When using the Solution Documentation, it is sometimes necessary to create additional customer attributes which are describing the situation at the customer more in detail, for example an additional status schema for diagrams, a drop down box, etc.

This technical article describes how to create such a customer attribute and how to visualize it in the Solution Documentation in SAP Solution Manager 7.2.

For the customer attributes we need the following steps performed:

  1. Creating a development package where the elements in transaction SE11 are stored.
  2. Copying a standard domain for maintaining the values of the customer attributes
  3. Creating a data element to assign the domain
  4. Defining the customer attribute which should be displayed in the Solution Documentation. The created data element will be assigned as a reference to the customer attribute.
  5. Creating tile section for attribute in Solution Documentation

Create Package

The first step is to create a package in transaction SE80 to store the upcoming changes regarding the customer attribute.


Package Creation

Settings in transaction SE11

The following domain needs to be copied to customer namespace which is the prerequisite for the customer field.



This copy will be stored in your previous created package in transaction SE80.

After copying the customer specific values for the customer field needs to be maintained.


Maintain domain

After the domain is maintained and activated, a new data element needs to be created. For the new data element, the previous created domain must be assigned that both elements are connected to each other.


Creation of the data element


Maintaining and activation

Define Customer Attribute

In transaction SMUD_MODEL_WIZARD it is possible to add the customer attribute to the Solution Documentation. I can be defined whether the attribute should be added to all element types or a subset of elements. In this example the new field will be added to all structure element types.

In this transaction the following provided fields needs to be maintained:

  • ID (technical name of the new attribute)
  • Label (name of the attribute which is shown in the Solution Documentation)
  • Reference data element (the data element which was created before and where the domain is assigned)
  • Multi-value or single value (it needs to decided which type is used – for this example it is a single value attribute type
  • UI element (which type of field, for example drop down, input field, checkbox)
  • Attribute Group assignment should be CUSTOMER (for customer attributes)


Creating Customer Attribute

Assign element types

After executing the field will be generated. The generated field can be displayed in “Advanced Model Settings” to decide where the field should be displayed in the Solution Documentation. That means on which element type (like process, process steps, scenario, etc.).


Advanced Model Settings


Customer Attribute

In “Model Extensions” in the dialog structure it can be defined on which type of elements the attribute should be displayed. All entries can be deleted which are not used for the customer attribute.


Model Extensions


Assigned attribute to element types

Create tile section in Solution Documentation

If a tile section in the attribute pane of the Solution Documentation is needed for the created customer attribute, this can be done in “Advanced UI Settings”.


Create UI Settings

First, an attribute group needs to be created. In the “Text” field the name of the tile section needs to be defined.


Attribute Group

After that the created customer attribute must be assigned to the created group.


Assignment of group to attribute


After executing all these steps the created customer attribute and the tile section is now displayed in the Solution Documentation at the assigned element types.


Displayed customer drop down box


Customer Attributes in Solution Documentation in SAP Solution Manager 7.2 are useful to describe and provide more relevant information for customer specific needs. With this provided steps on how-to create such attributes you are able to perform all the mandatory settings.

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Sara Sampaio

Sara Sampaio

Author Since: March 10, 2022

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