We all know that CPFH & DISH were introduced in release 2105 (CPFH) and 2208 (DISH). So, this article wants to introduce some information to people who are interested in four scenarios of sales kits. The related scope item is 31Q SAP Best Practices Explorer. Except the customer master data, material master data and sales price,....

When customers try to release BCP includes configuration of text determination procedure or access sequence in the App ‘Manage Your Solution’, the error ‘Transport text type &&& for text object &&&’ is displayed and prevents releasing the configuration. 3SL(D2P) customers When customers try to release a transport request includes configuration of text determination procedure or....

In this blog, you’re going to read about the new configuration capability for billing plan types that can be used for service contracts in SAP S/4HANA Cloud. Previously, those configuration fields were display only. You can also learn from this blog how to configure the setting step by step. Business Scenario As we explained in....

有客户提出需求,在销售订单出库交货过账后,不允许修改销售订单的价格。因为如果交货过账后修改了订单中的价格,在开票的初始界面,金额还是更改之前的价格,只有模拟开票后才会更新,这对于财务的一些计算会带来困难。本文即对该问题展开分析,探索解决方案。 解决方案: 尝试通过自定义逻辑,写一个 BAdI 来满足需求。 分析步骤: 1. 首先,我们需要在 SAP S/4HANA Cloud 系统的应用 – 自定义逻辑里,新建增强实施。根据业务场景,选择下图中的业务上下文以及业务加载项描述,填写好实施描述以及实施标识。 新增增强措施 2. 在自定义逻辑里根据本问题涉及业务上下文完成新建增强实施后,我们需要找到字段获取销售订单的价格。此外,还需要获取销售订单的发货状态和过账状态,作为判断条件帮助我们判别一个销售订单是否已经出库交货过账。我们需要在 CDS Views 里进行查找和检索。I_SALESDOCUMENT 这个 CDS View 包含了销售订单的字段信息,查看检索字段描述,字段 TOTALNETAMOUNT 可以帮助我们获取销售订单的净值。同时在该 CDS View 里,字段 OVERALLTOTALDELIVERYSTATUS 代表总体交货状态。如图所示,该字段为 A 代表未交货,为 C 代表已全部交货。 销售订单交货状态 我们还需要获取销售订单的过账状态。当销售订单处于可过账发货状态时,字段 GOODSMOVEMENTSTATUS 即货物移动状态的值为 A 。在完成发货过账后,该字段的值变为 C 。因此,我们在 I_DELIVERYDOCUMENTITEM 这个 CDS View 里使用该字段来获取销售订单对应的过账状态。 完成过账的出库单,货物移动变更为 C 现在我们已经找到了针对该问题的 BAdI 所需要用到的字段,接下来就是要确保我们在 CDS Views 里取到对应销售订单字段的值。在 I_DELIVERYDOCUMENTITEM 里字段 REFERENCESDDOCUMENT 表示参考凭证的凭证编号,即出库单对应的销售订单号。因此,我们在调取 I_DELIVERYDOCUMENTITEM 中数据时的匹配条件即是” REFERENCESDDOCUMENT = SALESDOCUMENT-SALESDOCUMENT “,这样就能正确取到销售订单对应出库单的字段数据。 3. 根据以上分析过程,实现 BAdI ,具体代码如下。 if SALESDOCUMENT-OVERALLTOTALDELIVERYSTATUS = 'C'. select single * from I_SALESDOCUMENT with privileged....

Background By default, business users have unrestricted authorizations for maintaining standard prices. Flexible Workflow is part of SAP Business Workflow and will allow you to set up and manage simple workflow scenarios in different lines of business, such as SAP S/4HANA Finance, Procurement, Human Resources, Manufacturing, and now SAP S/4HANA Sales. In this blog, we....

You might want more fields from master data available in your sales documents, for example, to display in a sales order app or to print in the sales order confirmation. You can do this with key user extensibility. You can find detailed information about how to use key user extensibility in SAP S/4HANA Cloud Sales....

Would you like to know how to export price history from your conditions in  SAP S/4HANA Cloud? Have a look at this step-by-step below: First, check if you have access to Set Material Prices app. To access this app, make sure you have the Business Role SAP_BR_PRICING_SPECIALIST. If you have access to Set Material Prices app, open the application and....

In this blog, we demonstrate how to use configuration activities to set up your desired service contract dates in the SAP S/4HANA Cloud system. Date management in the application area Service of SAP S/4HANA Cloud is technically originated from that in the SAP Customer Relationship Management (CRM). You can use it to control displaying and changing of....

This blog provides guidelines to help you create XML date rules in your SAP S/4HANA Cloud system. XML date rule is part of the configuration activities for date management in the application area Service of SAP S/4HANA Cloud. It originated from that in the SAP Customer Relationship Management (CRM). You can use it to define very customized date....

As pricing specialist, you can maintain price by uploading spreadsheet. Price, as sensitive information, should follow Four Eyes Principal. Therefore, we can use Approval Process on the uploading function. In this blog, we focus on Approval Process. For uploading basic function, please refer to this blog. Background and Configuration Please see background blog and configuration blog.   ​Main Process....

This blog describes how to enable the standard text for text determination, using the sales document header as an example. As a result, when a sales document is created, the system copies a predefined standard text to the target text (in this example, internal note). Creating Standard Text Open the Maintain Standard Texts app. To access this....

Introduction: SAP Logon inbuilt gateway client is an out-of-box tool to test OData API, but if you want to be more efficient, a better tool is needed. According to official introduction, postman is an API platform for building and using APIs. Postman simplifies each step of the API lifecycle and streamlines collaboration so you can....

Order capture and order fulfillment are the core responsibilities of an internal sales representative. In today’s world, where increasing order volumes and, at the same time, tight control of sales operations costs are key contributions to a company’s margins, efficiency and effectiveness are the ingredients to a modern order and contract management process. Today, unlike....

1 Like 23 Views 0 Comments 业务需求 客户需要按照半年/季度/月/周,不同周期结算不同金额。 解决方案 1. 创建自定义字段       注意:这里自定义字段以行项目为案例,根据业务不同,需要对抬头定价业务上下文可以选择销售:定价通信抬头 对字段cycle ,业务上下文销售:销售凭证项目进行配置 2. 配置自定义定价策略: 2.1点击更改字段目录,进入后点击新建条目 使用查找功能找到之前创建的自定义字段 2.2 创建条件表 2.3 设置访问程序 2.4 设置定价条件类型 复制PPR0到Z905: 2.5 设置定价程序 复制Y13101到Z99102, 将PPR0改成Z905,然后保存 2.6 设置定价程序确定 3. 创建价格主数据 对客户13100003,产品TG12,分别对不同周期进行定价 周:20 CNY;月:19 CNY;季度:18 CNY;半年:17 CNY 可以下载模板,进行批量上传 方案效果 创建销售订单 APP:创建销售订单VA01,输入订单类型OR,客户13100003,物料TG12,数量10,然后进入到行项目自定义字段,维护字段cycle 然后点击条件,点击更新 可以看到价格自动更新了 同样对周期:季度,创建行项目20,可以满足对不同周期进行不同定价  

业务介绍 金税发票: 税价4312.10(591.67+870.94+2849.49)可以看到金税的总税是来自各自行项目四舍五入后的总和 SAP开票: 系统的计价方式来自销售订单定价程序,而总税额是总净价*税额(33169.96*0.13=4312.0948≈4312.09) 如此给众多中国客户月结导尾差带来很多工作 更改配置后的效果 配置 复制条件类型 TTX1到ZTX2,去掉Group Condition这个勾 在主数据这加上TTX1、V,这样不用再创建条件主数据,可以直接复制 TTX1的主数据  2. 将ZTX2 替换TTX1加入到自定义的定价程序(从Y13101复制到Z99103)  3. 定义价格程序确定  

Product availability check helps to fulfill the customer delivery/promise date. The system automatically runs the product availability in background ( for example at sales order, delivery level) taking into consideration the requested delivery date and determines when the product will be available . Based on the material availability date ,picking/packing, transportation time a delivery date....