If you are an SAP partner, you don’t want to miss our premier partner event SAP Global Partner  Summit Online streaming live on May 26.

This online event is a must-watch for all SAP partners who want to stay informed on the key topics ranging from cloud to SAP strategy and more,

SAP%20Global%20Partner%20Summit%20onlineYou’ll hear from SAP executives including Christian Klein, SAP CEO and Member of the Executive Board; Scott Russell, head of Customer Success and Member of the Executive Board; Karl Fahrbach, Chief Partner Officer, Marc Rolfe, Senior Vice President, Global Business Development and Ecosystems and others.

You’ll also hear from industry speaker Bob Evans, creator and founder of Cloud Wars, in addition to SAP partners and partner-facing SAP employees.

This is an event that you can watch from any device. Make sure you check out the information page to see the agenda and other event details and don’t forget to register.

Highlights Include

  • The Primetime Show – Winning in the New Now. Join industry experts, SAP leaders, and partners like you. Discover how the market is unfolding, SAP’s strategy for the new now, partner perspectives and successes, the latest innovations, and actions you can take now. Arm yourself with information and partner-specific opportunities to address today’s most pressing business issues.
  • Breakout Tracks. Take a deeper dive into key topics with information and enablement sessions across six tracks: Products and Solutions, Business Transformation as a Service, Partner Innovation and IP, Sales and Services, Drive Demand, and Program Benefits and Evolution.
  • Regional Spotlight Session. Hear from SAP regional leaders to learn how partners are at the heart of everything we do and what is most pressing in your market.
  • Build Your Agenda. Review the content line-up and fill your agenda briefcase with topics specific to your needs.

Act today and check out the SAP Global Partner Summit Online information page and make sure you register to watch the live streaming on May 26. See you there.

Randa Khaled

Randa Khaled

Author Since: November 19, 2020

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