To make things easier and to put together all the Fiori Apps for Reporting/ Analysis that are most relevant, below you will find 16 Apps in Fiori that will help you in Sourcing and Procurement for Reporting and Analysis. If you are interested to find out more about the SAP Fiori Apps for Analysis and Reports in the area of Inventory Management you can check the blog post List with 9 SAP S/4 HANA Fiori Apps for Analysis and Reports | INVENTORY (MM)



SAP Fiori Apps is a a group of accumulated cards of Apps, which represents the new user experience that assures that emploeeys and managers have consistent, coherent, simple and intuitive user experience.

SAP Fiori Apps run on browser and work seamlessly on smart phone, tablet and desktop.

As a business process owner is requested to permanently improve the user experience. SAP S/4 Projects will use SAP Fiori and it is so different from the SAP ECC. a list with the must have reports/analysis with their functionalities it is a good help.



  • Gain an overview of SAP Reporting/Analytics Apps for Sourcing and Procurement
  • Explaining and presenting the basics of the must important SAP Reporting/Analytics Apps for Sourcing and Procurement
  • Make you familiar with the must important Apps that will help you to complete the business processes


Main part

The information provided in this list is structered in two parts. The first part has the focus on the Fiori Apps for Procurement reporting and the second part has the focus on the Fiori Apps for Accounts Payable reports.


Let’s see below in detail these apps.




I will start with Procurement Overview Page, I consider this app a must in every business process. Customized in the proper way, based on the organization objectives and needs, puts together in one screen the must important transactions. Helps the business owner to have control over all the procurement transactions.

  1. Procurement Overview Page, App ID F1990
Application Type Transactional, Analytical (SAP Fiori elements: Overview Page)
Form Factor Desktop, Phone, Tablet

In Procurement Overview Page you will be able to view all urgent contracts, purchase requisitions, or spend information according to the specified filter criteria.The Spp shows you, at a glance, the most important information and tasks relevant for your business. The cards are arranged like dashbourd showing you the most important information ranked according to relevance.

The overview page is not fixed, you can customize it by rearranging the cards and by hiding or showing them based on your business needs (you can drag and drop cards to rearrange them)

This table describes the various cards that appear on Procurement Overview:

Card Name Description
Monitor Purchase Contracts

·        Shows you expiring and nearly consumed contracts.

·        Priority is sorted by time remaining, target value, and consumption.

·        Selecting the header brings you to the Manage Contract app, while selecting an item brings you to the Contract object page in the same app.

Monitor Purchase Requisition Items

·        Using the view switch, you can choose to view all open purchase requisition items. You can also view unsourced purchase requisition items: ones that don’t yet have a source of supply, even though the delivery date is close.

·        Priority is sorted by item value and time to delivery date.

·        Selecting the header brings you to the Manage Purchase Requisition app, while selecting an item brings you to that item in the same app (filtered by the selected item).

Monitor Purchase Order Items

·        Using the view switch, you can view overdue items and items in approval.

·        Priority is sorted by overdue days and item value.

·        Selecting the header brings you the Monitor Purchase Order Items app, while selecting an item brings you to that item in the relevant app.

Monitor RFQs

·        Shows you requests for quotations (RFQs) sorted by submission deadline.

·        Priority is sorted by time remaining, target value, and consumption.

·        Selecting the header brings you to the Manage RFQs app, while selecting an item brings you to the RFQ object page in the same app.

Purchasing Spend

·        Shows you the overall purchasing spend, calculated using the aggregated purchase order values.

·        You can switch the view between supplier, material group, and purchasing spend trend.

·        Selecting the header brings you to the Purchasing Spend KPI, while selecting the material group brings you to the same app, filtered by the material group.

·        Purchasing Spend Trend shows you the trend of the overall purchasing spend over the last four quarters.

·        Shows Planned Spend of Schedule LinePurchase Order Net Amount, and Expected Spend of Purchase Requisition for the upcoming quarters.

·        Selecting the header brings you to the Purchase Order Value KPI.

·        You can also click one of the quarterly data points to get more information.

·        The graph reflects what’s in the global filter.

Non-Managed Spend

·        Shows you the total invoice spend where that spend isn’t associated with a purchase order.

·        You can switch the view between supplier and material group.

·        The bar chart shows the spend amount as a percentage of the invoiced spend by material group (or supplier). The number shows the value of the non-managed spend.

·        Selecting the header or the chart brings you to the Purchasing Spend KPI.

Off-Contract Spend

·        Shows you the total invoice spend where that spend isn’t associated with a contract.

·        You can switch the view between supplier and material group.

·        The bar chart shows the spend amount as a percentage of the invoiced spend by material group (or supplier). The number shows the value of the non-managed spend.

·        Selecting the header or the chart brings you to the Purchasing Spend KPI.

Supplier Performance Monitoring

Supplier Performance Monitoring

·        Shows you a bubble chart of purchasing spend against the supplier performance.

·        Selecting the header or the chart brings you to the Supplier Evaluation KPI, grouped by supplier.

·        You can also see the Supplier Feedback Score.

·        The size of the bubbles doesn’t depend on supplier’s spend.

Supplier Evaluation Trend

·        Shows you the trend of the supplier performance aggregated for all suppliers.

·        Selecting the header or the chart brings you to the Supplier Evaluation KPI, grouped by supplier.

·        The graph reflects what’s in the global filter.

Purchase Requisition Touch Rate

·        Shows you the proportion of purchase requisition items which are processed automatically (no touch rate). Also shows the high touch rate, the percentage of all purchase requisition items or purchase orders that require manual intervention during processing, and the low touch rate, which is for those items that only require approval.

·        Selecting the header or the chart brings you to Purchase Requisition Touch Rate KPI, where you can sort the data as you like.

·        The Donut chart is divided based on touch rate. You can select the divisions to see more information.

Purchase Requisition Item Types

·        Shows you the different items types for purchase requisitions, such as catalog items, free-text items, and so on.

·        Selecting the header or the chart brings you to Purchase Requisition Item Types KPI, where you view more details.

·        The Donut chart is divided based on item type. You can select the divisions to see more information.

Open Activities

·        Shows you the activities that are currently open in a card stack.

·        When you click the right side of the card, you see the open activities in an object stream.

·        Clicking the main body of the card brings you to the Manage Activities app.




Procurement Overview Page

The second App is Display Purchase Requisitions, the procurement flow starts with a Purchase Requisition. In order to monitor these requirements one of the best options is this App.

2. Purchase Requisition, App ID ME5A

Application Type Transactional, Fact sheet (SAP Fiori elements)
Form Factor Desktop, Tablet, Phone

This app displays contextual information about the purchase requisition. You can use this app to display an overview of the purchase requisition data, such as: supplier,  ordered items, material.

The report offers the possibility to export it in a spreadsheet file and to customize it (show/hide fields).


Further, I will put the accent on Overdue Purchase Order app which app can be used to analyze the delivery dates of purchase order items sent to the supplier.


3. Overdue Purchase Order Items, App ID F0343


Application Type Analytical (SAP Fiori: SAP Smart Business generic drill down app)
Form Factor Desktop, Tablet


The Overdue Purchase Order Items app, calculate the number of purchase order items with delivery dates in the past and those yet to be delivered.

You can perform the following tasks:

  • Apply filter to display views.
  • Display every view as chart and in tabular format.
  • Send the app link as email or export as an excel.

You can display the charts by filtering them based on Material Group, Plant, Purchasing Group, Supplier, Document.


If you want to display the trends in various procurement activities that have been undertaken one option you want to consider is Purchasing Group Activities.

4. Purchasing Group Activities, App ID F1660

Application Type Analytical (SAP Fiori: SAP Smart Business generic drill down app)
Form Factor Desktop, Tablet


This app displays trends in various procurement activities that have been undertaken such as purchase orders, contracts, requisitions, goods receipts, and scheduling agreements against a particular purchasing group and category for a given time frame. Only those business documents that are completed and items not released are considered. Deleted items are not considered. The app also helps to calculate the number of goods receipts for a particular purchase order and item, as well as the total invoice amount and purchase order net amount.

Using this app, you can perform the following:

  •  Apply filters to display views.
  • Display views as chart or in tabular format.
  • Send the app link as email or export as .csv file.


Another Purchasing App that could help the business owner to form a clear image with graphics about the spendings is Purchasing Spend app.

5. Purchasing Spend, App ID MM_PUR_FPM_ANA_IPCC1 (MM_PUR_FPM_ANA_IPCC1) 

Application Type Analytical (SAP Fiori: SAP Smart Business generic drill down app)
Form Factor Desktop, Tablet


Purchasing Spend app helps you to compare the spend for a given set of comparison filters to the total spend. Filter include supplier, material group, purchasing group, supplier country and purchasing organization. This app can be used to compare the purchasing spend between the total spend of a data set with a sub-set of that data set by using the comparison filters.

Using this app, you can perform the following tasks:

  • Compare the spend of given set of suppliers to total spend.
  • Visualize the comparison in percentage with respect to the net spend for a given set of filters.
  • Analyze data in form of chart and in tabular format for better insight.
  • Send the app details as link or export as an excel.


A very useful app that will help you to keep an eye on the inconsistency of the price paid vs price set for materials is Material Price Variance.

6. Material Price Variance, App ID F3294 

Application Type Analytical (SAP Fiori elements)
Form Factor Desktop, Phone, Tablet


Material Price Variance app helps you to display the deviation of the actual price paid for materials from what has been set as standard data. You can monitor the material price variance over a certain period of time and evaluate the price deviations of different documents. This helps you to determine the reason for the price variance and improve the efficiency of your supply chain management.

With this app, you can do the following:

  • Display the material price variance for different purchasing documents in relation to a range of measures
  • Drill down to display the material price variance for different purchasing documents for a range of dimensions
  • Analyze the material price variance for different purchasing documents for a given set of filters
  • Analyze data in chart and tabular format
  • Save your personalized settings as a variant


A very useful app when you want to know the sum of your purchasing spendings is Spend Variance app.

7. Spend Variance, App ID F1377 

Application Type Analytical (SAP Fiori: SAP Smart Business generic drill down app)
Form Factor Desktop, Tablet


Spend Variance app helps you to determine the sum of the purchase order value, goods receipt value, and invoice value by supplier or material. The app then calculates the relation between the purchase orders, good receipts, and invoice value for a given filter.








The purchase orders, known as the document used to request items or services from a vendor at an agreed upon price, can be kept under observation with the Monitor Purchase Order app. The app offers many filters to display the graphic chart or the report and can be personalized with the filters available.

8. Monitor Purchase Order Items, App ID F2358 

Application Type Analytical (SAP Fiori elements)
Form Factor Desktop

Monitor Purchase Order app helps you to display purchase order items and monitor their status, using filter criteria such as purchase order, material group, material, supplier, plant, and delivery forecast. You can also choose a purchase order item to view its item level information.

You can use this app to:

  • View purchase order items based on filter criteria
  • Click on a purchase order item to view its item level information
  • Predict the delivery date of purchase orders using the Predict Delivery Date 
  • View details of the predicted delivery date in a popup showing a chart of the supplier’s delivery reliability for the selected material and plant over the past 180 days
  • Navigate to view contextual information related to a material
  • Navigate to view contextual information related to a supplier


If your business uses purchase info record for maintaing the prices or for special procurement or for other business process scope, one report you want to consider is Purchasing Info Record App.

9. Purchasing Info Record, App ID F0351

Application Type Fact sheet (SAP Fiori elements)
Form Factor Desktop, Phone, Tablet

Purchase Info Record is an object page app that displays contextual information about the purchasing info record business object. You can use this app to display an overview of the purchasing info record data, such as: supplier, material



Further, in part two, I will present the apps that you can consider to analyse the information about suppliers and invoices in procurement.


The first app is Aging Analysis, this app will help the organization to control the pessimistic trends in total payable amount.

  1. Aging Analysis, App ID F1733 
Application Type Analytical (SAP Fiori: SAP Smart Business generic drill down app)
Form Factor Desktop, Tablet

Aging Analysis app helps you to display the aging information across your organization so that you can identify negative trends in the total payable amount, the net due amount, and the overdue amount. Display the payable amount, including the overdue amount and the not due amount, by aging, company code, G/L account, currency, supplier group and supplier. Filter the payable amount by company code, document status, supplier, supplier account group, and so on. Specify the key date for data analysis.



The second app that I will talk about is Invoice Processing Analysis, this app offers a comprehensive view of the accounts payable invoices.

2. Invoice Processing Analysis (S/4HANA), F1745

Application Type Analytical (SAP Fiori: SAP Smart Business generic drill down app)
Form Factor Desktop, Tablet

With this app you can view the total amount of posted invoices and the total number of posted line items. View the total amount of invoices and the total number of line items posted in a certain month, for a certain supplier, by a certain user or posted in each processing status.

The possible statuses are as follows:

  • Free for Payment (open line items with no payment block)
  • Cleared (cleared line items)
  • Blocked (open line items with payment block)
  • Parked (parked line items)


3. Overdue Payables (S/4HANA), App ID F1746

Application Type Analytical (SAP Fiori: SAP Smart Business generic drill down app)
Form Factor Desktop, Tablet

Overdue Payables app helps you to check the overdue payable amount for suppliers by supplier company code, supplier group, supplier and reason for payment block. As well, can monitor the status of the overdue payments for critical suppliers. Helps the business by finding about the potential risks and notify the responsible persons to take action, display the overdue payable amount and the payable amount that is not yet overdue. Distinguish between critically overdue amount and uncritically overdue amount. Analyze the payable amount by different views, including company code, supplier group, reason for payment block, and supplier.


The last four apps that I will bring up in this list are about the supplier evaluation. These apps connected in conjuction are building a full understanding for an organization that wants to dig in detail the supplier data.

Let’s see below these apps:

4. Supplier, App ID F1861

Application Type Fact sheet (SAP Fiori elements)
Form Factor Desktop, Phone, Tablet

Display Supplier List app helps you to display the contextual information about the supplier business object.

You can use this app for the following purposes:

  • Display an overview of the supplier data, such as:
  • Company data
  • Communication data
  • Materials offered by the supplier


5. Operational Supplier Evaluation, App ID F1662

Application Type Analytical (SAP Fiori: SAP Smart Business generic drill down app)
Form Factor Desktop, Tablet

Operational Supplier Evaluation app determines the score of a supplier in an organization based on the weighted average of the quantity variance, price variance, and time variance. The score is calculated over the previous year to date. The overall score is calculated from the variance available from the different criteria, and then the weighting is applied.

Using this app, you can perform the following tasks:

  • Analyze data in the form of chart and in tabular format.
  • Share the analysis results via an email or export as an excel.



6. Supplier Evaluation by Quantity, App ID F1661

Application Type Analytical (SAP Fiori: SAP Smart Business generic drill down app)
Form Factor Desktop, Tablet



With the Supplier Evaluation by Quantity app, you can determine the quantity variance, which is based on the variance between the ordered quantity and the delivered quantity of items. Both the excess and the lower delivered quantities are considered as variances. The score is determined over the previous year to date.




You can perform the following tasks:

  • Apply filter to display views.
  • Display views as chart and in tabular format.
  • Send the app link as email or export as an excel


7. Supplier Evaluation by Price, App ID F1663 

Application Type Analytical (SAP Fiori: SAP Smart Business generic drill down app)
Form Factor Desktop, Tablet

Supplier Evaluation by Price app helps you to determine the score of a given supplier in an organization based on the variance in the price of ordered items and delivered items. The score is calculated over the previous year to date and is based on the difference in the purchase order amount and invoice amount. 

You can perform the following tasks:

  • Apply filter to display views.
  • Display every view as chart and in tabular format.



The SAP Fiori encounter some challenges:

  • Startup Performangce
  • Attachment handling
  • Native device capabilities integration
  • Working without data connexion (Offline)
  • Advanced security
  • Lifecycle Management/Support/Administration


I hope you find the necessary information in this list provided. We saw the must important SAP Fiori Apps for Reporting/ Analysis in the area of Sourcing and Procurement that will help you in your Business Processes.


E-Book:  Mobilizing SAP Fiori Standard Apps

Images: All images in this list are my own captures


You can find out more about SAP Fiori Apps (technical information, configuration, installation) at, the information is public.


Thank you,

Elena Puica

SAP Consultant

jooman neshat


Author Since: April 23, 2021

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