In my blogs Configure the SAP BTP Cloud Foundry Environment Subaccount with SAP Forms Service by Adobe and Test with Postman, I have explained configuring ads and testing ads rest api with postman . I have received many queries about this blog . One question is how to use SAP cloud sdk to call ads rest api to render pdf document .
I assume you have installed nodejs ,yeoman. If you have not installed yeoman, you can use the following command to install it .
npm install -g yo
Also suggest you instll generator-saphanaacademy-mta with the folowing command :
npm install -g generator-saphanaacademy-mta
You have install cloud foundry cli and mta tool . For cloud foundry cli, you can refer the toturial .
For MTA tool, you can install it with :
npm install -g mbt
Base on all these prerequisites, today I want to blog the steps on how to use SAP Cloud SDK to render PDF document with BTP SAP Forms Service by Adobe rest API .
The following is the steps :
Step 1 : Check SAP Cloud SDK for Forms Service by Adobe API in API hub and download API specification .
Step 2 : generate a mta project with yeoman .
Step 3: use visual code to change the code :
Step 4: add a folder external under srv and move the downloaed ADS specification file into folder external
Step 5: Generate a typed client by running the generator
create folder CF_ADSRestAPI under folder external .
rename API specification file to CF_ADSRestAPI.json
add the following line in srv/package.json
run the following command:
cd srv
npm install
openapi-generator -t –input externalCF_ADSRestAPI.json –outputDir externalCF_ADSRestAPI
Step 6: add the following code to server.js
const {ADSRenderRequestApi} = require('./external/CF_ADSRestAPI/CF_ADSRestAPI/ads-render-request-api')
const { StoreFormsApi } =require('./external/CF_ADSRestAPI/CF_ADSRestAPI/store-forms-api')
app.get('/srv/ads/adsforms', function (req, res) {
if (req.authInfo.checkScope('$XSAPPNAME.User')) {
// res.setHeader()
StoreFormsApi.formGet('labelprint').execute({ destinationName:'ads-rest-api' }).then(data=>{res.status(200).json(data)}).catch(err=>{res.status(200).json(err)});
} else {
if (req.authInfo.checkScope('$XSAPPNAME.User')){
const data = "<form1><LabelForm><DeliveryId>8000311</DeliveryId> <Position>0010</Position> <MaterialNo>M100001</MaterialNo><Quantity>123456.321</Quantity> <Package>P111111</Package><QRCode>01234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789</QRCode></LabelForm></form1>"
const bodyE = new Buffer(data).toString('base64')
renderinput = {
"embedFont": 0,
"formLocale": "en_US",
"formType": "print",
"taggedPdf": 1,
"xdpTemplate": "labelprint/PrintLabel",
"xmlData": bodyE
const queryP = { templateSource: 'storageName', TraceLevel: 1 }
ADSRenderRequestApi.renderingPdfPost(renderinput,queryP).execute({destinationName:'ads-rest-api' }).then(pdf=>{res.status(200).json(pdf.fileContent)}).catch(err=>{res.status(500).send(err)})
Step 7: add the following code to appresourcesindex.html
Step 8: build mta file with the following command
cd ..
mbt build
Step 9: login into BTP subaccount with :
cf login
Step 10: deploy generated mta file with
cf deploy mta_archivessdkforads_0.0.1.mtar
Step 11: create destination for ads rest api in previouse blog
Step 12, assign role collections to user
Step 12, test the deployed application