In this short blog post, I will share how you can use the Python Faker library to generate Business Partner data that you can use on your mock server.

A mock server is available as part of the Extending SAP S/4HANA book. The GitHub repository that’s part of the book contains the source code and instructions on how you can run the mock server – Unfortunately, there aren’t many Business Partners included as part of the data, and I needed more Business Partner data for the SAP CodeJam (Connecting systems and services using SAP Integration Suite) I’ve been working on. Enter the Python Faker library.

From the PyPI website:

Faker is a Python package that generates fake data for you. Whether you need to bootstrap your database, create good-looking XML documents, fill-in your persistence to stress test it, or anonymize data taken from a production service, Faker is for you.

The script I include below uses the Business Partner data structure and generates Business Partner and address data using the Python Faker library. The script randomly generates Business Partners for the following countries: AU, BR, CA, CH, CL, CN, DE, ES, FR, GB, IN, IT, JP, KR, MX, NL, PT, US. The script will output a file that contains the generated Business Partners. You can copy the data and append it to the data included in the ./business-partner/business-partner-data.js file that’s used by the mock server.

Let’s start by installing the packages required to run the script:

$ pip install faker pytz

Copy the script below and save it locally, e.g. and run the following command: python

import json
import random

from datetime import datetime as dt
import pytz as tz

from faker import Faker

    "AU": ["en_AU"],
    "BR": ["pt_BR"],
    "CA": ["en_CA", "fr_CA"],
    "CH": ["fr_CH", "it_CH"],
    "CL": ["es_CL"],
    "DE": ["de_DE"],
    "ES": ["es_ES"],
    "FR": ["fr_FR"],
    "GB": ["en_GB"],
    "IT": ["it_IT"],
    "MX": ["es_MX"],
    "NL": ["nl_NL"],
    "PT": ["pt_PT"],
    "US": ["en_US", "es"],
    "KR": ["ko_KR"],
    "CN": ["zh_CN"],
    "JP": ["ja_JP"],
    "IN": ["en_IN"],

FIRST_ID = 1003769

business_partners = []

for n in range(250):
    bp_number = FIRST_ID + n

    country = random.choice(list(COUNTRIES_LOCALE.keys()))


    fake = Faker(COUNTRIES_LOCALE[country])

    bp_data = fake.profile()

    full_name = bp_data['name']
    first_name = full_name.split()[0]
    last_name = full_name.split()[1] if len(full_name.split()) > 1 else ""

    IS_MALE = bool(bp_data['s_ex'] == 'M')

    job = bp_data['job']

    person_number = fake.random_number(digits=5)
    address_id = fake.random_number(digits=5)

    city =

    # Select a random timezone for the country
    country_timezone = random.choice(tz.country_timezones[country])

    timezone = tz.timezone(country_timezone)
    timezone_name = timezone.localize(, is_dst=None).tzname()

    new_bp = {
        "__metadata": {
            "id": f"https://{{host}}:{{port}}/sap/opu/odata/sap/API_BUSINESS_PARTNER/A_BusinessPartner('{bp_number}')",
            "uri": f"https://{{host}}:{{port}}/sap/opu/odata/sap/API_BUSINESS_PARTNER/A_BusinessPartner('{bp_number}')",
            "type": "API_BUSINESS_PARTNER.A_BusinessPartnerType"
        "BusinessPartner": f"{bp_number}",
        "Customer": "",
        "Supplier": "",
        "AcademicTitle": "",
        "AuthorizationGroup": "",
        "BusinessPartnerCategory": "1",
        "BusinessPartnerFullName": f"{full_name}",
        "BusinessPartnerGrouping": "BP02",
        "BusinessPartnerName": f"{full_name}",
        "BusinessPartnerUUID": f"{fake.uuid4(cast_to=str)}",
        "CorrespondenceLanguage": "",
        "CreatedByUser": "CC0000000002",
        "CreationDate": "/Date(1518393600000)/",
        "CreationTime": "PT17H49M05S",
        "FirstName": f"{first_name}",
        "FormOfAddress": "",
        "Industry": "",
        "InternationalLocationNumber1": "0",
        "InternationalLocationNumber2": "0",
        "IsFemale": not IS_MALE,
        "IsMale": IS_MALE,
        "IsNaturalPerson": "X",
        "IsSexUnknown": False,
        "Language": "",
        "LastChangeDate": None,
        "LastChangeTime": "PT00H00M00S",
        "LastChangedByUser": "",
        "LastName": f"{last_name}",
        "LegalForm": "",
        "OrganizationBPName1": "",
        "OrganizationBPName2": "",
        "OrganizationBPName3": "",
        "OrganizationBPName4": "",
        "OrganizationFoundationDate": None,
        "OrganizationLiquidationDate": None,
        "SearchTerm1": f"{job}",
        "AdditionalLastName": "",
        "BirthDate": None,
        "BusinessPartnerIsBlocked": False,
        "BusinessPartnerType": "",
        "ETag": "CC000000000220180212174905",
        "GroupBusinessPartnerName1": "",
        "GroupBusinessPartnerName2": "",
        "IndependentAddressID": "",
        "InternationalLocationNumber3": "0",
        "MiddleName": "",
        "NameCountry": "",
        "NameFormat": "",
        "PersonFullName": "",
        "PersonNumber": f"{person_number}",
        "IsMarkedForArchiving": False,
        "BusinessPartnerIDByExtSystem": "",
        "YY1_AddrLastCheckedOn_bus": None,
        "YY1_AddrLastCheckedBy_bus": "",
        "to_BuPaIdentification": {"results": []},
        "to_BusinessPartnerAddress": {
                "results": [
                        "__metadata": {
                            "id": f"https://{{host}}:{{port}}/sap/opu/odata/sap/API_BUSINESS_PARTNER/A_BusinessPartnerAddress(BusinessPartner='{bp_number}',AddressID='{address_id}')",
                            "uri": f"https://{{host}}:{{port}}/sap/opu/odata/sap/API_BUSINESS_PARTNER/A_BusinessPartnerAddress(BusinessPartner='{bp_number}',AddressID='{address_id}')",
                            "type": "API_BUSINESS_PARTNER.A_BusinessPartnerAddressType"
                        "BusinessPartner": f"{bp_number}",
                        "AddressID": f"{address_id}",
                        "ValidityStartDate": "/Date(1518393600000+0000)/",
                        "ValidityEndDate": "/Date(253402300799000+0000)/",
                        "AuthorizationGroup": "",
                        "AddressUUID": f"{fake.uuid4(cast_to=str)}",
                        "AdditionalStreetPrefixName": "",
                        "AdditionalStreetSuffixName": "",
                        "AddressTimeZone": f"{timezone_name}",
                        "CareOfName": "",
                        "CityCode": "",
                        "CityName": f"{city}",
                        "CompanyPostalCode": "",
                        "Country": f"{country}",
                        "County": "",
                        "DeliveryServiceNumber": "",
                        "DeliveryServiceTypeCode": "",
                        "District": "",
                        "FormOfAddress": "",
                        "FullName": "",
                        "HomeCityName": f"{city}",
                        "HouseNumber": f"{fake.building_number()}",
                        "HouseNumberSupplementText": "",
                        "Language": "",
                        "POBox": "",
                        "POBoxDeviatingCityName": "",
                        "POBoxDeviatingCountry": "",
                        "POBoxDeviatingRegion": "",
                        "POBoxIsWithoutNumber": False,
                        "POBoxLobbyName": "",
                        "POBoxPostalCode": "",
                        "Person": f"{person_number}",
                        "PostalCode": f"{fake.postcode()}",
                        "PrfrdCommMediumType": "",
                        "Region": "",
                        "StreetName": f"{fake.street_address()}",
                        "StreetPrefixName": "",
                        "StreetSuffixName": "",
                        "TaxJurisdiction": "",
                        "TransportZone": "",
                        "AddressIDByExternalSystem": "",
                        "to_AddressUsage": {"results": []},
                        "to_EmailAddress": {"results": []},
                        "to_FaxNumber": {"results": []},
                        "to_MobilePhoneNumber": {"results": []},
                        "to_PhoneNumber": {"results": []},
                        "to_URLAddress": {"results": []}
        "to_BusinessPartnerBank": {"results": []},
        "to_BusinessPartnerContact": {"results": []},
        "to_BusinessPartnerRole": {"results": []},
        "to_BusinessPartnerTax": {"results": []},
        "to_Customer": None,
        "to_Supplier": None


# the json file where the output must be stored
with open("./data/bp-data-generated.json", "w", encoding="UTF-8") as bp_generated_file:
    json.dump(business_partners, bp_generated_file, indent=6)

There is a little word that I had to add an underscore in the script so that the blog post editor will allow me to publish it 😉.

This quick blog post can help you generate the data you might need in the future when developing/running tests and using the mock server.

Sara Sampaio

Sara Sampaio

Author Since: March 10, 2022

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