Goal of this blog post

In this blog, we will create panels displaying analytics for Tasks entities managed by SAP Cloud ALM with the ALM Grafana plugin.

This plug-in lets you extend your analytics solutions for application life-cycle management. This plugin is based on the SAP ALM analytics API. The main concepts of the SAP ALM Analytics API can be found in this blog.




  • You have created a service key to your SAP Cloud ALM tenants (check this blog).
  • You should configure a Grafana data source connected to your SAP Cloud ALM tenant.
  • You have configured at least one project in your SAP Cloud ALM tenant. (check the SAP support portal)


ALM Tasks Data Provider

The ALM Tasks data provider supports the following dimension:

Dimensions Description Filter
name Task Name yes
taskGUID Internal GUID of the task
project project of the Task yes
project name Project Name
scope scope ID yes
scope name Scope of the Tasks
status Task Status yes
statusText Text of the Task status
phase Current Phase yes
role Assigned Role yes
type Task Type Text
typeID Task Type ID
priority Priority yes
assignee Assignee
dueDate Due data of the task
timeboxName TimeBox of the task
counter Task counter (Measures)
storyPoint Story Point (Measures)



From your Grafana instance, create a query for each Tasks Status to display in your dashboard: OpenIn ProgressDone,…

  • Select your SAP Cloud ALM “Data source”.
  • Select “Time-Series” format.
  • Select data provider: “ALM Tasks”
  • Select the name of your project.
  • Select the name of your scope.
  • Select the status to be filtered.
  • Select the following dimensions:
    • StatusText



KPI Visualisation

Select the “Stat” visualisation for each of your query with the following settings:

  • Thresholds: Adapt the thresholds to your requirements.
  • Query Options: Select “now/d” in the “relative time” query options.



Burn-up Visualisation


Select the “Time Series” visualisation with the corresponding projects timeframe.

  • Query Options: Select “6M” in the “relative time” query options.


Table Visualisation


Add the following Dimensions to your query to select which columns to display in the table:


Select the “Table” visualisation with the following settings:

  • Value Mappings: Customise color coding for task priority and status.


  • Data Links: This option opens the SAP Cloud ALM Tasks details of your SAP Cloud ALM tenant.




In the next blog, we will explain how to use variables to navigate between projects and tasks dashboards.


Sara Sampaio

Sara Sampaio

Author Since: March 10, 2022

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