The Onboarding solution offered by SAP SuccessFactors enables seamless integration of new hires into an organization’s culture while equipping them with essential tools and information to thrive as productive team members. With its comprehensive features, the solution facilitates a smooth transition, ensuring that new employees have the necessary resources to quickly acclimate and contribute effectively....

During the process of hiring new employees using SAP SuccessFactors Onboarding 2.0, three main types of forms are commonly utilized. These forms serve as a means of collecting essential data from candidates, including documents and PDF files. This data is not only stored within the system but can also be exported for internal use, ensuring....

Offboarding is the formal process of separating an employee from a company, typically due to resignation, termination, or retirement. It involves various tasks and procedures to ensure a smooth departure, such as transferring job responsibilities, deactivating access rights and passwords, returning company equipment, and conducting exit interviews to collect feedback. SAP SuccessFactors provides a comprehensive....

In this blog post, we will discuss the basic configuration steps for the configuration of a custom onboarding journey where the customer wants a different process variant from the standard process variant. For the onboarding, this particular functionality identifies how the custom process will work for the customer as part custom onboarding journey. In this....

I am really happy to share the below solution on how to send an email notification with attachments to new joinees using a business rule.    Context : As part of a Process, HR Team wants to share the Policy, Code of Conduct, etc. documents as an attachment with an email notification. Requirement : Along....

We are aware about the use of BizX login page for login of Onboardee in ONB2.0. From 2H2022, SAP has officially released the feature of having IAS(Identity Authentication System) available to be integrated with ONB2.0 for New hires. This brings the option of having better security for login of Onboardee and leverage features of IAS....

If your instance is already upgraded to version 2 of IAS, then proceed with ONB integration configuration as per this article. If not then refer to the article IAS for ONB2.0 New Hires – 1 to upgrade your IPS from version 1(ODATA) to version 2(SCIM). Create new sequence in Manage Data > Sequence > Create New. This....

Once the configurations explained in the previous articles is completed, you are expected to set up few transformations . I did not perform any transformations in source, but following are few transformations used in the target system. Below transformation under default userType mapping to set the user type in the IAS profile of user. Below....

This blog post explains the process of purging the partially created External Users in Onboarding 2.0. Scenario Some Organizations use external solutions for the recruitment process and choose to use SuccessFactors for Onboarding, HR Core (Employee Central) and so on. In these cases an integration should be set up with multiple entities like External User,....

When dealing with Instances that have Onboarding and Employee Central implemented, it is common for the clients to have some types of information that are required in the Additional Data Collection Step of the Onboarding process and might be reutilised in the Employee Profile when the onboardee is converted to a employee in Employee Central.To....

If you are an onboarding customer, you would have received the error message “E-Verify did not receive your case. Please try to resubmit the case or try again later by going to the E-Verify To-Do tile, find the new hire, and click Start to retrigger the E-Verify case”. SuccessFactors Onboarding E-Verify error message The frustrating....

This blog explains how to map Address field for Emergency contact from Onb 1.0 to EC. As SAP deprecated the Address field from Emergency Contact section, there is no Address field available for direct mapping. (If you want to know how to configure Emergency contact Information panels and map with EC, check the KBA ) We....

Customers and onboarding team more often than not would like to cancel onboarding of records seen in the onboarding dashboard. If you receive an error ” [Onboarding] Cancel OnboardingError : [COE0018]The cancellation request fornew hire xxx has failed. Please contact youradministrator (Onboarding/Offboarding) “, it means there is a missing configuration in the instance. Assuming other....

SuccessFactors Onboarding (aka Onboarding 2.0) is gaining popularity, with many customers going live, many more are in flight, and a lot more are in planning, kick-off stage. The product has definitely matured in its offerings compared to even a year ago. Every upgrade is bringing in new innovations, and it is one of the exciting products....

Hello everyone! To map work permit documents to an onboarding form, it was necessary to create a panel in “Additional Data Collection” step where the candidate had to insert them again, because when we try to do a mapping looking directly to work permit entity, the onboarding form is not generated. In this blog, you....

Background: Now a days many organizations use SuccessFactors Internal Hire (Crossboarding) functionality. Whenever employee changes their department, takes new role there may be ask of onboarding functionality for the employee due to change of Job, Management, Compensation etc. In this blog I am going to discuss the basic configuration steps for Internal Hire process in SuccessFactors....