In this blog I like show you how you can establish a RACI Matrix in Process Management of SAP Solution Manager 7.2.



A responsibility assignment matrix, also known as RACI matrix, describes the participation by various roles in completing tasks or deliverables for a project or business process.

RACI is an acronym derived from the four key responsibilities most typically used: responsible, accountable, consulted, and informed.

In context of SAP Solution Manager 7.2 Process Management, I like to assign RACI information to my Process Steps. With the process diagram I have the perfect baseline for this. However, a diagram shows me only the task and by which role they are executed.

To fulfil RACI, it is mandatory to assign further roles to cover responsible, accountable, consulted, and informed stakeholder of the business process and its tasks. However, the roles we use for that should be come out of the same role pool. All RACI information will be handled via customer attributes.
Here you see an example how to use RACI after you follow this blog.

Note: To use RACI Matrix in SAP Solution Manager 7.2 – Process Management it is not mandatory to have business diagrams in place.

 1. Prepare role information for RACI
As a first step I like to prepare the roles, used in my organisation, to assign them later to my  business process task.

  • In SAP Solution Manager 7.2 – Process Management you can manage this role information via Diagram Entities.
  • Next download all role information into excel
  • Open the exported file and insert a numbering column

  • Keep the file open

2. Define the values for the customer attribute of RACI Matrix

Next some technical steps to define our role data from above as values to be used later in the relevant customer attributes

    • Go to SE11 and Create Domain e.g. Z_DM_RACI_ROLES
    • Copy the values from excel and paste into value rang
    • Save and Activate
    • Go back to SE11
    • Create a data type e.g. Z_DT_RACI_ROLES
    • Enter your previous created domain
    • Save and activate

3. Next, I create the RACI Matrix attribute group and create the relevant customer attribute (Responsible, Administrative, Consulted, Informed)

  • Go to transaction SMUD_MODEL_WIZARD and click on Advance UI settings
  • Double click on define customer attribute groupSave and activate
  • Define first customer attribute for RACI Matrix
  • Repeat this for accountable, consulted, and informed.

Now I have technical all set in order to get start working with RACI Matrix.

4. Working with RACI Matrix

  • In Solution Documentation multiple options exists to working with RACI Matrix
    • Option 1: Open a Diagram
    • Select several process steps (shift + drag)
    • Assign one or multiple attributes
    • Option 2 in List View
    • Select a process and go to List View
    • Filter for type process step
    • Select process steps and manage RACI attributes


5. Finally, I like to report the RACI Matrix

  • Go to list view of a process
  • Filter for type process steps <ref.>
  • Assign your RACI attributes as columns
  • Save a layout for RACI Matrix


After executing the setup steps, you should be able to run a RACI Matrix in SAP Solution Manager 7.2 – Process Management for you organisation.

You can easily adopt it to your own names and procedures.

Let me know if you think this is helpful for you and your organisation to more simplify this approach.

Sara Sampaio

Sara Sampaio

Author Since: March 10, 2022

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