I thought to write this blog as I couldn’t find a solve with complete information. However there are very few questions asked by many on answers.sap.com but users comments didn’t assist much. So this blog would walk you through on how to automatically generated external-ID Portfolio Item and Initiatives. Background: As we know post SPRO....

Einführung In diesem Blogpost möchte ich auf die Fragestellung “Wie man Qualität in SAP S/4HANA Projekten messbar macht” eingehen. Für die Dimension Qualität existiert keine Einheit wie Beispielsweise für  Zeit (Jahre, Monate, Tage, Stunden, Minuten, Sekunden), Kosten ($, €, £, etc.) oder den Leistungsumfang (definierte Lieferobjekte, Funktionen, Prozesse). Es ist daher umso schwieriger, die Dimension Qualität messbar....

In the modern days of changing and challenging IT environment, it is crucially important to select the correct approach of running the project and managing its all activities simultaneously. Many IT solutions allow Project Managers to cover all the necessary tasks by using only one software. While in this article will be described an approach....