Bem-vindo ao SAP Learning Latin America!!! Este conteúdo é para todos os usuários da América Latina que desejam acelerar seu aprendizado e conhecer as opções de treinamento SAP. Vamos manter você atualizado com novidades, links, jornadas de aprendizado, certificações e notícias mais recentes. Para iniciar nosso blog, apresentamos as ofertas de soluções de aprendizado SAP:....

Latest Update: For detailed info, please check out our latest SAP Unlocking Value Paper for Sport Analytics The Super Bowl has been around since 1967 and is definitely one the most exciting events worldwide so whether you’re in it for the game or the commercials, you are not alone. With the ongoing pandemic, although people might....

In this blog post you will learn how we are constantly improving the Enterprise Support Reporting Cockpit with the help of your feedback!  This empowers our customers to make business decisions that directly affects them. Due to this feedback we have made already many changes and / or we are working on the changes requested by YOU:....