Interested to get SAP BTP certified? Here is a video tutorial series from the SAP HANA Academy to help you reach your goal. 

For earlier articles about SAP BTP certifications, see

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SAP BTP Certifications

Video Tutorials

As advertised, the SAP Business Technology Platform (BTP) brings together data and analytics, artificial intelligence, application development, automation, and integration in one, unified environment. The platform includes many different product and services bundled in distinct portfolios. For some of these services, one or more certifications are available.

In this article, we cover the SAP HANA Cloud Development Associate certification.

Topic Areas

Watching the series of 10 videos takes about 100 minutes covering the main topic areas but note the disclaimer on the page, always check at the source for any updates!

For the complete Learning journey (17 units, 12 hours according to the website, 18 hours according to my own calculation), visit the SAP Learning website. The content is provided at no charge.

In the video tutorial series, we cover these topics in less than 2 hours; not all material is covered. You can use the series as an introduction, a review, or a study opportunity when you are not behind a desktop computer but with a mobile device online. In this article, we have included the references to documentation and hands-on tutorials from the SAP Developer Center mentioned in the tutorials.

YouTube Playlist

To bookmark the playlist on YouTube, go to

About the Certification

For information and to sign up for the exam, visit

For the Credly badge, see

For the badge holders, see


Certification Introduction

Topic Area

In the first video we introduce the certification, the learning journey, sample questions, and how to book, schedule, and take the exam.


0:00 – Introduction

0:35 – SAP Learning website

1:25 – Sample questions

3:10 – Topic areas

3:55 – How to prepare, the Learning Journey

5:10 – How to book your exam


For the resources mentioned in the video, see


SAP HANA Cloud, Modeling, and Administration Basics

Topic Area

In this video we cover the first topic area SAP HANA Cloud, Modeling, and Administration Basics. You will learn how to sign up for the SAP BTP trial and SAP HANA Cloud trial, and create an SAP HANA Cloud instance. We also cover the tools used for SAP HANA Cloud administration and development: SAP HANA cockpit and the SAP Business Application Studio.


0:00 – Introduction

1:40 – SAP Business Technology Platform

3:35 – SAP HANA Cloud

6:50 – Documentation

7:00 – SAP BTP Trial

10:50 – Create SAP HANA Cloud instance

15:10 – SAP HANA Cockpit

16:05 – SAP Business Application Studio


For the resources mentioned in the video, see

Bonus Material

SAP BTP and the Cloud Foundry environment is also a topic area on the SAP Extension Suite certification. For those new to the platform, we cover the basics and where to find more information.


For the references, see


Application Development using CAP

Topic Area

In this video we cover the topic area Application Development using the SAP Cloud Application Programming Model. We briefly discuss CAP and Core Data Services (CDS), relevant documentation and tutorials, and show how we can create a CAP project in Business Application Studio.


0:00 – Introduction

1:05 – About CAP

2:00 – Product Information

2:35 – CDS

4:20 – SAP Tutorials for Developers

5:45 – SAP Business Application Studio

6:25 – Cloud Foundry Sign In

7:40 – CAP Project


For the references, see

Anatomy of a simple application

Bonus Material

CAP is also a topic area on the SAP Extension Suite certification, discussed in two video tutorials for the SAP Extension Suite certification.

For the references, see


Basic Multi-Target Application (MTA) Development

Topic Area

In this video we cover the topic area Basic Multi-Target Application (MTA) Development. We discuss the origins of MTA and how it relates to CAP, the Cloud MTA Build Tool, and Business Application Studio extensions. We show how to create an MTA project in Business Application Studio and work with the CDS command line tool (CLI). 


0:00 – Introduction

0:55 – Specification

4:35 – Documentation

4:55 – Cloud MTA Build Tool

5:25 – Business Application Studio extensions, MTA and CAP Tools

6:20 – New MTA project

7:00 – CDS command line: init, mta, hana

9:25 – CDS Editor

9:30 – Build and deploy 

10:10 – SAP Tutorials for Developers


For the references, see

_schema-version: 2
ID: com.acme.mta.sample
version: 1.0.0

  - name: pricing-ui
    type: javascript.nodejs
    - name: thedatabase

  - name: thedatabase


Managing Source Code Using Git

Topic Area

In this video we cover the topic area Managing Source Code Using Git. What you need to know about Git, GitHub, and managing source code using Business Application Studio.


0:00 – Introduction

0:50 – Learning material

1:40 – Business Application Studio

2:55 – Command git clone

4:00 – Git command line

5:25 – GitHub repository and personal access tokens

8:10 – UI integration


For the references, see


Persistence Data Model Creation and Deployment

Topic Area

In this video we cover the topic area Persistence Data Model Creation and Deployment and discuss how to install the Node.js package dependencies for working with CDS and SAP HANA, how to define the data and service model, how to build the model, and how to deploy the design time artifacts to database runtime objects with HANA Deployment Infrastructure (HDI) containers.


0:00 – Introduction

1:15 – Create CAP project (recap)

3:35 – HANA cli, cds, and express NPM packages

4:40 – Learn Node

5:20 – Add data and service model

6:40 – Command cds build

6:55 – File hdi.config

7:30 – UI integration for CDS

8:10 – Deploy with HDI

10:00 – SAP HANA Database Explorer


For the references, see


Expose Data as OData Services

Topic Area

In this video we cover the topic area Expose Data as OData Services, a continuation of the previous video (Persistence Data Model Creation and Deployment) discussing the commands cds bind and watch, working with the built-in CDS server, and OData technology.


0:00 – Introduction

0:40 – OData learning resources

4:10 – Business Application Studio (recap)

4:45 – Commands cds bind and cds watch

5:45 – @sap/cds Server


For the references, see


SQLScript Development

Topic Area

In this video we cover the topic area SQLScript Development, discussing documentation, how to create design time artifact like procedures in Business Application Studio, how to deploy, view the runtime objects in the database and debug the code in SAP HANA database explorer. 


0:00 – Introduction

0:40 – SQLScript Reference

2:25 – Create SAP HANA database design time artifact 

3:40 – Sample code

4:10 – Deploy 

4:30 – SAP HANA database explorer

4:55 – Debug


For the references, see

For the step-by-step, see the tutorial on the SAP Developer Center


Create and Integrate the UI

Topic Area

In this video we cover the topic area Create and Integrate the UI; about the SAPUI5 user interface technology, the SAP Fiori design language, how to create a Fiori interface using templates in Business Application Studio, and the role and implementation of the approuter for business applications.


0:00 – Introduction

0:45 – Documentation SAPUI5

2:10 – SAP Fiori

2:55 – SAP Business Application Studio Full Stack Cloud Application project

3:40 – Command: cds add approuter

5:20 – Command: npm install

5:40 – Configuration file: xs-app.json

6:35 – Fiori Application generator: SAPUI5 Freestyle

8:05 – Web application preview


For the references, see

For the step-by-step, see the tutorial on the SAP Developer Center

Bonus Material

User Interface is also a topic area on the SAP Extension Suite certification. In this video tutorial we cover the basics and where to find more information.

For the references, see


Application Security

Topic Area

In the last video of this series we cover the topic area Application Security. We cover the concepts of authentication and authorisation on the SAP Business Technology Platform, how to create and configure the XSUAA service, and how to adapt the approuter.


0:00 – Introduction

0:45 – Authorisation flow

3:20 – SAP Cloud Identity Services

4:10 – XSUAA documentation and tutorials

6:00 – @requires

6:45 – Configuration file xs-security.json

7:35 – XSUAA service instance

8:00 – Role collection

8:45 – Configuration file xs-app.json

9:35 – Test authentication and authorisation


For the references, see

For the step-by-step, see the tutorial on the SAP Developer Center


Event Handling and Error Handling

Topic Area

Event and error handling is a more advanced topic, which requires a more thorough understanding of Node.js development concepts. This is explained, in detail, in the CAP documentation sections Cookbook and the CAP Service SDK for Node.js reference documentation.

Learning Journey

For the training material, see


For the documentation, visit

Bonus Material

Event and Error Handling is a topic area on the SAP Extension Suite certification.

For the references, see


Using the Job Scheduling Service

Topic Area

The job scheduling service is not listed as topic area but included in the learning journey.

Learning Journey

For the training material, see


For additional references, see


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Over the years, for the SAP HANA Academy, SAP’s Partner Innovation Lab, and à titre personnel, I have written a little over 300 posts here for the SAP Community. Some articles only reached a few readers. Others attracted quite a few more. For your reading pleasure and convenience, here is a curated list of posts which somehow managed to pass the 10k-view milestone and, as sign of current interest, still tickle the counters each month. 

Sara Sampaio

Sara Sampaio

Author Since: March 10, 2022

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