Right information, from the right source, at the right time, may help us get to a solution without exhausting our resources. Similarly, if you are an SAP Document Compliance customer, then, using the latest information will not only benefit you but more so, will help SAP to underscore best practices and define the next move for improving your product experience.
Therefore, with the hope to further your experience with document compliance solutions, I share below what’s new in SAP Document Compliance, and how your influence can be used to engage and influence new features.
- Visit SAP Document Compliance and PEPPOL exchange services to see “What’s new”
- Similarly, if you have special requirements then I encourage you to contribute to the customer influence space. You can contribute by voting for existing ideas for the new cycle and enter new ones as you please
- And, to know what’s already done regarding “Customer influence” you can see the last review results here (a few examples given below)
In essence, I hope that the above action items will help you track the latest updates of “SAP Document Compliance” solutions, as well as make you able to influence the solutions for having a better experience.
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