You are aware of the difficulty it poses if you have ever had to manage projects where you had to create multiple general accounts in SAP S/4HANA Cloud, from choosing the right general ledger account to serve as a reference to defining target accounts to entering descriptions. And it’s all done by manually updating values in the App!

With release 2208, we now have a new approach that can help with maintenance of the chart of accounts.

Within the App Manage operating chart of accounts we have possibility to switch on Expert Worklist:


Picture 1: Switching on Expert Worklist

Expert worklist view provides access to spreadsheet template where we can populate general ledger account that we want to create. Here is how the process works.

As a first step, we need to download the spreadsheet template on our local computer.


Picture 2: Downloading spreadsheet template

Download template contains all available general ledger accounts delivered in chart of accounts YCOA. Here is how template looks like:

Picture 3: Spreadsheet Template

Download template contains all existing general ledger accounts delivered in YCOA. First row of a template is a sample row, and it serves as a guidance n how to populate a spreadsheet content.

This can be overwritten with our own values which we want to upload to SAP S/4HANA Cloud.

Here is explanation of most spreadsheet template fields:

  • Worklist Group: represents our own naming of the worklist of general ledger accounts we want to copy. It is used to more easily identify general ledger accounts that we copied, as more users can simultaneously work on the process.
  • Target general ledger account number represents general ledger account that we want to upload in system based on the existing general ledger account. We must maintain both long and short text of the target account.
  • Reference account number represents base account that we used as a reference to upload multiple general ledger accounts in the system
  • Action: represents action that we want to perform on general ledger accounts. Action “Copy” (C) is supported.

For the test purposes, I had selected general ledger account 10010000 as a reference and I have prepared in Spreadsheet following accounts to be created:

Picture 4: Spreadsheet Template prepared for upload

After we prepared our general ledger accounts in spreadsheet we can upload them by selecting an option Upload Spreadsheet:


Picture 5: Upload Spreadsheet

We use Browse function to select our Spreadsheet and Upload to upload it to SAP S/4HANA Cloud:



Picture 6: Select Spreadsheet for upload

Uploaded general ledger accounts appear with action column “C” indicating that they were created as a copy of reference accounts. Worklist group corresponds to one defined in upload spreadsheet template. We can cross check the result by comparing worklist with one defined in spreadsheet upload file.


Picture 7: Overview of uploaded general ledger accounts


To review the technical settings of proposed general ledger account, we can navigate to reference account and to the App Manage G/L Account Master Data.

Uploaded accounts can be assigned to company codes through the Assign Company Code Functionality. First, we select accounts and afterwards Assign Company Code button from the Toolbar.



Picture 8: Assign Company Codes

Please note that assignment to at least one company code is mandatory.


Picture 9: Select relevant company code



Within Expert Worklist we can only assign general ledger account to the company code and Financial Statement Version assignment is inherited from the reference general ledger account.

If we noticed that we uploaded general ledger account by mistake, it can be removed from the proposal by pressing on button Discard from the Toolbar.


When we are satisfied with the selection and assignment to company code, we will select general ledger accounts and press the Complete Action button in the toolbar.



Picture 10: Complete action

Here are our newly created general ledger accounts:


Picture 11: Final result, overview of copied general ledger accounts

As you can see, value in the field Action disappeared and we have three new general ledger accounts that we can use in the processes in company code(s) where we have assigned them.

Let´s summarize key learnings:

  • Expert Worklist is functionality within App Manage Operating Chart of Accounts
  • It enables downoad of all available general ledger accounts within the financial statement version in spreadsheet
  • New general ledger accounts can be added in the spreadsheet. Reference general ledger account must be defined
  • Technical setup is inherited form reference general ledger account

Hopefully, this blog helped you to gain an overview of the Expert worklist functionality and on the use cases where it could support you in easier maintenance of chart of accounts.

I would be happy to hear your thoughts and receive feedback in the comment section. Please also follow SAP S/4HANA Cloud for Finance Topic Page ( for additional finance related content.

Sara Sampaio

Sara Sampaio

Author Since: March 10, 2022

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