Many clients with complex business processes that track employee times usually have a common requirement to restrict employees from working (and by extension, booking) overtime over a certain number of hours. I have also observed in most cases that these restrictions are usually for the work done in a month rather than strictly in a....

With more and more customers opting for cloud based solutions like SuccessFactors, customization skills on Time Evaluation engine (RPTIME00) in SAP on-premise solution is unfortunately becoming a dying art. But still there are few, who are not yet ready to move out of the on-premise solution. It could be because of number of factors due....

Introduction CPF contributions are the major portion of Singapore payroll calculations. These contributions are subject to a number of legislative requirements and are quite complex in nature to understand and implement. SAP has provided solutions for various scenarios for CPF calculations and these are subject to configuration and consulting expertise. In this blog, we will....

Welcome to my first blog as the Solution Marketing Lead for SAP SuccessFactors Time Management. While I will not even attempt to be as eloquent and conversational as my predecessor Paul Meredith, nor as detailed and technical as my Product Management colleague Volker Ruof, I would like to be able to provide you with a....

Introduction – This article relates to scenario where absence entitlement are calculated in external system but are used in Employee Central Time Off for employees to record absences.   Background – Migration to SuccessFactors from on-premise SAP HCM and non-SAP ecosystem is happening for last few years and this will continue to grow. At times multiple system....

Introduction Anyone who has worked with SAP Payroll – Australia is well aware of (and probably dreads!) the powerful “Termination Organizer”. This program (or transaction PC00_M13_CTO3) is basically used to enable termination or reinstatement of employees. The reason it is such a powerful tool provided by SAP is that it helps to bring together varied....