In this blog,  you’ll learn how to create Teams , Teams folder, Assigning Users to Teams and SAML Attribute Mapping for Users to determine respective folder access in your Embedded Analytics tenant.

The following diagram shows an example where Team 1 is assigned permissions to Team 1 Folder. All users that belong to Team 1 are granted permissions to Team1 Folder, and assigned the SCA_Viewer role, in addition to any roles or permissions they have been granted individually.

About Teams

Teams are groups of users that may collaborate on the same stories and share access to folders or objects in Embedded Analytics Cloud.

How to Create Teams

There are multiple ways to create teams in SAP Commissions – Embedded Analytics Cloud.

Teams can be created using the Teams page, or using SAML attribute mappings. Both methods for creating teams are described below.

Creating Teams from UI

  1. From the side navigation, go to  Security   Teams, and choose  (Create Team).

  2. Enter a unique Team Name.
    Only the following characters are permitted: uppercase and lowercase letters, numbers, underscores, hash marks, and ampersands. Spaces are not allowed in the team name. The maximum length is 127 characters.
  3. Enter a Description.
  4. Select Create a Folder to add a folder for team files under the System folder.
    Members of your team automatically have full access to this folder. However, they cannot delete or export it.
  5. In the Members area, use  (Add Members) to search for existing users to add to this team.
    The Select User dialog opens.
  6. Scroll through the list of users or search for a particular user.
  7. Select  (Down), to the right of the Search area, to show more options.
    You can choose to see your users listed by Display NameID and Display Name, or ID.
  8. Choose  (Sort) to sort the list of users.
  9. Select each user you want to add to the team.

  10. When you are done, choose OK to return to the Create Team dialog.
    You can use the controls in the Members area to add or remove users from the list. Use the Search control to find a particular user, if your list is long.
  11. Choose Create when you are done.
  12. Go to Homepage, you can see Team1 folder is created and you can add your reports to the Team1 folder for Users to view.

Final Result

The new team appears in the list. The user ID of the current session is automatically added to each team you create during the session.

Assign Users to Teams Using SAML Attributes

You can automatically assign users to teams based on their SAML attributes if you are using a custom identity provider.


  1. From the side navigation, go to  Security   Teams.
  2. Select the team you want to assign users to, and then select  (Open SAML Team Mapping).

  3. The Create SAML Mapping dialog appears.
  4. Choose a SAML AttributeCondition and enter the Value that the attribute should correspond to.
  5. Optional: Select  (New Mapping Definition) to add multiple conditions.
    1. Choose the Conditions Logic to apply to the attributes.

      Select AND if you want all the conditions to be applied to users. Select OR if you want at least one of the conditions to be applied to users.

  6. Select Save.
  7. Note

    Value is case sensitive.

Final Result :

The SAML mapping is created. Users will be added to the team only after they have logged out and back into SAP Analytics Cloud. The SAML user mapping you created will appear in the Teams list.




Sara Sampaio

Sara Sampaio

Author Since: March 10, 2022

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