Before we end the 1st Quarter of the year, we will be releasing Support Package 21. This SP21 for SAP Profitability and Performance Management 3.0 provides additional improvements which can be also checked further in PaPM’s Help Portal. 

Here’s an overview for this release: 

Remote Function Adapter – Post Journal Entries for Group Reporting 

The Remote Function Adapter type “Post Journal Entries for Group Reporting” enables you to manually post journal entries to adjust financial reports, standardize entries, and consolidate entries according to group requirements. You can specify the relevant consolidation group, consolidation unit, or consolidation unit pair, as well as the local currency or group currency amounts for the journal entry line items according to the version, fiscal year, posting period, and document type. 

Note: This service provided by SAP S/4HANA Group Reporting is published on the SAP API Business Hub and is available only from S/4HANA 2022 onwards. For more information about this API, see SAP API Business Hub or SAP Help.  

Before configuring the new Post Journal Entries for Group Reporting please consider the following points:

  1. Database Connection
    Specify the database connection (“DBCON” or “DEFAULT”) at environment level   

      2. HTTP RFC destination
The RFC destination type “H” of the target Group reporting system has to be specified at function level   

      3. Input Function
If you want to post journal entries in Group Reporting in SAP S/4HANA, the remote function requires an input function that maps the fields from the input function to the components on the Rules tab. The input function can be a Model Table, Model View, or the result of another function, provided it contains the necessary fields.  

Input Data
If you want to post journal entries in Group Reporting in SAP S/4HANA, the remote function requires an input function that maps the fields from the input function to the components on the Rules tab.
The input function can be a Model Table, Model View or the result of another function, provided it contains the necessary fields.


Configure the RFA function as follows:

  1. In Edit mode, choose the Add button.
  2. The function window appears. Make entries in the required fields:
  • Function
  • Description
  • Function Type = “Remote Function Adapter”
  1. If necessary, make entries in the optional fields:
  • Event Handling
  • Processing Type
  • Partitioning
  1. Choose Ok and save your changes.
  2. In Edit mode, enter the following function details:
  • Remote Function Adapter Type = “Post Journal Entries for Group Reporting”
  • HTTP RFC Destination: Maintained RFC connection at “HTTP Connections to ABAP Systems” type.
  • On the Input tab, specify the input function.
  1. On the Rules tab, set the following mapping:

  1. Once the mapping is complete, choose Activate.
  2. Run the function.

The result is the same as the input and the configuration entered on the Rules tab. All the mapped records are posted to the SAP S/4HANA system.

The document number returned by successful posting is then entered in the Consolidation Document Number field.

For more information about the new RFA type, see SAP Note 3269787.

Visual Modeler

The Visual Modeler provides the following five screens.

  • Environment Screen
  • Modeling Screen
  • Process Management Screen
  • Visualize
  • Report Management Screen

The Visual Modeler has been continuously improved for a better user experience. You can visit the following blog post “SAP Profitability and Performance Management 3.0: What’s Inside Visual Modeler SP21 SAP Note 3278816” for more information.


SAP Profitability and Performance Management 3.0 SP21 includes enhancements for the following function:


Value adjustment options work against the values from the sender input function for allocation. However, in the case of receiver rules ‘Variable Percentages’ and ‘variable factors’, this means that the value adjustment considers a sender value that is used for allocation to receivers, and does not consider the total of the receiver distribution base.


This note would change the behavior of allocation value adjustment to consider the effect of total distribution base when receiver rule is ‘variable percentages’ or ‘variable factors’.

As a result, it would change the behavior of allocation value adjustment to consider the effect of the total distribution base when the receiver rule is “Variable Percentages” or “Variable Factors”.


Original sender amount = EUR 1,000

If the total of the distribution base is 90% (receiver rule “Variable Percentages’), the amount of EUR 900is used as a basis for the value adjustment, rather than EUR 1,000.

If the previous behavior which considers the complete sender amount is required as a basis for the value adjustment in relates to the receiver rules (“Variable Percentages” and “Variable Factors”), it can be achieved by switching to receiver rule “Variable Portions”.

For more information, see SAP Note 3283685.

Sample Content

The sample content documents provide ideas and best practices about how to model the system regarding specific topics and industries.

The following new standalone sample content is available in SAP Profitability and Performance Management 3.0 SP21:

Sample Content ID Version
Climate Risk Scenario Analysis SXK 1
Carbon Pricing and Taxation SXZ 1
Oil and Gas Corporate Sustainability Management SED 1

Updated versions of the following standalone sample content are available:

Sample Content ID Version
Corporate Sustainability Management SXD 4
EU Taxonomy Management SXU 4
OECD BEPS 2.0 Tax Calculation and Reporting SXE 4
Operational Transfer Pricing SXG 17
Food Industry Profitability and Cost Management SCG 2

Thank you for your time in reading this blogpost! Please standby for more enhancements on our next releases.

Sara Sampaio

Sara Sampaio

Author Since: March 10, 2022

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