Subscription of Incidents are necessary for everyone who want to get notifications to a business transaction when the status of this transaction is updated. It is possible as well to perform a subscription to an existing subscription that is not created by you.

The following technical article describes how to configure a subscription for Incidents in SAP Solution Manager 7.2. that everybody who is interested in, get informed of any changes made in the Incident.

Global Settings

Before we can start to configure the subscription for Incidents, some general settings needs to be done in SAP Solution Manager 7.2.

Business Functions:

In transaction SFW5 the following switch needs to be activated.



Activating middleware:

In transaction MW_MODE the middleware needs to be switch to “On”.


Activation Mode

Enable local link for subscription:

For creating a general subscription for Incidents or display some existing subscriptions, the logical link needs to be enabled in the business role where you use the IT Service Management functionality – usually a copy from the standard business role SOLMANPRO. It is done in transaction SPRO.


Adjust Work Center Group Links

The link CT-NF-CR and CT-NF-SR are set to visible in the work center “Service Operation”.


Subscription links

Define number ranges for the subscription:

Number ranges can be defined in transaction SNUM. The standard can be used.


Maintaining number ranges

Specific settings for the subscription

The following chapter describes customer specific settings for the subscription in the SAP Solution Manager 7.2.

Creation of mail form templates:

Two mail form templates needs to be created. One template that the subscriber is informed, that a subscription was created/deleted. And one template which is send to the subscriber after a status was changed in the incident. This is done in transaction SM_CRM in the standard business role SOLMANPRO -> Service Operations -> Create Mail Forms

A mail form could look like this.


Template for creation/deletion of a subscription

“Action” in the subject fields means created or deleted of a subscription.

The 2nd mail form could look like the following.


Template for subscriber

System settings:

In the system settings for the notification framework in transaction SPRO the following entries needs to be maintained.


Customer specific entries

DIRECT_SENDING means: A Mail is send automatically after status change of the incident

SENDER_EMAIL: This is the default sender address, e.g.

MFORM_FOR_NF_DOC_CHANGES: This is the mail form template which is send after clicking the button “Subscribe/Unsubscribe” in the incident ->This value can only be maintained after a mail form template was created in SM_CRM.

Define conditions of processing of a subscription:

The following entry must be exist in transaction SPRO and the attributes and the translation needs to be checked as well.


Transaction category for Notification Framework


Notification filter

Communication channel:

This channel needs to be checked in transaction SPRO.


Output channel

Processing of subscribers:

The following entries needs to be checked in transaction SPRO.


Subscriber types

Defaults of direct subscribing:

The following entry needs to be created for the customer incident transaction type in transaction SPRO.

Validity days means, that a subscription is active for 40 days. You can choose another number of days.


Defaults for direct subscribing

In the dialog structure the “Channels” needs to be checked and the following entry needs to bei entered. This mail form is sent after a status changes in the incident.


Mail form for sending

Scheduling background job:

A background job is needed for sending the mails.

Schedule report CRM_NF_CORE_QOUT_PROCESSING in transaction SM36 as a job with the following parameters:

Channel Type = E-Mail

Business Object Type = BUS2000223

The variant/parameter Z_SUBSCRIBE is created in transaction SE38


Job details


The configuration of a subscription for Incidents is useful if you like to be informed for other incidents where you are not assigned to. With this configuration steps your are able to perform the mandatory settings for using subscription in the IT Service Management process and learned how to use it.

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Sara Sampaio

Sara Sampaio

Author Since: March 10, 2022

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