Important Links SAP-samples GitHub Repository Hello and welcome to another blog post and step-by-step tutorial on the topic of building a multitenant SaaS application on SAP BTP using CAP. Following the joined blog post series (of Alper Dedeoglu and myself) on building a multitenant SaaS application in the Cloud Foundry environment, today’s journey is all about the SAP BTP, Kyma runtime. So, buckle up, it’s....

This is the how-to from the more business context post on Linked-in on how I calculated my Carbon Emissions from travelling using Garmin and Strava data. The Process is essentially: The data I am using for this V1 of the analysis comes from my Garmin watch (or used to be iphone), but essentially all the....

Imagine a river. The Nile. The Yangtze. The Ganges. The Rio Grande. Take your pick. Now, what if you had to map the course of one of these vital tributaries knowing only its depth, width, and velocity of current? What if you had to plot the exact location of the river’s source and mouth based....

在最新的 产品足迹管理 的版本中,我们加入了 货运运输足迹的计算。这使得运输相关的足迹计算和管理成为可能。这包括 GHG Scope 3.4(上游运输)和 Scope 3.9(下游运输)以及Scope 1(与公司拥有的车辆相关的直接排放)。 具体是如何来实现的呢? Scope 3 中的排放对大多数公司来说是一个很大的挑战。运输就是这样。大多数公司都外包了运输,没有经营自己的车辆。物流服务提供商(LSP 或 3PL)和运输公司自己执行运输,运输控制工序,并提供路线、车辆和车辆消耗的详细信息。因此,一个选择是从不同的 3PL 中收集所有碳排数据。但是,这会耗费很多精力,此外 3PL 计算其排放的方式也存在差异,难以形成统一的大局。借助新的货运运输功能,SAP产品足迹管理 能够解决并解决这一挑战。当应用程序模拟第三方物流产品的运营时,我们的客户并不一定需要来自 3PL 的详细信息。对于内向运输(收货),采购订单数据足以启动计算,因为路线、车辆和运输特定的排放系数由应用程序提供。查找并使用适当的排放系数评估业务运营的环境影响,是计算产品足迹的主要挑战之一。产品足迹管理在这方面也已经有了很大的更新,并在持续改进。 另一个挑战是跟踪有关计算方法或报告要求的法规更新。在运输方面,产品根据 GLEC 框架以及 DIN EN16258 进行计算。如果对这些规范进行更改,我们将直接更新工具中的计算设置。 货运运输功能作为附加独立应用集成到 SAP产品足迹管理中,用于计算所有内向和外向运输的运输排放。这些应用与预配置的内容一起提供,包括海港、机场、铁路驳船终端等网络数据,以及全球物流排放委员会 (GLEC) 的车辆数据和排放系数。 管理数据 应用新添加到数据预配功能中,使您能够直接在产品足迹管理中创建和更改数据。可以在此应用中创建和编辑货运的主数据实体,而无需连接到 ERP 系统,并且可以通过 .csv 模板上载事务数据。而从 ERP 系统导入的主数据将仅显示为视图(无法编辑)。 使用新的计算运输足迹应用,您可以从 .csv 平面文件上载传输数据。此外,您可以检查上载并检查上载是否成功。可以设置自己的网络和位置,并且具有用于路线和距离的嵌入式引擎。 管理计算错误应用为您提供错误仪表盘,其中提供了已执行计算及其状态的概览。原始数据由客户端提供,然后转换为正确的格式,以便在产品足迹管理中使用。系统随后可以处理提供的和已转换的数据。为计算正确的足迹结果,应用程序使用配置的客户特定传输路径,或基于*大圆距离的自动计算逻辑来计算相应的距离和排放量。处理数据后,会自动进行验证,并提供有关数据内问题的详细反馈(例如,错误的邮政编码)。可以调整这些问题以成功触发计算,甚至改善结果。提供有价值的信息,以检查计算是否成功、是否提取了正确的数据(例如,包裹和装运数量),或者是否选择了正确的场景。 另一个非常棒的亮点是“查看传输数据”应用,该应用具有动态报表。此应用通过直接在工具中生成图表和计算数据的详细报表,为您提供正在查找的业务智能功能。您可以使用多个选项来选择和接收碳报告所需的 KPI。您可以选择总油井到车轮 (WTW) 排放,也可以查看油井到油罐 (WTT) 或油罐到车轮 (TTW) 排放总量。此外,还提供 KPI,如每单位距离(千米)、包裹或装运数量、体积以及重量或千米。您可以查看每月和每年数据,还可以查看更多维度,例如运输模式、服务提供商、段类型、包裹目标和源位置。此外,您可以下载创建的表。   *大圆距离 great circle....

Important Links Overview / Basic Scope / Advanced Scope / Expert Scope SAP-samples GitHub Repository Sustainable SaaS (SusaaS) sample application Inspired by a recent partner co-innovation project with The Boston Consulting Group (BCG), this is the first post of a series on building a multitenant Software as a Service (SaaS) application on SAP Business Technology Platform (BTP). The use of the Cloud Application Programming....

This is the fourth post of a blog series by Gianluigi BAGNOLI, Cesare Calabria, Stuart Clarke, Dayanand Karalkar, Yatsea Li, Jacob Tan and me, aiming at showing how, as a partner, you can build your custom application with SAP Business Technology Platform, to help your customers becoming more data driven and sustainable. Previously in this series we have introduced the case of....

This is the 5th blog post of the blog series about Building Intelligent and Sustainability Scenarios on SAP BTP with AI and Planning by Gianluigi BAGNOLI, Yatsea Li, Alice Magnani, Cesare Calabria, Stuart Clarke, Dayanand Karalkar and Jacob Tan, which showcases our SAP Partners how to create industry cloud solutions for end-to-end industry-specific business processes that embeds intelligence and sustainability. Previously, in the first blog....

I worked on this project with my colleagues Gianluigi BAGNOLI, Stuart Clarke, Dayanand Karalkar, Yatsea Li, Alice Magnani and Jacob Tan   In the first blog post of our series dedicated to AI & Sustainability, my colleague Gianluigi BAGNOLI introduced you to BAGNOLI & CO, a Milan-based Light Guide Plates (LGP) manufacturer, who is transforming its enterprise into a sustainable smart factory by reducing waste, and....

This use case is developed as part of AI & Automation SAP Community Tutorial Challenge 2022. Co-innovators: Kannan P Nair , Ramana Mohanbabu This use case involves the following products: 1. SAP Process Automation 2. SAP Conversational AI 3. SAP WorkZone 4.SAP AI Business Services Problem: With the growing demand of investors to understand a company’s performance in non-financial....

Authors: Gianluigi Bagnoli, Cesare Calabria, Stuart Clarke, Dayanand Karalkar, Yatsea Li, Alice Magnani, Jacob Tan   Sustainability is a real thing. No doubt sustainability is a hot topic in recent years. To have a sustainable environment for future generations, we need to take climate action for zero emission of greenhouse gas. In our economy, we....

You are using SAP E-Mobility and want to understand how to work with the additional services of Personal Data Manager and the Audit Log Viewer Service. The SAP documentation is not sufficient. SAP E-Mobility logs the following events related to personal data changes: The creation, modification, and deletion of badges The creation of data records for charging events  ....

Greetings and salutations my friends and colleagues. Happy New Year 2022. Cheers to health, happiness, and a more sustainable future for our families and loved ones. If you had the opportunity to be back in the office last week from holiday break, you most likely caught some of the Board level and SAP SE communications....

Start yoga. Read more books. Stop turning cheat days into cheat weeks. The list can go on and on! It’s that time of year again when we all think about what to do differently this year, how to improve our lifestyles, and prioritize our goals. Everyone, as ever, is looking for a better year -especially....

Over the past 2 years the risks and shortfalls in our global supply chains have been front and center in presidential briefing rooms, company boardrooms, and even family dining rooms. Supply chains are now recognized as central to business survival, success, and growth, rather than an opportunity to just reduce costs. As we head into....

This blog series focuses on efforts and impacts of driving sustainability in utilities, energy and natural resources industries. SAP.IO Foundry San Francisco has launched a startup program focussed on driving sustainability in utilities, energy and natural resources industries. Out of several startups that have applied six startups have been selected by a jury of SAP....

Bidgely is an AI-powered SaaS Company accelerating a clean energy future by enabling energy companies and consumers to make data-driven energy-related decisions. Powered by their unique patented technology, Bidgely’s UtilityAI™ Platform transforms multiple dimensions of customer data – such as energy consumption, demographics, and interactions – into deeply accurate and actionable consumer energy insights. Bidgely....

Camus Energy’s Grid Management platform empowers utilities and energy providers with system-wide visibility, forecasting, and advanced controls for a distributed, zero-carbon future. To tell us more about Camus Energy and how they are driving sustainability we have Michael who is the COO of Camus Energy.   What problem is Camus Energy trying to solve? Utilities....

Established in 2018, OilX combines advanced data science and satellite technology with extensive oil analytics knowledge to create the first digital oil analytics platform. OilX has more than 15 years of oil analytics experience across oil majors, investment banks, and hedge funds. To tell us more about OILX and how they are driving sustainability we....

Introduction Hi dear readers, my name is Shuang. As part of the sustainability family in SAP Profitability and Performance Management content development team, I have accumulated experience on sustainable finance and have been studying, among others, the impact of climate change on business. Climate-related risk is no longer a purely non-financial risk, or at least....

If you’re still struggling to visualize your 2022 resolutions, maybe it’s time to take a different approach. Yes, another article about New Year’s resolutions when we’re already well into January. What makes this one (hopefully) worth waiting for? The creative mindset. As customer-focused creative experts within SAP – designers, strategists, video artists, and writers –....

Founded in 2018, Empower is a Norwegian circular platform company that uses digitization, cloud-data and blockchain technology to store and facilitate seamless sharing of information about plastic waste and map waste flows. Empower is among the top 5 blockchain startups for the circular economy. To tell us more about Empower and how they are driving....

Singularity is a data and analytics company that helps customers reduce their carbon emissions. Singularity’s platform ‘Carbonara’ provides a suite of innovative products, developer APIs, and intelligent tools for companies to build the future of decarbonization solutions. To tell us more about Singularity and how they are driving sustainability we have Wenbo Shi who is....

SupplHi is the Vendor Management SaaS for industrial equipment and services to manage the supplier base in the most efficient, compliant, and sustainable manner. ESG-meter, an APP by SupplHi, is the industry Social network for improving Supply Chain ESG Sustainability and reducing Suppliers’ Carbon Emissions. To tell us more about SupplHi and how they are....

The SAP community with 3 million users represents a full range of SAP customers, partners, developers, mentors, champions, and the Next-Gen of professionals. The community celebrates knowledge, insights, and expertise. A fun and visible part is the recognition of SAP Innovation Awards participation by way of reputation badges which recognize the achievements of participants, finalists, honorable mentions, and winners. Advantages of....

Undisputed: Electric vehicles are enjoying growing popularity. In Germany alone, almost one million1 electrically operated cars are now running. In the first half of 2021, 312,000 pure electric cars and plug-in hybrids were approved2. The demand for the appropriate charging infrastructure is correspondingly strong. However, it is precisely here that the number of public charging points....

Did you know that in Europe, there are more than 600,000 calls per year to poison centres for medical advice regarding contact with dangerous chemicals or products? Most of these calls are because children have gotten a product or substance in their mouth, nose, eyes, etc. Quick identification is key to a proper response, and....

新年快乐 If your device cannot “read” the first 4 characters of this post, no worries. It is Happy New Year in Mandarin Chinese, and Feb. 1st is the Lunar New Year day of celebration in east Asia and around the world. In honor of that, I wanted to post a few thoughts on cultural differences....

Available from May 2021, the Manage Regulatory Graphics app has now been released to customers. With this app, you can get an overview of the graphics available including the graphics themselves, not just text. You can view graphics and enter additional information. You can search and sort graphics, or find information, such as the graphic....

Introducing Business Ecology Management: Carbon Footprint Accounting Made Easy Sustainability. The topic we all hear about every day, yet no one seems to fully understand. Despite this lack of understanding, the business landscape is continuing to evolve with no intention of slowing down. Governments are cracking down on carbon emissions and consumers are demanding now....

“Utilities have considered EV charging as a top-line synergy play, opening the potential to higher energy sales, and the opportunity to deploy their balance sheet in this high-growth sector.” – Drake Star Parnters, EV Charging at the Crossroads: The Fast, The Curious & The RaEV charger As the Innovation Manager at your Electric Utility, you’ve presented a....

Climate Action – with the upcoming SAP Product Footprint Management product   Climate Action is one of the biggest challenges and opportunities of the 21st century. Industry increasingly recognizes the importance of climate action, and sustainability leaders are seeking solutions to innovate and grow through effective emissions and environmental footprint management including regulatory compliance and....

How does society solve the waste crisis and eliminate the tidal wave of plastic waste reaching our oceans each day? In 2020 SAP set out on a mission to create the technologies that would support the business ecosystem in delivering a clean ocean by 2030.   During the recent SAP Sustainability Summit we took a critical next step....

A story of two materials Most people would think of switching to an electric car or reducing air travel as a means to tackle climate change. Few think about the heavy industry:  Close to 30% of global greenhouse-gas emissions come from industry, and two material stand out: steel and cement. The iron and steel industry....