sampaio

Sara Sampaio

Author Since: March 10, 2022

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