In this three-part series I outline and demonstrate an approach to help newcomers get started more quickly with our tutorials, by describing and providing an environment with all the prerequisite tools installed ready to go. This is part one, where I describe the challenge and the base solution I’m going to go with.

See also the next posts in this three-part series:

I’m a big fan of learning-by-doing, in fact it’s in my regular reminder tweets about upcoming Hands-on SAP Dev live stream episodes, like this one:


So I’m the first to rejoice in the detail of any tutorial, and what’s more, in the detail of any tutorial prerequisites. Each and every activity, whether that’s setting things up to learn, or the the intended learning content itself, teaches me something.

The challenge and a possible solution

But sometimes I want to fast forward through the prerequisites, and quickly get to the topic at hand, the actual subject matter of the tutorial I want to follow.

I’ve been experimenting over the past year with containers (as popularised by the Docker initiative). Containers are small, portable self-contained environments, similar to but much smaller and far more efficient (with far fewer resource requirements) than, say, a virtual machine. For a great intro to containers, you should check out Witalij Rudnicki ‘s series on Understanding Containers, see the Further Reading section at the end of this post.

Most of the time, including the time I spend with you in the Hands-on SAP Dev live streams, I live and work in the terminal. Not just any terminal, mind you – a terminal inside a container. It’s a container that I create from an image that I’ve defined over the months, that’s based on Debian and contains all the tools I need to work comfortably and efficiently.


It gives me independence from the underlying operating system of my local machine (sometimes I even run it on a remote Docker engine), allows me to throw the environment away and start again nice and clean, and stops me from polluting my host operating systems with layers of software that are hard to remove.

So it occurred to me that, especially with the advent of VS Code’s support for remote development in containers, it would be an interesting experiment to see if the two worlds could complement each other.

In other words – could I use containers to help those, who want to get directly to the actual learning content of a tutorial, get there quicker?

Testing the solution out on a tutorial

I’m a fan of CAP development, and the tutorials on this in our Tutorial Navigator are great. For this experiment, I decided to focus on one particular tutorial: Set Up Local Development Using VS Code.

For orientation, this tutorial sits within a group, which itself sits within a mission, as illustrated here:


The screenshot shows 11 steps in the “Set Up Local Development Using VS Code” tutorial on the right hand side that help you get set up and ready to be able to work through the learning content in the actual mission (building an application end-to-end).

Software development today, especially of full stack applications with multiple systems and services, in the cloud, involves lots of different tools and skills, and this is reflected in the prerequisites.

I would encourage anyone and everyone to work their own way through the steps in this this setup tutorial; it’s a rich source of information and helps you understand what’s required. It also helps you think about your own development environment, what you need, and what you might want.

But I also want to encourage you to think about how to streamline such an environment, and what the next level of developer workflow and productivity might look like.

So in this short series of posts, I’ll work through defining and building a development container that has all the prerequisites for this mission set up for you. Not only that, this container will be relevant for you regardless of your actual local machine, whether that’s a PC or a laptop, whether that’s running macOS, some distribution of Linux, Chrome OS, or even Windows. All that’s needed is a Docker engine, such as Docker Desktop or something similar such as Podman and VS Code itself.

A brief note on terminology

A container is what you work with, what you connect to or even jump into to use the tools within it and carry out your development work. A container is created from an image; you could say that it’s an “instance” of an image. To talk of defining a container is really to talk about defining an image.

Defining the image

The goal here is to define an image that:

  • can be connected to and utilised from VS Code
  • contains all the tools needed for a particular project or tutorial

Let’s work through the tutorial steps and see what we need to do. Note that this flow is based on the version of the tutorial today, which is at commit ea9e51a in the source repository.

Base image

Before we start, we should decide on a base image upon which to build our definition. As we’ll be connecting to it with VS Code it makes sense to start with one in that context; in fact, as we can see from the tutorial, it’s a Node.js CAP application that we’ll be building.

There’s a set of base Dockerfile definitions available in the vscode-dev-containers repository, and after a little reading we see that this base.Dockerfile definition suits our needs. It contains Node.js, but also a complete environment that is based on the Debian Linux distribution.

Looking at the reference page, we see that the published image name is and there are various image variants available:


We’ll go for the 16-buster variant – Node.js v16, which is the active Long Term Support  (LTS) version, based on one of my favourite recent stable Debian releases, buster.

Before continuing, we can actually test this base image quite easily, and it will give us a feel for what we are using.

Let’s pull the image first:

; docker pull
16-buster: Pulling from vscode/devcontainers/javascript-node
9b99af5931b3: Pull complete 
b6013b3e77fe: Pull complete 
bbced17b6899: Pull complete 
8b609dabefa8: Pull complete 
50544bfef33d: Pull complete 
fea3f8b8e075: Pull complete 
9e4e229021ee: Pull complete 
971c8efc250b: Pull complete 
3e9d4bc41c27: Pull complete 
28732f89a0aa: Pull complete 
186abc813d19: Pull complete 
Digest: sha256:75f31402fe36ac2b24f4838a7609afd75371378c6261b84eda0c1ece32e165f1
Status: Downloaded newer image for

Now what happens when we run it without passing any parameters?

# /tmp
; docker run --rm -it
Welcome to Node.js v16.13.2.
Type ".help" for more information.

Nice! We get a Node.js prompt.

But we can also dig in a little further, and ask for a shell:

# /tmp
; docker run --rm -it bash
root ➜ / $

Even nicer! Access to a Bash shell (The One True Shell™️) is super useful, and there’s even zsh available if you’re that way inclined.

So that’s the base upon which we are to build. A good start. We have Node.js and a command line environment. These are the two essential ingredients for this tutorial. A Node.js runtime for our app, and a command line environment within which to work and where we can install and use other tools and utilities, both SAP-specific and more general too.

While we can use this image reference directly, we should really start our own definition file, our own Dockerfile – which is the recipe, the definition, for the image we want to build.

So let’s start with a very simple Dockerfile that uses this image reference as a base (note that the standard name is just “Dockerfile” with no extension – beware any Windows tools that insist on being “helpful” by adding one):

ARG VARIANT="16-buster"

Here we’ve split off the variant part of the image reference to be the value of an ARG, so we can more easily modify it in future. Implicitly this also teaches us a couple of things about the Dockerfile syntax:

  • with ARG you can define a variable, with a default value which can be overridden at build time with a new value passed on the command line
  • the ${…} syntax is how you reference values of variables elsewhere

So unless we specify something explicitly on the command line when we run the build for this Dockerfile (with –build-arg VARIANT=something-else), the image that will be used as the base will be

Next steps

OK. What else do we need? Well, to answer that, let’s take a look through the steps of the prerequisite tutorial itself. But we’ll do that in part 2:

Boosting tutorial UX with dev containers part 2 – embedding prerequisite details

See you there!

Further Reading

Sara Sampaio

Sara Sampaio

Author Since: March 10, 2022

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