For over ten years now every month on the SAP Community Site someone publishes a blog about how to upload/download data from EXCEL to ABAP. So, I am going to start doing this as well – only I will always be talking about ABAP2XLSX as the preferred mechanism to do this. Millions of Excel Blogs....

To follow this blog, you would need an SAP Business Technology Platform account. I got a Pay-As-You-Go account that lets me get started for free. Then cost based on usage: The trial version of the BTP does currently not provide access to SAP Data Sphere. I then follow How to create an SAP Datasphere service instance in the SAP....

In my last blog IoT 3.0, I demonstrated the difference between sending IoT data to a central database versus to a distributed ledger. To do so, I leveraged Duino IoT that is a feature of Duino-Coin, a hybrid crypto currency. In this blog, I will look under the covers how this works and deploy IoT data via Apache Kafka to my....

Before, we got under the covers of IoT3 with an IoT 3.0 Deep Dive. The outputs were from the console and included everything we needed to dive deep. In this blog, I will show how to raise a level higher again and monitor our IoT3 with Ethernal. The installation could not be easier: npm install -g ethernal....

Ever since I came across ChatGPT, I’m in complete awe. For those of you who don’t know what it is is, ChatGPT, which stands for Chat Generative Pre-trained Transformer, is a chatbot developed by OpenAI. ChatGPT is built on top of OpenAI’s GPT-3.5 family of large language models, and is fine-tuned with both supervised and reinforcement....

Did you know that CL_SALV_TABLE is not officially editable? And also that making changes to existing programs is often quite difficult? You can find out how to can address both problems be reading this long rambling incoherent blog. Grid GRID IRON For many years now I have been posting an annual blog bemoaning the fact....

Since Release 2.3, I used to Leverage Ceph as persistent storage for SAP Data Hub. At the time, this had been based on the Mimic release, which has been archived mid-2020. It did its job and even came with an at the time read only Dashboard already. Intermittently, I leveraged Longhorn to Install Gardener on Rancher Update 2022. However, lately....

I think CPIlint from Morten Wittrock is a great tool that enables users to validate their SAP Cloud Integration/CPI iFlows. But how do you run it on only the iFlows that changes I have had for a long time tried to find a way to embed it into our build process, so users could become aware of iFlows that....

Since I did Install Gardener on Rancher, it has become my Kubernetes platform of choice. Lately, I ran into an issue creating new clusters leveraging Cloudflare though: To troubleshoot this, I install gardenctl in 4 steps: Package Manager kubectl kubelogin gardenctl Package Manager Working on Windows, I leverage Chocolatey: Set-ExecutionPolicy Bypass -Scope Process -Force; [System.Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = [System.Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol -bor 3072; iex ((New-Object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadString('')) kubectl To start with,....

Previously, I Install Gardener on Rancher, wondering what Gardener might add to Prepare your SAP Data Intelligence installation with Rancher. Coming from Make your SAP Data Hub Distributed Runtime work on the SUSE CaaS Platform, I had been leveraging SUSE Linux Enterprise Server to start with. Lately, I have been having also good experience with Ubuntu though, resulting in some additional optimizations described in this blog....

I made a mistake but I got some interesting information about SAP Cloud Integration(CPI). And it seems like  some parts have improved a lot over the last period of time.  In April 2019 I was experimenting with Recursion in SAP Cloud Integration (CPI). I wanted to see what was possible and limits with it. To have....

The SAP Mentor Spotlight Interview Series highlights key strategic topics, such as emerging technologies, learning, and other topics, and provides insights from Mentors and SAP leaders on turning ideas into innovative approaches that impact people, process, and technology. Throughout the co-innovation process, discovering end user and cross-team needs is critical. Engaging end users to identify and understand....

The SAP Mentor Spotlight Interview Series highlights key strategic topics, such as emerging technologies, learning, and other topics, and provides insights from Mentors and SAP leaders on turning ideas into innovative approaches that impact people, process, and technology. Mindfulness and meditation can help organizations and teams around the globe. With digital transformation, challenging customer requirements, and an....

Yesterday, I released version 1.0.3 of CPILint (you can download it here). If this is the first time you hear about CPILint, let me very briefly introduce the tool to you. CPILint is an open source, command-line tool for SAP Cloud Integration that lets you automate the governance of your integration flows. You do so by....

The SAP Mentor Spotlight Series highlights key strategic topics, such as learning, and provides insights from Mentors and SAP leaders on turning ideas into innovative approaches that impact people, process, and technology. Empowering Transformative Outcomes Through Continuous Learning . Staying on the cutting-edge during times of change is more important than ever. One of the keys to success....

I sort of “stumbled” into this feature of using Analysis Office with S/4HANA on premise (in this case, 1909).  I think it is a great feature, especially for finance users Start by using transaction RAAOE inside S/4HANA, “Launch Analysis Workbook” I selected the Asset History Sheet query At the selection screen, most of the prompt....

Slightly over a year ago, I wrote Dear SAP Cloud Platform Integration, where is my CI/CD pipeline?. As there is no native out-of-the-box solution/capability provided by SAP, I decided to experiment with it myself and hopefully learn a thing or two along the way.   Today, I’m proud to present the results of many hours of....

If you had access to a SAP Data Intelligence system, you would of course Build a SAP Data Intelligence ML Scenario with TensorFlow. In case you had not, leverage a Raspberry Pi instead: To prepare, I install Jupyter Lab on Raspberry PI: I also need: sudo apt-get install libatlas-base-dev And: tf.enable_eager_execution() With the expected result: I hope this might....

This was a recent webcast from SAP’s Jan Meyer. Source: SAP Figure 1 Source: SAP   Jan is the head of learning systems at SAP with a new mandate – internal, external, and community learning Source: SAP Opportunities, challenges, provide learning to external learning Simplify discovery and learning at SAP Update experience from content perspective....

Mastering SAP is a wrap for 2021, and it was a great experience.  It started for me by attending Thomas Jung ‘s session. Source: SAP Where it fits in modern structure, applications Expand technical knowledge Look at SAP technologies As move to S/4HANA Source: SAP Andre Fischer is pictured above 15 years ago, the thought was Java was....