Having a code base, which is readable and maintainable is essential for sustainable development. The book Clean Code from Robert C. Martin and some other books contain many best practices around maintainable code. Writing cleaner code is an easy way to boost the quality, maintainability and testability of your code. With Clean SAPUI5 we provide you a guide to achieve that for JavaScript and SAPUI5 code.

After the English and German edition of Clean ABAP and the great feedback from the developer community, we have started the project to write a book transferring the principles and practices of clean code to writing SAPUI5 applications. Now the book is available for pre-ordering:


First of all, I must thank my partner, Verena, who has been indispensable throughout the process. As a friend, reviewer and partner. Second, writing readable, testable, and maintainable code is something a professional developer deeply cares about. So thanks to all developers who care about this topic, apply it to their code base, share their knowledge with others, and help to grow future professional developers. I would like to express special gratitude to my former Florian Hoffmann, who started the overall work on applying clean code to ABAP with me – without his dedication Clean ABAP and Clean SAPUI5 would not exist. Besides, the book would also not have been possible without a huge developer community that supported the inner-source project Clean SAPUI5. The discussion around Clean SAPUI5 created a shared understanding on which the book could build on. Furthermore, I greatly appreciate the support given by my managers Gregor Tielsch and Daniel Stephan from SAP Procurement for leading company-wide grass-root community activities around improving engineering and architecture practices. A big thank you to my co-authors Rodrigo Jordão, Christian LehmannArṇaud BucḣholzDaniel BertoloziNarendran N V, who invested so much time and dedication into the book. I have always appreciated this trustful and inspiring collaboration. I would like to express my gratitude towards the reviewers Peter MuessigAndreas Kunz, Florian Hoffmann and Damian Lion Maring. Their feedback was extremely valuable. Thanks to Megan Fuerst and Hareem Shafi from SAP Press who is currently supporting us with finalizing this book project and helped us with all of our questions.


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Sara Sampaio

Sara Sampaio

Author Since: March 10, 2022

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