I still remember back in early days of my HR functional career, all customers when they saw the Pay statement with daunting cumulative wage type “/552 Difference prev. Period”, it was always requested that the break-up of all past payments to appear in the statement. This functionality is easily configurable with zero coding in the very powerful HRFORMS tool, and I’m glad that that it brought a relief to the payroll admin, because all users would always inquire about what  /552 wage type means. This article will cover the configuration in HRFORMS country specific settings in InfoNet, Infostar and layout changes in Adobe Forms.

NOTE: All Screenshots in the blog are taken from internal partner system.


Retro break-up components in payslip


Inorder to have the HRFORM to consider the rerto break up to appear in the context of the Adobe forms, we need to activate the following settings in your country specific HRFORM;

  1. Enable the retroactive accounting under the selection screen tab of InfoNet

  2. Create an InfoStar ‘Earnings_retro’ of type MetaStar – ‘Pay_Result’. Include the following InfoDimensions


  1. For the standard solution, the following evaluation classes are assigned as selection criteria, and also make sure the all the Infofugures mentioned below are created (esp. PAY_AMOUNT,PAY_NUMBER & PAY_RATE)


Assign the selection value as ‘X’ to get only the retroactive results


    1. Exclude (≠) the retroactive wage type /553 in selection of the InfoDimension ‘Wagetype’ to remove it from the display.

3. Copy the the EARNING_RETRO and rename it to DEDCUTION_RETRO and change the EVALCLASS02 to classs assigned to deductions;


The next changes required post the HRFORMS changes are to be done in the adobe form generated by the HRFORMS.

Goto the Form Builder of the payslip:

Drag the STAR_EARNINGS_RETRO & START_DEDUCTION_RETRO from interface section and drop it to context section.

Maintain the where condition on the STAR_EARNING_RETRO and STAR_DEDCUTIONS_RETRO context as follows;

The last thing now is to add the START_EARNING_RETRO and STAR_DEDUCTIONS_RETRO Infofigures(PAY_AMOUNT,PAY_NUMBER & PAY_RATE) in the layout of the form.

Add the same for the Deductions table in the layout by choosing the STAR_DEDUCTIONS_RETRO, and lastly activate the Adobe form and HRFORMS.



The pay statement can now be used in Payroll driver, ESS or Wage Statement with HR Forms( PC00_M24_HRF). I hope when this is deployed the Payroll admin would be relived from the nagging queries by the endusers.

Please share your thoughts in the comments below, and feel free to ask for any clarifications!

Sara Sampaio

Sara Sampaio

Author Since: March 10, 2022

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