In this blog, I wish to give high-level technical details on the new features available with SUM2.0 SP17. Homogeneous DMO DMOVE2S4 For those looking for quick details, below is a simple explanation in my own words in this regard. DMOVE2S4:(Available since SUM2.0SP17) DMOVE2S4 is a way to move/convert  SAP on anyDB to S/4HANA system or....

Although the database instance was up and all HANA services were active, a database unavailability alert appeared in the “Focussed Run” or in the CCMS alert. In this article, identify the root cause of the HDB connectivity issue and also check whether the KEY entry corresponding to the database user was present in the hdbuserstore.....

I was occasionally asked to download the EWA report generated in the  Solution Manager  for some managed systems. The browser displays “Site Not secured…” whenever I enter the transaction code “SM_WORKCENTER.” This article described the step-by-step procedure to resolve the issue  “Site not secured “. Investigation: As indicated above, type the Tcode SM_WORKCENTER or if....

The purpose of this article is to describe the procedure to enlarge the MAXDB database size running on any SAP application. There was an alert that the database size used was getting full. The procedure for enlarging MAXDB datafiles is described below.   Login using SAPGUI  in any productive client. To identify and confirm  the....

In this blog post of my series Use ST05 to Analyze the Communication of the ABAP Work Process with External Resources, I explain how you can store traces of your applications’ communication events as long as required. Beside giving you more time for in-depth analyses, stored traces pave the way to completely new types of investigations. Examples are: Check....

How the error looks like If you have an SAP ABAP trial installation that uses the Sybase ASE database, then it periodically stops working. Often it happens at the beginning of April. The server just hangs during the startup process and doesn’t give any errors to the terminal. The following information is displayed in the....

This is the second blog post in my series of posts about SAP GUI transaction ST05. Here, I explain that you can control and customize the trace recording with filter conditions, and how this is useful for analyzing your applications’ performance. With a small case study I show this feature in action. In the introduction to....

From my experience the RFC Gateway security is for many SAP Administrators still a not well understood topic. As a result many SAP systems lack for example of proper defined ACLs to prevent malicious use. After an attack vector was published in a talk from Mathieu Geli and Dmitry Chastuhin at OPDCA 2019 Dubai (

This blog post in my series of posts related to SAP GUI transaction ST05 (introduced in Use ST05 to Analyze the Communication of the ABAP Work Process with External Resources) explains the tool’s inner workings and configuration options, and how they affect its behavior. With this knowledge, you can avoid some pitfalls that otherwise would make your performance....

This is the first blog post in a series of posts that cover my SAP GUI transaction ST05. Here, I show the straightforward use of the tool to get you started for ad hoc performance analyses of your business applications. If you have not yet done so, please read the introductory post Use ST05 to Monitor the....

In my previous blog posts Measure your Application’s Performance and Resource Consumption: Evaluate Statistics Records with Transaction STATS and Use Transaction STATS_FE to Analyze the Performance of your Web Application, I have put you as a software developer in charge of your business applications’ performance. Here, performance encompasses end-to-end response time and scalability, which is impacted by your application’s....

In this blog post, we will learn to activate AbapGit on SAP NetWeaver Developer Edition 7.52 with an alternate way of installing server certificates and ensuring AbapGit is working as it should be. Recently, i had the pleasure of installing the SAP NetWeaver Developer Edition 7.52 on my PC. The first thing i wanted was to have backup of....

From my experience the RFC Gateway security is for many SAP Administrators still a not well understood topic. As a result many SAP systems lack for example of proper defined ACLs to prevent malicious use. After an attack vector was published in a talk from Mathieu Geli and Dmitry Chastuhin at OPDCA 2019 Dubai (

Dear Community, IDoc is the abbreviation for “Intermediate Document”, a widley used SAP standard to exchange business data between systems (mostly SAP software based). With an implementation of the classic Business Add-in (BAdI) IDOC_DATA_MAPPER, you can change values in outbound and inbound IDocs via ABAP programming. Here are some tips and tricks around implementing this BAdI. Check....

The thinking about ABAP system-wide issues Have you ever worked on an ABAP system-wide issue, e.g. system hang, system slowness, resource bottleneck, or high business load situations? The ABAP system-wide issue is the most critical and urgent issue for system administrators. Meanwhile, it is also usually complex, because the root cause might be related to....

In this blog I will discuss one error which I face during creation of screen in tcode SE51 Screen Painter. When clicking on layout button following dump was coming with short text “RFC callback call rejected by whitelist”. By analyzing this error it clearly indicates that call back function module is missing in destination “EU_SCRP_WN32”.....

Over past years SAP customers have heavily extended and modified SAP solutions. There are SAP ERP systems with a few million lines of custom code. During a system conversion to SAP S/4HANA or a migration to SAP BTP ABAP Environment customers want to reuse the existing custom code. Simplified the custom code migration process looks....

Purpose of the blog To get rid of the failed entries and shrink the overall memory footprint size of ARFCS* and TRFCQ* tables if there are huge amount of failed entries in SM58. If the Log file / Reorganize method of cleaning the SM58 is still not helping to remove unwanted / failed entries then....

Unfortunately the ABAP Platform, Developer Edition for Docker is currently not available for installation. But for everyone who still uses it I will quickly describe how you can update the ABAP and HANA License. The blog post by Andre Fischer on How to install a new license in your SAP ABAP Platform Developer Edition isn’t helping anymore as the license that....

There is an old requirement from functional side and end users for having MB5B in ALV grid display format. “Is it possible to display the result of transaction MB5B as ALV gird ?” In this blog I will discuss the steps needed to enable ALV grid display format for tcode MB5B in S4 HANA. Output....

Inspired by the blogpost Chronicles of a PI TLS 1.2 upgrade by Eng Swee Yeoh I like to share some other pitfall you may want to avoid with the IAIK Library of your PI and other AS Java systems as well as the CCL. Updates: 2022-12-01: Added further information regarding the parameters ccl/ssl/*/allow_session_resumption_without_extended_master_secret. 2022-11-21: Added another pitfall when it....

This blog post will describe the steps of how to expose REST API and handle REST API request from SAP ECC 6.0 without installing SAP Gateway service builder component. It will also help to convert json data to ABAP data. In this blog post I have described how to build web server service in ECC application....

The DBACOCKPIT of SAP NetWeaver AS ABAP and ABAP Platform provides the SQL Editor which can be used to execute SQL statements on connected databases. The SQL Editor is a full featured SQL command line and supports all SQL statements as listed, for example, in the SAP HANA SQL Reference Guide for SAP HANA Platform. It was designed to....

Running your SAP system with optimal performance should always be a goal for SAP basis and AIX system administrators. Making most effective use of the available hardware and IBM POWER virtualization features helps you to achieve optimal system response times for users. Typically, your SAP system will run in a distributed configuration where the database....

V3 update requests are called “collective run updates” and are not automatically processed by the update mechanism. These updates are not considered to be critical or urgent. Critical/urgent update requests should be created as a V1 update.   A background job (transaction SM36/SM37) must be schedule to collect and process pending V3 update requests. Each application area....

Customer fields in process order transactions (COR1/COR2/COR3) : PPCO0020 Screen Exit Objective In this blog post we are going to create a custom tab for Process Order transactions (COR1/COR2/COR3) with below 3 additional fields: Reason for Schedule Variance (Drop down options) Schedule End Date (Non-editable) Schedule End Time (Non-editable) Step-by-step procedure: Part 1: Custom field....

1. Introduction This is a personal sequel to Fiori-like web app development in pure ABAP with htmx and Fundamental by Patrick VILLENEUVE to explore further the possibilities of combining htmx and ABAP to develop business web apps. 1.1 Motivation The world is shifting towards SAP web development using SAPUI5 and ABAP RAP model on a platform like BTP, and....

As a business application developer, you need to ensure that your apps run with optimal performance. While this holds for all types of applications, in this blog post I am specifically looking at web apps, and in particular I am focusing on SAP S/4HANA applications using web-based access. Your app’s users demand short end-to-end response times to....