As you know, SAP HANA comes with many enhancements and features. The new transaction SE16H comes with new features which enables rapid tables check and small queries.

SAP Consultants used to use the transactions code SE16/SE16N/SQVI to check table’s value and/or extract data.

The transaction code SE16H enables:

  • Tables check (consult and extract) like a classical SE16 or SE16N
  • Joint creation for small query
  • Rapid check of number of entries

Here are two cases where this new features are explained

1- Complete accounting document query

Imagine a scenario where you want to check entries for complete accounting document. We can combine many finance tables, but for this example, we will only use two tables:

  • BKPF: Header data of accounting segment
  • BSEG: Accounting document segment

Launch SE16H with BSEG and create a join

Enter the criteria for your join

As described below, to have a complete finance document informations, we will add the table BKPF as a join. Then, we will click on the yellow arrow to add the fields we want to add to the output.

Please note that, as it is shown in this figure, you can apply filters on the fields you need. In this example, we have put filter on fiscal year, company code and posting month. For these filters, we have putted a constant value. But SE16H offers also other methods as displayed below.

After executing the SE16H with the joint we have created, your financial data are displayed as below.

Please note that a layout have been used for the displayed result

The fields displayed contain data from the header table BKPF and data from accounting document segment. For example, here are some field’s detail.

2- Rapid check of entries number

Group feature

In case we want to have a quick view of the number of accounting entries by company code, we have to tick the field group as indicated below and execute.

Group and sort feature

In case we want to have a quick view of number of document type used in the system for a single company code

Sara Sampaio

Sara Sampaio

Author Since: March 10, 2022

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