PPOME transaction facilitates the display and maintenance of Organization Units, Positons, Persons and Jobs from the organizational structure. The transaction is displayed with several areas, including search and overviews areas.
There are several other transactions like PPOME but with slight changes with regards to other modules etc. and these include:
- PPOM_OLD: older transaction, lacks new corrections or functionalities, but still corrections might be considered depending on the code affected.
- PPOCE/PPOSE/PPOME: create(root)/display/modify organizational data
- PPOMA_CRM: contains some additional infotypes and controls for CRM systems
- PPOMA_BBP: contains some additional infotypes and controls for SRM systems
The evaluation path used for selecting objects is SBESX/SBESXCP. For more information, please check SAP Note “1257851 – SBESXCP: New evaluation path for org.management (BP/CP/US)“.
PPOME can easily be adapted and customized with certain column configurations and tab customizations. Please also refer to views T77OMFRAM and T77COL for these types of configurations. The column framework covers creation and filling of columns in a structural or list display. For information on this please KBA: 2067473 – Column configuration customizing for organizational management. Examples, along with IMG activity SPRO -> Personnel Management -> Organizational Management -> Hierarchy Framework -> Column Framework
For tab customizations you can look further in view T77OMTABUS, however there are certain limitations in using this and these limitations are mentioned in notes 385019 or 327614: “Tab pages for additional SAP standard infotypes are not available in the standard and CANNOT be generated as described in note 327614 (transaction PPOME customer-specific tab pages).
However, you can program customer-specific tab pages and then include transaction PPOME into the hierarchy framework via the Customizing. Compare this to point (4) in note 327614.”