In this 10 minutes recording we look at how to publish back to Employee Central from Compensation (lumpsum or equity) or Variable Pay in a different currency than the employee’s local currency (either for all employees or for groups of employees) which we regularly get as requirement for Equity planning programs for specific group of....

This post will provide steps to be followed during requirement gathering for Successfactors Compensation implementation. Steps for requirement gathering: The first and the most important part of compensation cycle is the eligibility of employees who are to be included in the current cycle or to be excluded. The eligibility for the 3 main pillars (Merit,....

A common Variable Pay request is to perform calculations based upon employees’ salaries as of a certain date, usually the end of the year. When integrating Variable Pay with Employee Central, this seemingly innocuous request becomes somewhat complex, as normally EC stores the employees’ “actual” salaries – that is, the salary of the job reduced....

In this 30 minutes recording we look at two different ways to make recently increased employees in EC ineligible in the Compensation worksheets (before or during the cycle) which is not possible with Compensation eligibility rule engine (as mentioned at the bottom of this blog).   Designs This recording covers the two following designs : The....

if you are working on SAP SuccessFactors Compensation, you certainly know already how to publish information from Compensation Worksheets to Employee Central. The module lets us define some fields to control the publishing (e.g. by Country, Legal Entity, etc.). But what about the publishing towards a custom MDF portlet? Publishing compensation data to a custom....

When building override options for customers in Variable Pay or Compensation it is better to build them through lookup tables or MDF objects so that in case worksheets get deleted and relaunched Comp Admin doesn’t lose any data already entered on screen.   Solution In this particular business case we look at how to build....

There are many countries in the world including Nordic and Middle Eastern where salary disclosure at the JD level, salary negotiations, offer letters and annual salary review happen on monthly remuneration unlike in USA or India where it’s Annual. But the standard SuccessFactors system is designed with annualization across suite where amounts are projected to....

This is the second part of the topic “Salary planning without Annualization”. In this blog, we are going to discuss the EC approach for performing salary review on monthly income. I would encourage you to go through the first part to get the context in more detail. The annualization concept is not specific to the compensation....

In this blog post, I will be sharing an automated design concept for Spot Award Budget calculation and how to configure it. About Spot Awards A Spot Award is a non-recurring, compensation event that is based on a specific contribution or performance. It can be cash or stock and is generally subject to budget and....

This is the second posting on how to use the SAP SuccessFactors Report Story tool for the Compensation and Variable Pay modules.  If you are new to Report Story for Compensation please review my previous blog post here as well as the prerequisite steps for report stories on the SAP Customer Community here . In the video demonstration below,....

Hello SAP community, Tired of imports/changes/exports? Unable to mass update current & future (specific) pay components with X% and maybe some extra logic in a more automated fashion? Do you want to mass change pay scale levels within a Compensation Cycle based on performance cycle outcomes? And/or are there employees that do not have the....

Introduction Variable Pay is an extremely powerful tool that does a great job of calculating employee’s bonuses. It prorates employee assignments (considering changes of salary, bonus targets or job changes) during the bonus period and using specific business KPIs, usually combined with individual achievement, to determine the award. However, there are parts of the tool....

Report Stories is the latest feature to enhance the SAP SuccessFactors Reporting and Analytics tool kit.  This functionality leverages off of SAP Analytics Cloud and is included as part of the standard tools available in the SuccessFactors suite.  In order to use Report Stories for Pay for Performance data, you must ensure the tool has....

Lookup tables are used very frequently in both the Compensation and Variable Pay modules to pull non-employee data into worksheets – budget percentages is the most common use, but certainly not the only one. Often times, the Wildcard Character ‘*’ is used in an input coluimn. However, it might not work quite how you think.....

Before the introduction of Employee Central integration, eligibility was controlled either through basic rules entirely within the Compensation module or via the upload of TRUE/FALSE values in the UDF. When integrating with EC, most think that the only way of controlling eligibility is using Business Rules. While Business Rules do allow for much more complex....

When adding Business Goals to the configuration of a Variable Pay template we can choose between 3 different type of Metrics for each goal : Direct Interpolate Step     Problem As much as Direct type is easy to understand as it is a straight achievement percentage (that Comp Administrators usually get from Finance each....

In this recording we demonstrate how to use Performance Ratings in Compensation Eligibility Rules by : Creating an effective dated MDF object that will store all Performance Ratings over the years. Adding the Overall Performance Portlet to People Profile (mostly for data checks / testing purposes) Creating an Integration Center Job to feed the MDF object....

The Story type of report in Report Center is part of the People Analytics solution, and it’s based on the integration of SAP SuccessFactors HXM Suite with SAP Analytics Cloud. After you create a story, you can add and edit pages, sections, and elements. You can share your story with others to enable them to....

In H2 2021 the first iteration of milestone awards was released, introducing Service Milestones to recognise employee tenure by one of the available standard employment dates.  To learn more about configuring service milestone awards, follow this Knowledge Base Article.  In H1 2022, we follow this up with the first automated milestone life event awards to recognise....

In this recording we look at how to remove the built-in assignment proration in Variable Pay through additional custom fields in the employee history. The recording also provides a demo of how to mass edit existing Employee Central employee history records through CSV. The excel spreadsheet to simulate the proration impact that I show in....

With SAP SuccessFactors Human Experience Management (HXM) Suite, we enable customers to move beyond simply facilitating transactions and supporting HR-driven processes, to focus on creating a human-centered approach.  This means putting your people and their experiences at the center of everything, listening to their needs and providing them with the tools and information to be....

With the H1 2021 release comes the latest features to be moved from xml only configuration into the Compensation Home user interface to be configured by administrators.  Included in this is both the salary validation rules and forced comment rules.  In this blog I will cover the salary validation rules. To Enable: This functionality needs....

The Executive Review import feature is a very useful feature of the compensation module of SuccessFactors for system administrators. Being able to mass adjust recommendations for a selected group of employees (by filtering on them using the enhanced executive review filters) can be a huge time saver for Admins during a review cycle. In this....

Many times I have received a query from clients as well as from my friends about how can one give a reward of one week’s or two week’s salary to an employee in EC.  In this blog post, I will try to explain the simple way of using one-time payments for the same. In SuccessFactors,....