In this blog post, we will learn about the rolling average, it’s also called a moving average, a running average, a moving mean, or a rolling mean. You’ll very often see rolling averages used in time series data to analyze trends, they are calculated as the mean of the current and a specified number of....

Welcome to this technical blog post where we’ll delve into generating SAP Datasphere SQL views from SAP Datasphere remote tables, and subsequently deploying them into SAP Datasphere using the SAP Datasphere Command-Line Client (CLI). Most of the text in this blog consists of the actual Python code that accomplishes this task. Use case Let’s set....

As of ABAP release 7.91, a new syntax is available for specifying the cardinality of associations and joins in ABAP CDS and ABAP SQL. When used in the right way, it speeds up the query performance on the SAP HANA database. This blog post explains the new cardinality syntax, how it can improve query performance,....

Today’s blog will be very niche, but like all things niche, it will find a reader. 🙂 I’ll be discussing the impact of the VARBINARY data type when trying to do “Remote Join Relocation” with SDA (Smart Data Access) functionality. In addition we’ll see the following: How to monitor your statements executed against the remote databases How....

I’ve been recently playing around with Steampipe to query different cloud services I use. This got me thinking, it will be very cool if I could query my SAP Business Technology Platform (SAP BTP) account with Steampipe. In this blog post, I will share what you can do with a Steampipe plugin that communicates with SAP BTP. ⚠️ The....

Here we will see one quite useful in-built Hana function $rowid$ and it usages. $rowid$ – Returns the internal row ID value for each row of the table. Whenever any new row is inserted in a Hana table new unique numeric ID is internally assigned to that row. This id is not available in the table in the....

Thomas Hammer last week wrote a blog introducing new features available with Q4 2022 release of SAP HANA Cloud. I would like to also mention some enhancements done for SQL query execution for 2022 overall. If you have been using the recent SAP HANA Cloud versions, you may have noticed improvements in execution time while using less memory....

In previous article, we have experienced by using CDS View inside CDS Table function. And now, we will try with AMDP procedure Like as CDS table function, with AMDP Procedure, we will also catch an error Because this CDS View which we used in this article is a client specific. But AMDP is not. Basically, AMDP....

Recently I have been working on a POC in HANA Cloud & S/4HANA for one of the product client, I got an opportunity to explore this new feature of SDI flowgraph and I like to share few interesting information on the same. The conventional way to create a subscription is navigating to the Data Source....

While you’re developing any enterprise applications under HANA Server, you must have came across such tables which are not of use and we should delete to avoid memory consumption of a HANA server.But it can’t be performed without any validation which will cause major issues to performance of web applications developed. Hence, We have taken....

One of most common requirement in Hana is to move user defined table from one Hana environment to another (Ex: Dev > QA > Prod). Here is one of the method i.e. Export & Import we can use. Solution – Will migrate the Hana Table from Source Hana Environment to Target Hana Environment. Step 1 Export....

Need to be able to select data in a CDS view where the records selected are less than 12 months old. This needs a comparison of a date field in the view with the system date less 12 months. The WHERE clause should look something like the following. Where row_date >= DATS_ADD_MONTHS ($session.system_date,-12,'UNCHANGED') The problem....

Sometime we have to divide two numbers in Hana Sql or in Hana views. If denominator comes as 0 there is no logic implemented handle 0 in denominator then Hana will throw Divide by 0 error during Query execution. Also this is good practice to handle denominator 0 case whenever we do any division in....

HANAで検証時によく使うSQL。たまにしか使わず、すぐ忘れるため、メモしておきます。   Select と Insert SOURCE_TABから抽出してそのままTARGET_TABへINSERT INSERT INTO TARGET_TABL( SELECT * from SOURCE_TAB)   大量データ挿入 大量データを挿入するときに使います。System View の objectsをクロスジョインすることで8000万件くらいまで挿入できます。項目は乱数を入れています。 ROW_NUMBER Function (Window) OBJECTS System View DROP TABLE "TEST_TAB"; CREATE COLUMN TABLE "TEST_TAB" ("Id" INTEGER, "fld001" INTEGER, "fld002" INTEGER, "fld003" INTEGER); insert into "TEST_TAB" ( select top 100000 CAST(ROW_NUMBER() OVER() AS INTEGER) AS "Id", round(rand(), 0,....

It was almost a year since my last Geospatial Tuesday post. That time it was how-to Import zipped shapefiles into SAP HANA Cloud using Database Explorer. But I still used an external tool called DBeaver to visualize data imported into SAP HANA Cloud. (And before that I even used ASCII to display spatial shapes from SAP HANA!) This time, I....

The more we lean towards AMDP based HANA transformations compared to good old ABAP these days, the more we feel the need of having substitutes of reusable standard ABAP function modules & programs. One such instance is LAST_DAY_IN_PERIOD_GET. While we can hope for a readymade HANA function or procedure developed & delivered by SAP with the....

This post builds on top of the previous, but should help you as a reference without going through all previous posts hopefully too. In my SAP HANA database in the SAP HANA Cloud trial, I got four calculation views built: 3 dimensions Date_Dim, Item and Warehouse and 1 cube with the star join Inventory. In this post let’s see how to use the SAP....