客户发现在业务中存在不规范的情况,有些用户对于工单并没做发料或者工序确认,就做产成品101入库。但是在实际业务中这种情况是不存在的,因为没有发料和报工,产成品不可能生产出来。因此客户想在系统中做些限制,如果没有报工或者发料,不允许做产成品的入库。 解决方案: 尝试通过自定义逻辑,写一个 BAdI 来满足需求。 分析步骤: 1. 首先,我们需要在 SAP S/4HANA Cloud 系统的应用 – 自定义逻辑里,新建增强实施。根据业务场景,选择下图中的业务上下文以及业务加载项描述,填写好实施描述以及实施标识。 新增增强措施 2. 在自定义逻辑里根据本问题涉及业务上下文以及业务加载项描述完成新建增强实施后,我们需要找到字段获取工单的状态。根据客户的需求,我们可以去前台应用 – 监控生产/计划订单里查找到未发料、未确认涉及以下几种状态: GMPS – Goods Movement Posted PCNF – Part Confirmed CNF – Confirmed 在应用“监控生产/计划订单”里查看订单状态 3. 我们尝试在 CDS View 里进行查找和检索字段来表示工单的状态。I_MfgOrderWithStatus 里存在多个字段可以表示工单的状态,其中 OrderIsPartiallyConfirmed 和 OrderIsConfirmed 可以分别表示 PCNF 和 CNF 两种涉及确认的状态。那么,我们可以写出关于确认状态的判断语句。 SELECT SINGLE FROM i_mfgorderwithstatus FIELDS OrderIsConfirmed WHERE ManufacturingOrder = @im_gr4xy_item->inbounddelivery INTO @ls_orderisconfirmed. SELECT SINGLE FROM i_mfgorderwithstatus FIELDS OrderIsPartiallyConfirmed WHERE ManufacturingOrder = @im_gr4xy_item->inbounddelivery INTO @ls_orderispartiallyconfirmed. ... if ls_orderisconfirmed <>....

Batch derivation is always active in SAP S/4HANA Cloud. During this blog, we will learn the process of setting up the batch derivation. Overview Set up a sample of batch derivation in Production Process. Prerequisite Batch management materials need to be created, there should at least be finished and raw materials with MRP views and the....

Mobile technology plays a key role in today’s warehouse management success. Your warehouse workforce need a fast-performance mobile app in their handheld device to face today’s supply chain challenge. SAP provides all sorts of tools and APIs to build high-performance barcode scanning solution for SAP S/4HANA Cloud Warehouse Management (WM). A good warehouse mobile app....