Hope you all are staying safe and doing good.


Last few weeks i was working on a requirement which required CFIN CO posting interface some some additional attribute data from one of the ECC systems. To achieve this requirement we used  CFIN BADI in the source system to populate the additional field in the CFIN_CO_ADD table and bring over the information to CFIN to manipulate the value to achieve the final outcome.

In this blog post we will cover the steps to do this enhancement.


  1. First step to begin this enhancement is to add custom field in the source include CI_CFIN_CO_EXT of table CFIN_CO_ADD. The field name should always start with either ZZ* or YY*.source_custom_attribute
  2. Once this field is added and activated we will proceed to enhancement spot ES_FIN_CFIN_DOCUMENT. In this enhancement sport we will implement the BADI “BADI_FIN_CFIN_DOCUMENT”.Source_BADI
  3. We will implement the method “CO_DOC_ENHANCE” to populate the custom attribute created in step1.Source_BADI_Methods
  4. We have 2 options available to populate the custom attribute, either we can populate these values in the existing lines in CFIN_CO_ADD created during preparation step of Management accounting initial load, or we can use custom CO category(CO_CAT) to populate the custom attribute. We chose the later option.Custom%20CO%20category
  5. To populate the additional lines you have to implement the logic in the BADI to populate the exporting parameter ET_CFIN_CO_ADD.
  6. After completion from 1 to 5, We will add the same ZZ* or YY* field in the source include           CI_CFIN_CO_EXT  of table CFIN_CO_ADD. Performing this step will allow you see this field   in the CO BADI “BAD_FINS_CFIN_CO_INTERFACE”of central finance and also will be            available in the data tables of AIF screen.
  7. If you don’t have an existing implementation of the BADI_FIN_CFIN_CO_INTERFACE then you proceed to implement this BADI. In the prepare input method, which is the method where you   will get all the source data without mapping, Here you can access ZZ* field in importing parameter  cs_posting_data-co_add.Target_BADI

Target_BADI      Import_structure




8. Implement your own logic by leveraging the custom attribute to fulfill your requirement.

9. Only adding these fields will not automatically induce the data transfer via SLT from source to            target. Once both source and target setup is completed, if you have an existing MTID.pushing    COBK data from source to target, you have to delete the existing migration and runtime objects, re-create them so that the new mapping between source and target structures include ZZ* fields

Please follow the steps from note 2109952 – How to regenerate the runtime objects – SAP Landscape Transformation Replication Server to complete step 9.

Also to test whether the source logic is working fine or not you can create a custom report as mentioned in the note 3165397 – Rebuild CFIN_CO_ADD table : Correction Report to check logic for individual documents.


Central finance allows you to add customer specific fields using BADI in source system.

Hope you like this blog and find it helpful, do share your comments and views.


Sara Sampaio

Sara Sampaio

Author Since: March 10, 2022

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