This article is mainly for SAP Commissions users/customers/partners to know & understand available OData API endpoints for your development or building web applications out of it.


OData is the current default way to communicate with an SAP backend, be it for an (SAPUI5) frontend or any other integration scenario. The goal of this document is to get an Commissions developer up and running with understanding and implementing OData services in an SAP Commissions-based backend system.  

OData services; background information and how to test them. 

I’ll try to explain what OData is by using calls on existing OData services, and expanding those calls with more options. I’ll start using a tool in my IDE so we’ll need to get this learning as the first step. 

Reference :

SAP Commissions OData API Documentation


Filtering Options

Operator Description
Logical Operators
eq matches exactly (default)
ne not equal to
gt greater than
ge greater than or equal
lt less than
le less than or equal
null Supported by eq and ne operator.
like Supported by eq and ne operator with the wildcard *.
Grouping Operators
() Precedence grouping


To find SAP Commissions OData Metadata structure or edmx (Entity Data Model) 

To find the records through entityname

To find the total records count through passing Entity name

To find the Entity records in particular Page(Return the first 15 results)

To find the records through filter method

To find the records using Filter with multiple fields

To find the find the records through field using Order by descending or ascending

To find the records using Wildcard search

To find the records using selected fields in result output.

Refer Standard OData Schema and useful endpoints

Sara Sampaio

Sara Sampaio

Author Since: March 10, 2022

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