This blog is part of a blog series, so you can find the first page here ( This is the agenda we’re following: Backup Binaries and Source Code Code inspection and quality control Release management (explained in this page) Certificates expiration Automated Testing Documentation Code Review Release management If you work with software development most....

In the lifetime of a Focused Build Implementation Project, there will be test & migration clients used for different test purposes. Some of them remain in the system, but some of them shall be deleted when they are not used any more. Before that deletion the client should be removed from the Focused Build Release.....

In this blog you will learn how to hide statuses from the graphical status overview section (roadmap) of your ChaRM transaction in case they are unused/undesired for some reason. The requirement from a process point of view If you are working with SAP ChaRM on the SAP Solution Manager, usually the current status of a....

Today I want to share a tool that can be useful for SAP Solution Manager Consultants when they need to quickly get involved in a problem or situation analysis. The standard practice of interaction between SAP Partner and SAP Customer, when it is necessary to quickly re-document the configured ChaRM (Change Request Management) or ITSM....

In this blog post, I would like to give you an overview of the Simple IT Request’s new features included in Focused Build SP09 and SP10. The features explained in this blog post are: Improved Search and Navigation (SP09) Full RichText Support for Conversations (SP09) Additional Text Types in Conversations (SP09) Multiple Business Partner Support....

It’s been a very long time since I’ve written anything here. I guess I’m still digesting the fact that I’m not professionally or actively developing in ABAP anymore. But life moves on and I’m quite motivated to take on my new position and explore SAP Solution Manager in more detail. Recently I have come across....

In this blog post, I would like to give you an overview of the Simple IT Request’s new features included in Focused Build SP05, up to Focused Build SP08. Besides continual performance improvements and overall stabilization, we focused on developing the following three core features: Multi-Level-Categorization Layout Field Solution Documentation Integration Substitutes Before going into....

In this blog post, I would like to give you an overview of the Simple IT Request’s new features included in Focused Build SP05, up to Focused Build SP08. Besides continual performance improvements and overall stabilization, we focused on developing the following three core features: Multi-Level-Categorization Layout Field Solution Documentation Integration Substitutes Before going into....

As you might know on the SCN Wiki page ‘Resources on CTS+’ ( you can find guides to configure CTS+ on specific landscapes. Among others you can find there two How-To Guides (CTS+ for SAP Neo und CTS+ for SAP Cloud Foundry) in the area ‘SAP Cloud Platform’. My bloq post goes a step further.....

Introduction Change Request Management (ChaRM) controls change and transport process for ABAP system landscape which is based on classic Change and Transport System (CTS), but since SAP Solution Manager 7.2 SP12 ChaRM integrated with Git-enabled Change and Transport System (gCTS) to provide a possibility to transport ABAP code using Git-enabled CTS instead of CTS. A new change....