In this short blog, I wish to share my personnel learning experience for RISE with one of the best learning courses provided by SAP for its partners to jump start with RISE with SAP for a Partner Cloud Solution architect (PCA) .

NOTE:Learning Hub access is mandatory for the same and you must be a partner with SAP under RISE.

The specified course is unique in its structure , it being a recorded course(Not live recording) and it is split into short videos varying in length between 5 to 10 minutes

This course is valid for aspiring SAP Partner Cloud Solution architect who want to understand basic terminology of RISE, what is FUE,how to map a SAP ERP system user type with FUE etc.In any RISE program, PCA plays a critical role from assessment to delivery and hence a detailed understanding of end-to-end process is critical for a successful delivery…With the short videos that this course provides one can easily understand the RISE construct and its flow.


Steps to access this content:

Login to learning hub and search for the course “Indirect Sales Process for RISE with SAP S/4HANA Cloud, private edition for Cloud Architect” in Learning content


Before you use above link , ensure that you are already logged into LH. 

Click on this course and move on with the PART2 ,3,4,5 of the course to access the short videos. (PART1 is bit lengthy as it is a live recording unlike PART2 despite both being good and independent from each other.They both cover basics from scratch

PART 2,3,4,5 consists of pre-recorded videos which can vary between 5mins to 10 mins each and has very intriguing content.

Web assessment at the end will help with additional access to JAM4 along with getting to interact with experts via JAM4.

What next?

If you have completed the above specified L1 course as a PCA, you can move on with the L2 training for PCA from SAP .

Name:EXPERT_LED PSD_WEB_23880_EN(Webinar : RISE with SAP S/4HANA, Private Edition Partner Cloud Architect Coaching)

Note:This training was released on March 2022 and is current as on date “5th May 2022” .Also go for the latest trainings released in LH.

Happy learning and Good selling 🙂


Sara Sampaio

Sara Sampaio

Author Since: March 10, 2022

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