I worked on a requirement where I had to call an SAC report from the Reports section adjacent to the Promotion Detail screen. The requirement was to call an SAC report by passing the relevant parameters so that the report opens with the details of the Promotion which is being viewed. The assumption is that the SAC report is built on multiple models on HANA Calculation Views with multiple parameters for each of them.

In the below screenshot, we can see the details of the Promotion T-00001497 from the Trade Promotion Management application. In the right hand bottom side of the screen, we see a section for Reports where we have the Trade Activity Details (SAC) report link appearing. The requirement is to open the SAC report for the Promotion T-00001497 along with other relevant parameters for this Promotion.

Let us see how this can be achieved.

Assume there are three models on which the SAC Report is built.

Model Name 1 – t.S:MODEL_1 – Parameter Names – P_1

Model Name 2 – t.S:MODEL_2 – Parameter Names – P_1, P_2, P_3

Model Name 3 – t.S:MODEL_3 – Parameter Names – P_2, P_4, P_5

Step 1: In CRM system, run transaction SPRO and go to link “Define Report Configuration” as shown below.

Step 2: The report which we are looking at needs to be created as below, (Click on New entry and enter a Report Name and its URL as shown below and save).

Step 3: Click on the Report Group link

Step 4: Create a new entry with the Group Description being what you want to see in the TPM application.

Select the newly created entry and get into the Associate Link with Group link. Here create entries for the reports you want to see under the Group in the application. The URL ID will be what you created in the Report Links section so that it knows what URL to call. The Description is the report name as you want to see in the application.

Step 5: Now select the second entry “TRADE_ACTIVITY_DETAILS” and get into the Parameter Mapping link.

The above link takes you to the screen which expects you to enter two values.For the Model names and parameter names provided above, please create entries as shown below.

Please note that Report Parameter is a free text but you need to create two entries one for Parameter name and one for the value. Parameter value is both free text as well as you can enter from the list of values.

Free text is to be used when you enter the Parameter value for Parameter names like P_1, P_2 etc as well as if you want to hardcode a value to a parameter. (For example, you want to pass the value of v05Val as “9999” always, you can type the value in the Parameter value against v05Val.)

The Parameter Value for the actual values lile v01Val, v02Val etc should be selected from the list of values if it is not hardcoded.

Please note Attribute_NAME EXTERNAL_ID will give you Plan Id for Object Name JBPBPlan, EXTERNAL_ID will give you Promotion Id for Object Name Trade,

The F4 on Parameter value opens a screen (as shown above) which has default values populated that the application has to offer. You can select values from that to auto populate the context based values like Promotion Id, Plan Id, Week From, Week To, Year etc. For Plan related values, select entries with Object Name JBPBPlan. For Promotion related values, select entries with Object Name Trade and so on. The Attribute Names wll give us a hint of what we want to pass as parameter values. Save your entries.

Then go to Report Profile, create one (free text) and associate it to the Group (PROMO) you just now created in step 3 and save.

Now you will be able to see the link in the Promotion Detail Screen (as shown in the beginning of this post) and click on the report link to take you to the SAC report along with the parameters and their values.

Sara Sampaio

Sara Sampaio

Author Since: March 10, 2022

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