You want to do a mass deletion of bookmarks, how do you achieve this?

The following 3 ways are what I am aware of to clean up activity related to bookmarks. There probably are more ways to address this issue but in this blog I just highlight 2 ways on how you can reorganize/delete bookmarks.


The report is described in note 1419451 – RSWR_BOOKMARK_DELETE: Report to delete the Bookmarks. You can delete bookmarks with it, which reduces the size of table RSWR_DATA.


You can try to enable background execution of the report RSWR_BOOKMARK_DELETE 2149147 – Enable background execution of report RSWR_BOOKMARK_DELETE

You use report RSWR_BOOKMARK_DELETE to do a mass deletion of bookmarks.

  • Can delete the persisted bookmarks in BW only. It cannot maintain (delete) portal elements. Users delete the link in the portal rather than using report.
  • Used by administrators for maintenance reason, e.g., to delete bookmarks that haven´t been used for long time.

The user has four options to delete bookmarks using the report:

  1. Delete all the Bookmarks of a particular type(either for the selected templates or all templates)
  2. Delete all the Bookmarks which have not been used since the key date(either for the selected templates or all templates)
  3. Delete the Bookmarks by entering the Bookmark IDs directly
  4. Delete all the Bookmarks created by an user(s), with option to also filter it further based on the last used date or template name.

Deleting bookmarks permanently deletes them from the backend. This report cannot touch links referring to bookmarks, which are saved e.g. in any browser favourites or portal favourites.

Option 2:  Transaction RSA1

Go to Administration > Broadcasting > Bookmarks.

Enter the desired Older Than days value and check “Test Call (No Delete)” to see if you are able to see the list of old bookmarks. If yes, you may proceed with the deletion.

This option/program deals only with bookmarks created by Broadcaster. If you don’t see any entries removed from the header table, it means there is no broadcaster created bookmarks in your system. This would mean that most bookmarks in table RSZWBOOKMARK are user created bookmarks.

It is important to know that table RSZWBOOKMARK stores bookmarks from old ABAP web which is no longer supported since 740 and can be deleted by report RSWR_BOOKMARK_DELETE. If you’re system is on version 740 or higher, there is no need to clear table RSZWBOOKMARK because the bookmarks are no longer used.

Option 3:  Reorganization of Bookmarks

With the RSWR_BOOKMARK_REORG report, in system administration, you have the option of reorganizing and deleting bookmarks. The RSWR_BOOKMARK_REORG report allows you to organize bookmarks that result from Web templates in SAP NetWeaver 2004s format. You can organize bookmarks that result from Web templates with SAP BW 3.x format by using the RSRD_ADMIN_BOOKMARKS_3X report or the Reporting Agent. You can organize bookmarks generated by information broadcasting using the RSRD_BOOKMARK_REORGANISATION report.

In the RSWR_BOOKMARK_REORG report, you can search for the bookmarks according to the following criteria:

General Criteria

Created by User: You can enter the user name for the user that created the bookmark.

Time of Attachment: You can enter the appropriate time or timeframe.

Bookmark Points to Following Object

Type: You can choose whether a report, a Web template, a query view, or a query forms the basis of the bookmark.

Technical ID: You can enter the technical name of the Web template.

You execute the RSWR_BOOKMARK_REORG report (transaction code SA38) in the BW system, search for the required bookmark, and delete it as necessary.

For more information on bookmarks you can see the following link:

If you are using KM BW Bookmarks in the SAP Enterprise Portal then see:

SAP note – 1454612 – Reorganization of KM BW Bookmarks

SAP note 1502952 – SAP BW BOOKMARK Central Note: Common issues & relevant fixes

To delete queries you use the program RSZDELTE

Sara Sampaio

Sara Sampaio

Author Since: March 10, 2022

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