
In this blog series i would like to share how to create Custom Tile for any Custom Analytical Queries.

Below is the apps involved


  • Custom Catalog Extension
  • View Browser




PART 1: Get the Query Information


1. Go to View Browser Apps

2. Search for the Query name here we are using YY1_* naming convention .

3. Check the query name and click Create Application

4. Key in the Title and Subtitle , There is delete option , only able to do that if you want to delete existing Tile.


5. Click OK and new Application ID will be generated.



PART 2: Extending the App/ Tile to the Business Catalog.


1. In the View Browser App you can click the Application ID link and Pop Up window will display the View Catalog link and Click it.

2. You will be redirected to Custom Catalog Extension Apps.

3. Click Add button to add your Apps to any Business Catalog.

4. For demo purpose we will select to Extensibility Business Catalog



5. To publish it please, check the Business Catalog and click Publish.

6. Once that Status changed to Published you can view the Apps/Tile  in the respective Catalog.




We have able to expose the Custom Analytical Queries and share it to respective Business Catalog. Please refer below link if you need more info on creating custom CQA.



Thats all!!

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Sara Sampaio

Sara Sampaio

Author Since: March 10, 2022

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