Valid as of SAP S/4HANA 2020

In this blog post series, I will provide an overview of the functionalities available for managing hierarchies in SAP S/4HANA. I will also discuss some of the interesting features and limitations of the FIORI apps supporting hierarchies.

Blog 1/3: FIORI apps to manage hierarchies

Blog 2/3: Detailed features of FIORI app “Manage Global Hierarchies”

Blog 3/3: Detailed features of other FIORI app to manage hierarchies

In this blog post, we will review the features in F3553 Manage Custom Hierarchy Type and F2759 Manage Flexible Hierarchies. Manage Custom Hierarchy Type allows user to create custom hierarchy type based on pre-defined attributes. This expands the scope of hierarchies you can create using Manage Global Hierarchies. Using Flexible Hierarchies, user can flexibly create and change master data hierarchies for cost centre and profit centre.


F3553 Manage Custom Hierarchy Type

In this app you can select pre-defined attributes to create new Hierarchy Types. Once you create the custom hierarchy type, it is available in app F2918 Manage Global Hierarchies to create hierarchies.

In this example, we selected “country” as an attribute to create custom hierarchy type “Country Hierarchy”.


Create Custom Hierarchy Type

We can now create a Country Hierarchy GL001 in Manage Global Hierarchy. All features available for Global Hierarchies are available for this hierarchy.


Create Hierarchy using Country hierarchy type


Country hierarchy


The custom hierarchies can only be used in app Manage Allocation. If you want to use it for reporting, review SAP note 2922493.

Attributes available to create custom hierarchy type are: Billing Document Type, Business Area, Country, Customer Group, Distribution Channel, Division, Industry, Material Group, Plant, Sales District, Sales Org.

You can review below documentation to learn more about this app.

SAP Help Portal

FIORI Library page for this app is here.‘F3553’)/S22OP


F2759 Manage Flexible Hierarchies

Flexible Hierarchies allow user to create hierarchies on-the-fly by selecting one or several attributes from the object on which the hierarchy is to be created. For example, you can create a flexible hierarchy by selecting company code field on cost centre. The app will create the structure by grouping cost centres by company code.

In the below scenario, we will create a cost centre hierarchy by grouping company code, profit centre and cost centre category – in that order.

Below are the selection parameters for creating the hierarchy. In the structure tab, you can sort the attributes selected to match the required grouping.


Manage Flexible Hierarchies

Preview only allows user to preview the structure. If the structure does not look right, you can click cancel and go back to the parameters screen.


Flexible Hierarchy preview

If the structure is as per expectation, user can click submit to create the hierarchy.


Flexible Hierarchy created


User cannot change the hierarchy itself. Editing the hierarchy will take user back to the parameters page.

Changes to values of attributes in the object will not automatically reflect in your flexible hierarchy. In the above example, if you change the cost centre category on several cost centres, the flexible hierarchy will not automatically update. You can regenerate the hierarchy if the values of the attributes of the object have changed.


Regenerate Flexible Hierarchy


You can create Flexible Hierarchies for below hierarchy types:

  • Cost Centre Hierarchy
  • Profit Centre Hierarchy
  • Company Code Hierarchy

SAP has some very good reading material and videos on Flexible Hierarchies here.

FIORI Library page for this app is here.‘F2759’)/S22OP

This concludes the blog post series on managing hierarchies in SAP S/4HANA

Please leave feedback in the comment section of this blog post. You can ask questions to the SAP community in the Q&A S/4HANA Finance Area.

Sara Sampaio

Sara Sampaio

Author Since: March 10, 2022

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