Qualtrics is a recent acquisition from SAP, a crucial piece in the Intelligent Enterprise. Qualtrics will help Customers to do the Experience management. Experience Management is one of the important aspects in implementing the Intelligent Enterprise which captures the feedback from various stakeholders & Users back to the Business process.

However, Experience Management cannot exist as a silo piece of technology, it needs to be implemented as embedded in Business Process. Today we will discuss on how Qualtrics can be integrated with Recast.ai(ChatBot) , SAP Transportation Management using SAP Cloud Platform.

Below is the Story

Logistics Service Provider Company has launched a Chat bot to take orders from their Customer.

Below flow happens as part of this Transaction.

Out of scope of this Blog



    • TM Service creation to create Forwarding Order





    • Create a Bot for taking information & feedback from User.


    • Call Webhook from Bot (As part of this Exercise, Webhook configuration points to HANA XS based Rest Service).


    • xsjs is a HANA XS based rest service. I used it to save some time for this demo. You can use any platform for creating such service. Below is the flow for this Service
        • Call SAP TM Gateway Service to Create Forwarding Order with Cargo Details
        • Call Qualtrics Service to Submit the Feedback for the Order Booking.


    • Below is the Code for Recast.xsjs (I have not added files and configuration for Destinations)
        • Code for Calling TM Gateway Service

    • Code for calling the Node.js Service (Node.js Service post the actual Qualtrics Survey)

    • Code for sending response back to recast

    • Node.js Code to interact with recast. This Node.js App will be deployed to SAP Cloud Platform as a Service and would be called from xsjs app for posting Feedback.

    • Below is the code for Destination File



    • Getting the Details of the Order from Customer

    • Forwarding Order Generated from SAP TM System

    • Getting the Feedback from User and Posting to Qualtrics

    • Qualtrics Feedback Captured and Sentiment Analysis

Hope you liked this quick integration of Qualtrics into  Business Process which brings in the feedback from the End Users into the Business Process which can be eventually used for Process Improvement which is the top most requirement.

As said by Bill Gates


“We all need people who will give us feedback. That’s how we improve.”

Sara Sampaio

Sara Sampaio

Author Since: March 10, 2022

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