Previous Article : Introducing Touchless Deployment  & Working Session

Dear All,

In this article, describes how you can automate your SQL deployments to SAP Commission database automatically using Touchless Deployment API’s through SAP Integration Suite or Cloud Integration (CPI) through sFTP connection


SFTP protocol, clients, servers etc. Page by the original author of SFTP.


Customers wants an other way to deploy but not through CI/CD or Postman process method which was described in my previous articles,, there is way to automate through pushing the DDL file to sFTP dropbox provided by SAP Commissions through developing Iflow from SAP Cloud Platform Integration or SAP Integration Suite.

so this way, customer will have to just drop their ddl file with updated incremental changeset id so it gets deploy automatically and secured way…  also you can develop your own Iflow adding additional steps like after deploy you can send email notifcation or adding succesfull logs with your deploy id.

Let’s get started

SAP Commission dropbox offers customers provided with sFTP connection & access for pushing the files but we are making use of Outbound folder to automate for storing DDL objects for deploying..

so we are going to create a New folder called “DDL” but this will not be available for any of your dropbox by default but even though if you have folder creation access and then you wouldn’t have access to create files inside the directory.  This is something Product team and engineering team to think through how customers can get benefit and take advantage from different approach.

sFTP Configuration setup and sFTP Adapter Documentation link

We have deployed Iflow successfully and now you can drop the DDL files inside the sFTP directory and process would check & pick every 5mins if there is any file inside the directory to trigger the Iflow.

Final Iflow would look like below

Let’s see the sample file how it gets deploy succesfully

Once you push your file to sFTP directory i.e DDL folder in my example –  Iflow will pick automatically.

How liquibase.xml looksHow it gets zipped and deployed to SAP Commissions

Once the Iflow is succesfull and gets deployed to SAP commissions, the file in sFTP gets deleted automatically.

Closing Thoughts for Developers motivation

Additional Reference to know more about SAP Integration Suite

Sara Sampaio

Sara Sampaio

Author Since: March 10, 2022

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