This blog talks about different issues involving with SAP Hybris Cloud For Customer Integration using SAP PI/PO. While you integrate your SAP Hybris Cloud for Customer solution with SAP ERP, SAP CRM or any external system using SAP PI/PO issues may arise because of improper configurations or improper data communications. Below are some of the general issues:-....

One more interesting blog and sharing the knowledge and experience with you, about integration of SAP CPI and SQL JDBC to use batch mode and stored procedure. Maybe comes in your mind the question, why needs stored procedure ? If yes I will tell you later… I’m not going to explain deep the concept of....

For your migration project from SAP PI/PO to Integration Suite you can use the Figaf Tool to test your migration for free to allow you to run your migration project easier. This is our migration edition. Why should you be testing your migrations When moving between two platforms, there can be differences in how mappings, UDF....

In this blog, we will see how you can use postman, to test the SAP CPI mappings. You can use this approach for testing your groovy/xslt mapping as well if you find it useful. SAP CPI mapping simulation lacks more functionality where as SAP PO has better one. In SAP CPI there is no way....

Already past a couple of monthes after i develop an integration between our SAP BW system running over Hana databes and Anaplan, in order to achieve it, the project use SAP Process Orchestration 7.5 During the implementation process, i face some challenges that i try to solve making a research in different forums, since i could....

supporting my post about “Security Orchestration, Automation, and Response” for SAP, I am sharing a step by step guide to expose your legacy RFCs as enterprise services (SOAP) through configuration. No development needed! However, an ABAP developer key is required to activate the enterprise service 🤷🏽‍♀️🙃 This way the RFC capabilities may be handled by API....

SAP CPI (Cloud Platform Integration) and SAP PO/PI (Process Orchestration/Process Integration) are both integration platforms that help organizations streamline their business processes by integrating different systems, applications, and data sources. While both platforms offer similar functionalities, they have some distinct advantages that make them suitable for different use cases. Here are some reasons why you....

Being up-to-date with the latest technologies and aiming the production stability and consistency are the top priorities for most businesses. However, that often requires business critical downtime for production systems. SAP offers a solution to this problem by providing its clients with the near-Zero Downtime Maintenance (nZDM) for SAP Java procedure for its SAP Java systems. This....

After a long time without writing here I decided to take a few minutes to share some code that I recently used in a project and that I couldn’t find here in the community. Basically, the code I’m going to share has a simple and highly requested functionality in some projects, cleaning JSON messages, removing....

Test-driven development is a concept in the software development practice, where software development is closely tracked by repeatedly executing tests. In its pure form tests must even exist before the software itself. In this blog post, I’m going to show you step by step how Process Integration Test can bring you one step towards test-driven development....

Our initial situation is as follows: we do have text files with comma separated values which we want to import to our ERP system, automatically. This files are on a SFTP-server. So our PI-system should look every now and then if new files are available on the SFTP-server. If so, gonna catch them all and....

A lot of very interesting blogs around CPI Value Mapping were published for the past 5 years, I noticed that automatic process was not possible because API is missing an easy way to create Value Mapping. In the latest blog, SAP Cloud Integration: maintenance of Value Mapping artifacts through OData API , author is suggesting this....

While doing integration with some soap/rest receiver through SAP PI/PO, they may ask to do RSA signature and Base64 encoding for some of the fields. The soap/rest receiver should provide the private key to the sender.  When they receive any message with RSA signature by a private key, they will use their own public key....

This blog is going to help in troubleshooting Versioning and Transport issues, along with few Best -Practices and the steps required to collect the information useful for root cause analysis at SAP side.   We can categorise the VNT issues into two : Database inconsistency issues while performing the actions like, Export/Import Create/Save/Activate/Delete Connectivity/Configuration issues....

ChatGPT is a language model developed by OpenAI. It is designed to understand natural language, generate human-like responses to a wide range of questions, and carry out various language-related tasks. It has been trained on a large corpus of text data and can understand a broad range of topics. Its purpose is to assist users....

During the implementation of OAuth 2.0 JWT Grant flow in SAP PI REST, I learnt lot of ins and outs about it and I hope through this blog you will have better insights into what to expect when configuring JWT Authentication for APIs which require it. There is another blog about DocuSign JWT Authentication for....

In today’s digital age, data security is of utmost importance, and securing data during transmission over the internet is critical. PKCS 7 Signer and Base64 Encoder are two technologies that are widely used to ensure data security during transmission. This blog will discuss both PKCS 7 Signer and Base64 Encoder, including what they are, how....

Dear SAP-community, The start of a new year is the best time to fuel your brain with SAP integration knowledge! Picture Credit: DALL·E 2   To get an extensive overview of various SAP integration technologies, I highly recommend reading “SAP Interface Management Guide” by Adam Kiwon (me), Mark Lehmann, Manuel Männle, Martin Tieves which is available in German and English. You will learn about....

B2BIC NRO is generally used in EDI scenarios where the requirement is to send document numbers to customers in series which is not possible in the case of IDocs because IDocs are not created in sequence per customer. Generally in B2B transactions, the flow is most likely IDoc to EDI via AS2/SFTP, etc. Where customers....

Dear Community, IDoc is the abbreviation for “Intermediate Document”, a widley used SAP standard to exchange business data between systems (mostly SAP software based). With an implementation of the classic Business Add-in (BAdI) IDOC_DATA_MAPPER, you can change values in outbound and inbound IDocs via ABAP programming. Here are some tips and tricks around implementing this BAdI. Check....

With NetWeaver 7.50 SP25, SAP PO/PI REST adapter provides support for OAuth 2.0 authentication on Sender side based on RFC 6749 “The OAuth 2.0 Authorization Framework” ( ).  This allows REST clients which support OAuth 2.0 Client Credentials grants flow to authenticate and access REST resources provided by the SAP PO/PI REST Adapter. This blog post....

Objective of this blog is to give some background information about SAP Business Connector and some guidance for replacing it with a more contemporary platform.   What is SAP Business Connector? SAP Business Connector (SBC) is a middleware or integration platform offered by SAP to connect SAP-systems to non-SAP partner systems. SAP Business Connector was....

If you are familiar with doing complex mappings in SAP Integration Suite, it might be of interest for you, that Integration Advisor Capability of SAP Integration Suite now introduces a new powerful feature called pre-transformation of source Message Implementation Guide structure. With this new feature Integration Advisor now supports the reordering of source structure before....

EDI based B2B interactions often form a communication backbone for large organizations. EDI is how large organizations receive orders from customers, procure raw materials from suppliers and track carrier shipments. In this post, I will share a reference architecture that uses APIM’s rate limiting capabilities to protect EDI messages flowing through PI. The post has....

Business Requirement: Read mails from a specific mail-folder having specific subject line of a Microsoft outlook mail-account, extract the attachments (.csv files) and store them into local directories. Mail OAuth can also be achieved using Mail Adapters “Configure OAuth” Authentication feature. This blog gives an overview of an alternative (Java-Map) can be used into the....

Here is my experience of converting Microsoft Excel file to CSV file in SAP Process Orchestration. Open source Apache POI library is used to read MS Excel files. Maven pom.xml file <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation=""> <modelVersion>4.0.0</modelVersion> <groupId>com.mycompany</groupId> <artifactId>JavaMapping_ExcelToCSV</artifactId> <version>1.0</version> <packaging>jar</packaging> <dependencies> <dependency> <groupId>manual</groupId> <artifactId>SAPPO</artifactId><!--Include jar file.--> <version>1.0</version> </dependency> <dependency> <groupId>org.apache.poi</groupId> <artifactId>poi-ooxml</artifactId> <version>5.2.2</version>....

SAP PI is a mature integration platform with a predefined pipeline that allows organizations to deploy thousands of iFlows in a supportable manner. However, when building complex scenarios the pipeline’s limitations can lead to suboptimal iFlow designs. In this blog, I will: Provide an overview of the standard PI pipeline Elaborate of the limitations of....

PIPO OAuth Logs with XPI Inspector Recently, Microsoft has decided to postpone disabling Basic Authentication in Exchange Online for those customers still actively using it until the second half of 2021. In the meantime, Microsoft will continue to disable Basic Authentication for newly created tenants by default.  Starting in October 2020 they will also start to disable....

Business requirement: 1. Pull files from source folder (FTP or SFTP) folder and push it specific Azure-Blob-Storage folder location. 2. Read/Pull files from Azure-Blob-Storage folder locations Technique-01: Using PI/PO interface (FILE/SFTP TO FILE | Asynchronous) where Java Mapping is been used to push the files/Content into Azure-Blob-Storage location. Here, The Sender File or SFTP Adapter....

SAP SuccessFactors announced some time back the sunset of HTTP Basic Authentication for API calls. The sunset, which was planned for 2H 2022, was postponed until further notice. Nevertheless, SAP Process Orchestration SFSF adapter was enhanced to support OAuth 2.0 with SAML Bearer Assertion flow for OData API and SFAPI (see SAP Note 3111868 for more information).....

Recently I have worked in JMS(MQ) to Proxy scenario, in which I was facing special characters issue. Basically all umlaut chars such as ä,ö,ü are not displayed correct. I was not using any mapping as this is a pass through scenario.     When I download the file into my local machine and open with....

This blog explains how to delay the message processing when api call fails. This does not provide all detailed steps to consume celonis apis. Rather it discusses one part of the scenario.   Requirement This is a SFTP to REST(Celonis) scenario. Celonis has shared APIs for posting data from SAP PO. One restriction is SAP....

As a Software Engineer I needed to create an interface between an SAP System and a third party API using XML as request and response but calling the API through REST adapter. After reading some blogs about creating a Lookup service within a UDF and how to use the REST adapter I have developed this....

In this blog post we explain step by step process to set up integration between SAP FSM & ECC. SAP  Integration provides seamless integration between SAP and non-SAP applications within the organization A2A (Application to Application) or even outside the organization B2B (Business to Business). SAP Field Service Management software is meant to help your company boost the effectiveness of service and....

This blog helps you solve most common requirement to convert nested CSV structure to an XML in SAP CPI. Many times, we are required to convert CSV structures to deeply nested XML structures. Standard Conversion methods in SAP CPI allow you to convert the incoming CSV file to flat XML structures only i.e., only one....

Inspired by the blogpost Chronicles of a PI TLS 1.2 upgrade by Eng Swee Yeoh I like to share some other pitfall you may want to avoid with the IAIK Library of your PI and other AS Java systems as well as the CCL. Updates: 2022-12-01: Added further information regarding the parameters ccl/ssl/*/allow_session_resumption_without_extended_master_secret. 2022-11-21: Added another pitfall when it....

SAP TM or Transport Management System is used to optimize logistics by managing all aspects of Transportation processes within a company. Not only it streamlines the logistics businesses by improving efficiency, but it also helps in reducing cost of business. One of the key aspects of implementing SAP TM is its integration with ECC system.....

SAP has announced to sunset the use of HTTP Basic Authentication for APIs (SFAPI and OData). New feature of Oauth2.0 will be provided for SFSF Adapters of SAP PO 7.5 SP23+ and SAP CPI/CI. In this document, I will demonstrate the step required to generate OData API Application with OAuth2.0 authentication and later stage this....

The company uses email authentication of staff to Linked Learning using Azure. There was a requirement to use the User ID (BizX ID) to update the course completion status from linkedin Learning into company LMS. So I had built interface to integrate LinkedIn Learning with LMS , do the necessary field mappings from Linkedin EmailID....

In my previous blog post, I have demonstrated how we can reset SAP password by just sending an email. But there were questions raised by many readers regarding UI, so today I will be explaining how we can beautify the user input. Our tool has now evolved to a semi-bot, you send an email and....

When we are doing HR or Bank related integration here main factor is data secure, so one of way is encrypt data using PGP keys. In this tutorial I am going to explore How to generate PGP Keys using Kleopatra Software How to Encrypt data using PGP Public key in SAP CPI How to Decrypt....

Generally for file based integration, SAP Process Orchestration File Adapter or SFTP Adapter is used to poll the data files from the file system or FTP/SFTP servers. But in some file integration scenario, the web server (Nginx, Apache, IIS etc.) is to be used instead of FTP/SFTP server in case that the FTP/SFTP server is....

This is my first blog where I would like to share my experience on how to connect with SFDC via REST adapter using SFDC bulk API concept. (without BPM) When to use Bulk API? Bulk API is based on REST and is optimized for loading or deleting large sets of data. We can query, insert,....

You are at Mapping Guidelines (MAG) When you map a source group node to a target group node. And then map a source leaf node to the same target group node. It automatically creates a “conditional mapping”. What is this feature? Let’s have a look at it. As defined on the help page: Group node: A....

We’ve recently had a requirement to set base64 PDF to PDF attachment in message mapping. When looking online for an existing UDF to set PDF attachment in message mapping, most UDF’s found were using JAVA mapping or were created for other requirements (for example changing PDF filename when using sender file adapter). This UDF is....

In this blog post you can learn, which configuration is required if you want to protect objects, which are generated during integration flow deployment. Imagine following situation. As a rule you configure your PI using integration flows and made your changes in the Integration Designer. When an integration flow is deployed an integrated configuration and,....

Introduction: This Blog will guide you how to define multiple receiver and Xpath routing condition in SAP PI/PO. Requirement: To send the data from a single source system to multiple target systems. Steps: This can be done by validating the input data from the payload (identifier to route the messages to respective target). First you....

Introduction: A quick step by step guide to setup new feature Idempotent Process Call in Cloud Integration (Cloud Foundry Environment). The Idempotent Process call can be used to achieve Exactly once scenario on Cloud integration using a unique identifier set as message ID. It detects if a message ID(unique Identifier) has already been successfully processed....

EDIFACT messages require a total segment count in the segment UNT. X12 messages require the same information in segment SE data element 96. In SAP Process Integration/Orchestration(PI/PO) this requirement was handled by mapping the constant $B2B_SEG_COUNTER to the relevant field. SAP Cloud Integration doesn’t have this feature yet, but we can create a Groovy script that replicates exactly the same behavior.....

Hi All,   I have a File to File EOIO scenario. The messages are sucessfully delivered from IE to AE. All entries have a chequered flag in SXMB_MONI. No messages are stuck in IE queue (SMQ2). But the message is stuck in AE queue with status “Delivering”. I can not resend or cancel the message....

Hi today i have found a error saying that some values are missing the que while monitoring .   To check the error i have tested the MM using inbound pay load but its throwing error like given below The processing instruction target matching “[xX][mM][lL]” is not allowed.     I just want to know....

Hi All, I am working on an ABAP to Webservice scenerio wherein the proxy is implemented in SPROXY transaction of ECC while in PI the mapping is done between two XSDs. I have the following questions 1.The source in the message mapping in PI is the ABAP proxy output,right?If so,then it always happens data coming....

In this blog post I would explain setting up integration to Marketo application using SAP PI.   Background: Marketo is a popular marketing platform used in many companies. It has out of the box Salesforce integration capability for all the standard objects. However, at times it is needed to create a complex custom objects in....

Do you look for a way of realize more complex logic of your scenario SAP PI but you don’t want use SAP BPM? If yes, then this blog post could be interesting for you. Do you want to know how use Messaging API services and even those services that are not in official documentation? If....