The purpose of this blog is for Country Classifications based on M49 Coding for UN Agencies



Develop a customized report on MKVZ and include country classification based on M49 coding. This classification will ensure alignment with (High-Level Committee on Management) HLCM Standardization across the UN.

In the SAP system country, wise global parameters of vendors’ country of origin are displayed by a corresponding ISO-2 alpha code (i.e., Vietnam = VN). There are currently no classification options in the SAP system to indisocio-economicnomic prosperity or geographic context.


The implementation of the M49 Standard changing the ISO-2 alpha code to the ISO-3 alpha code (i.e., VN -> VNM) and the inclusion of the M49 country code (i.e., Vietnam = 704) which assigns countries a numeric based on their geographic location. Most importantly, it includes the SIDS (Small Island Developing States), LDCs (Least Developed Countries), and LLDCs (Land-Locked Developing Countries) categorizations for countries based on their economic development. This serves to replace other categorizations such as “developing/developed”, etc.


  1. a. Custom table to be created to include the classification of countries as per the following excel sheet with reference to standard global country parameters Transaction code from Reach (SAP) system.


  1. b. Table data will be uploaded through program initially in all clients, for suppose any changes required, it should be editable (cross-client).


  1. c. Any change the in custom table it will up the date in report as well with respective country classifications data. If any changes in further


  1. d. The change client’s client perspective will be done through a new customized transaction e.g.: (Z_countryclass) to be accessible by end users and related updates to be reflected automatically to the custom table and to the report (Z_MKVZ) accordingly.


For Example;OY01




These values need to be maintained in the custom table


LDC Least Developed Country
LLDC Land Locked Developing Country
SIDS Small Island Developing State



Country Shortcut (from SAP) Country Name (from SAP) LDC LLDC SIDS ISO3 Code M49 Code
AF Afghanistan x x AFG 4
AL Albania ALB 8
DZ Algeria DZA 12
VI Amer.Virgin Is. x VIR 850
AD Andorran AND 20
AO Angola x AGO 24
AI Anguilla x AIA 660
AQ Antarctica ATA 10
AG Antigua/Barbuda x ATG 28
AR Argentina ARG 32
AM Armenia x ARM 51
AW Aruba x ABW 533
AU Australia AUS 36
AT Austria AUT 40
AZ Azerbaijan x AZE 31
BS Bahamas x BHS 44
BH Bahrain BHR 48
BD Bangladesh x BGD 50
BB Barbados x BRB 52
BY Belarus BLR 112
BE Belgium BEL 56
BZ Belize x BLZ 84
BJ Benin x BEN 204
BM Bermuda BMU 60
BT Bhutan x x BTN 64
BL Blue #N/A #N/A
BO Bolivia x BOL 68
BA Bosnia-Herz. BIH 70
BW Botswana x BWA 72
BV Bouvet Islands BVT 74
BR Brazil BRA 76
IO Brit.Ind.Oc.Ter IOT 86
VG Brit.Virgin Is. x VGB 92
BN Brunei Daruss. BRN 96
BG Bulgaria BGR 100
BF Burkina Faso x x BFA 854
MM Burma x MMR 104
BI Burundi x x BDI 108
KH Cambodia x KHM 116
CM Cameroon CMR 120
CA Canada CAN 124
CV Cape Verde x CPV 132
CF CAR x x CAF 140
KY Cayman Islands CYM 136
TD Chad x x TCD 148
CL Chile CHL 152
CN China CHN 156
CX Christmas Islnd CXR 162
CC Coconut Islands CCK 166
CO Colombia COL 170
KM Comoros x x COM 174
CK Cook Islands x COK 184
CR Costa Rica CRI 188
CI Cote d’Ivoire CIV 384
HR Croatia HRV 191
CU Cuba x CUB 192
CY Cyprus CYP 196
CZ Czechia CZE 203
CD Dem. Rep. Congo x COD 180
DK Denmark DNK 208
DJ Djibouti x DJI 262
DM Dominica x DMA 212
DO Dominican Rep. x DOM 214
AN Dutch Antilles #N/A #N/A
TL Timor Leste x x TLS 626
TP East Timor #N/A #N/A
EC Ecuador ECU 218
EG Egypt EGY 818
SV El Salvador SLV 222
GQ Equatorial Guin GNQ 226
ER Eritrea x ERI 232
EE Estonia EST 233
ET Ethiopia x x ETH 231
EU European Union #N/A #N/A
FK Falkland Islnds FLK 238
FO Faroe Islands FRO 234
FJ Fiji x FJI 242
FI Finland FIN 246
FR France FRA 250
PF Frenc.Polynesia x PYF 258
GF French Guayana GUF 254
TF French S.Territ ATF 260
GA Gabon GAB 266
GM Gambia x GMB 270
GE Georgia GEO 268
DE Germany DEU 276
GH Ghana GHA 288
GI Gibraltar GIB 292
GR Greece GRC 300
GL Greenland GRL 304
GD Grenada x GRD 308
GP Guadeloupe GLP 312
GU Guam x GUM 316
GT Guatemala GTM 320
GN Guinea x GIN 324
GW Guinea-Bissau x x GNB 624
GY Guyana x GUY 328
HT Haiti x x HTI 332
HM Heard/McDon.Isl HMD 334
HN Honduras HND 340
HK Hong Kong HKG 344
HU Hungary HUN 348
IS Iceland ISL 352
IN India IND 356
ID Indonesia IDN 360
IR Iran IRN 364
IQ Iraq IRQ 368
IE Ireland IRL 372
IL Israel ISR 376
IT Italy ITA 380
JM Jamaica x JAM 388
JP Japan JPN 392
JE Jersey JEY 832
JO Jordan JOR 400
KZ Kazakhstan x KAZ 398
KE Kenya KEN 404
KI Kiribati x x KIR 296
XK Kosovo #N/A #N/A
KW Kuwait KWT 414
KG Kyrgyzstan x KGZ 417
LA Laos x x LAO 418
LV Latvia LVA 428
LB Lebanon LBN 422
LS Lesotho x x LSO 426
LR Liberia x LBR 430
LY Libya LBY 434
LI Liechtenstein LIE 438
LT Lithuania LTU 440
LU Luxembourg LUX 442
MO Macau MAC 446
MK Macedonia MKD 807
MG Madagascar x MDG 450
MW Malawi x x MWI 454
MY Malaysia MYS 458
MV Maldives x MDV 462
ML Mali x x MLI 466
MT Malta MLT 470
MH Marshall Islnds x MHL 584
MQ Martinique MTQ 474
MR Mauritania x MRT 478
MU Mauritius x MUS 480
YT Mayotte MYT 175
MX Mexico MEX 484
FM Micronesia x FSM 583
UM Minor Outl.Isl. UMI 581
MD Moldova x MDA 498
MC Monaco MCO 492
MN Mongolia x MNG 496
ME Montenegro MNE 499
MS Montserrat x MSR 500
MA Morocco MAR 504
MZ Mozambique x MOZ 508
MP N.Mariana Islnd x MNP 580
NA Namibia NAM 516
NR Nauru x NRU 520
NP Nepal x x NPL 524
NL Netherlands NLD 528
NC New Caledonia x NCL 540
NZ New Zealand NZL 554
NI Nicaragua NIC 558
NE Niger x x NER 562
NG Nigeria NGA 566
NU Niue x NIU 570
NF Norfolk Islands NFK 574
KP North Korea PRK 408
NO Norway NOR 578
OM Oman OMN 512
OR Orange #N/A #N/A
OT Other #N/A #N/A
PK Pakistan PAK 586
PW Palau x PLW 585
PS Palestine PSE #N/A
PA Panama PAN 591
PG Pap. New Guinea x PNG 275
PY Paraguay x PRY 600
PE Peru PER 604
PH Philippines PHL 608
PN Pitcairn Islnds PCN 612
PL Poland POL 616
PT Portugal PRT 620
PR Puerto Rico x PRI 630
QA Qatar QAT 634
CG Rep.of Congo COG 178
RE Reunion REU 638
RO Romania ROU 642
RU Russian Fed. RUS 643
RW Rwanda x x RWA 646
GS S. Sandwich Ins SGS 239
ST S.Tome,Principe x x STP 678
SH Saint Helena SHN 654
WS Samoa x WSM 882
AS Samoa, America x ASM 16
SM San Marino SMR 674
SA Saudi Arabia SAU 682
SN Senegal x SEN 686
RS Serbia SRB 688
SC Seychelles x SYC 690
SL Sierra Leone x SLE 694
SG Singapore x SGP 702
SK Slovakia SVK 703
SI Slovenia SVN 705
SB Solomon Islands x x SLB 90
SO Somalia x SOM 706
ZA South Africa ZAF 710
KR South Korea KOR 408
SS South Sudan x x SSD 728
ES Spain ESP 724
LK Sri Lanka LKA 144
KN St Kitts&Nevis x KNA 659
LC St. Lucia x LCA 662
VC St. Vincent x VCT 670
PM St.Pier,Miquel. SPM 666
SD Sudan x SDN 729
SR Suriname x SUR 740
SJ Svalbard SJM 744
SZ Eswatini x SWZ 748
SE Sweden SWE 752
CH Switzerland CHE 756
SY Syria SYR 760
TW Taiwan #N/A #N/A
TJ Tajikistan x TJK 762
TZ Tanzania x TZA 834
TH Thailand THA 764
TG Togo x TGO 768
TK Tokelau Islands TKL 772
TO Tonga x TON 776
TT Trinidad,Tobago x TTO 780
TN Tunisia TUN 788
TR Turkey TUR 792
TM Turkmenistan x TKM 795
TC Turks and Caicos TCA 796
TV Tuvalu x x TUV 798
UG Uganda x x UGA 800
UA Ukraine UKR 804
GB United Kingdom GBR 826
UN United Nations #N/A #N/A
UY Uruguay URY 858
AE Utd.Arab Emir. ARE 784
UZ Uzbekistan x UZB 860
VU Vanuatu x VUT 548
VA Vatican City VAT 336
VE Venezuela VEN 862
VN Vietnam VNM 704
WF Wallis,Futuna WUF 876
EH West Sahara ESH 732
YE Yemen x YEM 887
ZM Zambia x x ZMB 894
ZW Zimbabwe x ZWE 716



Same country can have more than one classification, but only one ISO 3 code and one M49 code. Customization of the standard report MKVZ and develop new Z report followed on adding the following as input parameters, output parameters and in the layout of the report:

  • Country classification to contain the three options: LDC, LLDC, SIDS
  • ISO 3 code
  • M49 code



We can get check the Custom report with the below-mentioned multiple scenarios.

Test ID Description Req. ID tested Expected Result Note
T01 List of vendors upon searching with check box: LDC
T02 List of vendors upon searching check box: LLDC
T03 List of vendors upon searching check box: SIDS
T04 List of vendors upon searching check box: LDC, LLDC
T05 List of vendors upon searching for vendors with specific M49 code and range of M49 code
T06 List of vendors upon searching for vendors with multiple values of ISO codes.
Sara Sampaio

Sara Sampaio

Author Since: March 10, 2022

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