This article gives you the information related to UI5 Integration Cards overview and gives you an idea to develop for your own projects which can provide a quick information for business users in one single portal.

UI Integration with Cards Documentation

In order to develop cards the card developers should be familiar with:

Card Types

Available card types to create a UI card.

The following card types are available:

OpenUI5 vs SAPUI5

Depending on the UI5 delivery you are using (SAPUI5 or OpenUI5) there are different declarative card types:


SAPUI5 – adds Timeline and Analytical

    List of UI5 Card Examples

    Explore 1

    Explore 2

    Explore 3

    Explore Analytical Lines

    Explore – Calendar

    Explore – Table

    Accept – Decline Example

    Using API to post the data Example

    How to Develop Integration Cards ?

    Configurations and API

    Controlling Fields and Layout


    Sample Application using UI5 Cards in one single Portal

    Integration Card – 4 Samples gives you an idea to develop

    Sara Sampaio

    Sara Sampaio

    Author Since: March 10, 2022

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