In this blog post we will be discussing the steps required to setup connectivity between SAP Datasphere (formerly Data Warehouse Cloud) and SFTP data source hosted on-premise. Components involved: SAP DWC/Datasphere SAP Cloud Connector – on premise SFTP server – on Premise The connectivity type used will be ‘Generic SFTP’ and it will support ‘Data....

The aim of this blog is to give an easy way to setup an SFTP connection between a SAP system and an SFTP server. The main problem we face for this using standard SAP is described in note : 795131 – FAQ: SAPFTP cannot perform secure FTP communication. This subject has also been covered by many....

The company uses email authentication of staff to Linked Learning using Azure. There was a requirement to use the User ID (BizX ID) to update the course completion status from linkedin Learning into company LMS. So I had built interface to integrate LinkedIn Learning with LMS , do the necessary field mappings from Linkedin EmailID....