Dear SAP Community,

we have rolled out Analysis for Office 2.8 SP6 to a wider group of users. While doing that we gained some experience on the behavior and issues that occured while rolling out this new version. I have collected all issues and the resolution steps in order to help you in case you are facing similar issues. One important remark: I can not judge whether there are any dependencies on other Excel Add-ins or applications that you are using.


Do I need to uninstall my current Analysis for Office?

It is not required to uninstall your current version of AfO but we have observed that some users where facing issues after directly upgrading with uninstalling the current AfO instance. My suggestion would be to install the latest version first and see if everything is working as excpected.                       

Do I have to do anything after the Update?

Please clear your AfO Cache after the updating by going the following path: Open AfO → File → Customize Analysis → Options → Platform → Clear Cache. Note: there won’t be any message coming up after pressing the button.

Specific error messages: 

I am getting a message saying “Unsecure connection”. What do I have to do?

Don’t worry, in case your connections have been secure before and if the connections did not change, then this will not be a security problem. If you do not want to receive this message any more you can turn it off by doing the following: open Analysis for Office → File → Analysis → Customize Analysis → Technical Configuration → change the setting AllowInsecureConnections to „yes“. 

I am getting a message saying “Couldn’t establish a secure connection”. What do I have to do?

This message comes up when you try to open a file from a local drive which has been saved with an older version of Analysis for Office and the name of the system connection has changed. In order to resolve this you have to open the local file and manually establish a connection by going to Insert Data Source Define → Select source for Analysis → And then connect to your preferred systemAfter that you can open and refresh the workbook and then you have to update the settings by going to Analysis for Office → File → Analysis → Customize Analysis → Technical Configuration → Tick the box for ForceRefreshConnection and save the workbook. After that you should be able to open the local file without any problems.

I am getting a message saying “An error occurred while trying to apply the default User Interface Customization profile”. What do I have to do?

1. uninstall AfO 2.8

2. remove manually the outdated EPMAddin folder under C:Program Files (x86)SAP BusinessObjectsOffice AddInPluginsEPMAddin

3. reinstall AfO 2.8

I am getting a message saying: “Error details: Could not load file or assembly ‘FPMXLClient.Common, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null’ or one of its dependencies. The system cannof find the file specified.”

If you haven’t upgraded yet to AfO 2.8, please uninstall all previous versions of Analysis for Office. By doing this you can avoid above error message. In addition you should also manually remove the outdated EPM Addin folder under C:Program Files (x86)SAP BusinessObjectsOffice AddInPluginsEPMAddin. Keep in mind that this might remove your Favorites from the SAP Logon Pad and you might want to save them before.


If you are already getting this error message, please uninstall all previous version of Analysis for Office and check if the issue got resolved. If the error message remains, please also re-install AfO 2.8 SP6. After that the issue should be resolved.



After the upgrade AfO is glitching. Eg when using the scrollbar the dropdown menus are randomly opening. What can I do?

This is issue is mainly occuring when using a secondary monitor. When AfO is opened on the primary monitor there should not be any issue. Please check the following settings.



As you can see in the above list, there were a couple of issues that we were facing when distributing the latest AfO Version to our user community. We were either able to resolve these issues on our own or by reaching out the SAP Support. So i hope that this list will help you in case you are facing similar issues from your end. Please feel free to add any further issues that you are facing or any other tips that would be helpful for the SAP Community.

Best regards

Randa Khaled

Randa Khaled

Author Since: November 19, 2020

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