Earlier this year the first version of the SAP HANA Database Explorer Visual Studio Code extension was released to the Visual Studio Code marketplace. This version included the database connection list and a SQL console for executing queries against a database.

What’s New?

Today, version 1.5 of the extension has been released to the Visual Studio Code marketplace. In addition to some bug fixing and general improvements, the new version brings several noteworthy features.

Support for ARM platforms

Previous versions of the SAP HANA Database Explorer Visual Studio Code extension did not work on ARM-based platforms including the Apple M1 chip because the SAP HANA database client @sap/hana-client does not support these platforms. To mitigate this, the new version of the extension now uses the hdb client module on platforms that are not supported by @sap/hana-client.

While the hdb client supports all platforms that are supported by Node.js it also has some limitations. The most relevant limitation for the SAP HANA Database Explorer Visual Studio Code extension is the missing support for SAP HANA User Store connections. As a consequence SAP HANA User Store connections are not available on platforms where @sap/hana-client is not available.

SQL Console Improvements

The new version of the extension includes several improvements related to SQL execution:

  • Queries that return multiple result sets are now supported
  • The maximum number of results returned by a query can now be controlled by the setting “SAP HANA Database Explorer” > “Max Sql Result Size” for local connections as well as SAP HANA Database Explorer connections

We have also made some improvements regarding the overall user experience:

  • The SQL console auto-save behavior can be controlled via the Visual Studio Code setting “files.autoSave”. Supported modes are “off” and “afterDelay”. All other values default to “afterDelay”
  • The SQL console asks whether to save the current content before opening a file. This prevents losing the unsaved contents of a SQL console when opening a file.

Database List Improvements

The list of SAP HANA Database Explorer connections more closely reflects the list shown in SAP HANA Database Explorer. This includes, for example, more useful error messages if a database connection cannot be established.

Stay tuned for more exciting new features in future releases!

Sara Sampaio

Sara Sampaio

Author Since: March 10, 2022

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