n this blog I would like to draw your attention to a new version of the Floorplan Manager Adaptation Guide, which is valid for SAP_UI 7.57 (delivered with ABAP Platform 2022 as part of SAP S/4HANA 2022). In this guide, you will get an overview of the different possibilities that Floorplan Manager provides for customer adaptations and....

Your applications should be usable by ALL people – independent of their abilities. The WCAG standards  from W3C specify how to achieve this goal. The Web Dynpro team together with the Unified Rendering team implemented this standard within the control library and the Web Dynpro framework. As application developer you can further improve your application to support....

What is it?  The padding of content towards the browser frame or within controls adjusts to the browser size: Small browser – small padding, big browser – big padding.  In other words – the white space or ‘breathing space’ (as our UX designers call it 😊) adjusts to the available space.  This works also for popups:....

As application developer you want to enhance your Web Dynpro ABAP application also with controls from other sources, if this control is not offered by Web Dynpro ABAP. Your first choice should be a UI5 control: The control libraries of Web Dynpro ABAP and UI5 support the same themes and product standards as accessibility (ARIA)....

General description With Release 7.57 FPM introduce a new possibility to export data to the cloud. Therefore a change occured with regards to the export functionality in FPM List ATS UIBB and Tree UIBB. The old export button choice has been replaced by a new one, offering the two choices: “Export” and “Export As…”. Export....

I have not blogged in a good while and figured if I came back, I better drop a banger (that’s what the “kids” call it, right?). Well, I guarantee you, this one is quite a doozy! (that’s what the “old folks” call it, right?). I will worry about which crowd I most appeal to later.....

Often the standard FPM fields provided by SAP is not enough to satisfy all the business requirements. You need additional fields on the screen. This is where enhancements and customizations come in. In this blogpost, I am going to show you just that. This is a step-by-step guide for adding custom Date/Time fields on FPM....