After activating the sslenforce parameter in the hanadatabase, our attempts to connect to the hana database via hana studio were unsuccessful due to an “only secured connections are allowed” error. Here is one of the methods we employed to establish a secure connection with the hana database.   This change was implemented based on the....

I am grateful to share a concept as my first blog. A concept where data inconsistency was fixed within a AMDP Class. So, I have gathered information and shared this Blog which would be helpful to resolve this issue with a single shot and precise solution. Providing a useful Reference Link for ABAP related development....

Here we will see one quite useful in-built Hana function $rowid$ and it usages. $rowid$ – Returns the internal row ID value for each row of the table. Whenever any new row is inserted in a Hana table new unique numeric ID is internally assigned to that row. This id is not available in the table in the....

This Blog explain the restore steps of using backint from Dell EMC netwoker software Expample: Source machine name: s4hhdb1 Source Bakup pool: S4HPRD Source tenant DB: SH1 Target machine name: testdbr2 Backup media server name: emcbackup137 Target tenant DB: SH1 FQDN= yoonus.local   The following  Changes to be made in source client GUI.. login Networker > select source> modify the property....

With the new evolving modern methodologies around many SAP applications and database technology, i am trying to contribute with some idea that can be helpful or spark a new idea for others. The thought is … What if we can create HANA docker container with database filesystems mounted to the container using NFS filesystems from....

Through SAP ADT or Hana Studio, we can load the CSVFlat file without the need to use SAP S/4, facilitating the process and gaining speed in execution. Let’s see how to do this procedure. Imagine performing the following task: Import some CSVFlat files to Z tables in the S/4 Hana environment. The most common possibilities....

One of most common requirement in Hana is to move user defined table from one Hana environment to another (Ex: Dev > QA > Prod). Here is one of the method i.e. Export & Import we can use. Solution – Will migrate the Hana Table from Source Hana Environment to Target Hana Environment. Step 1 Export....

Sometime we have to divide two numbers in Hana Sql or in Hana views. If denominator comes as 0 there is no logic implemented handle 0 in denominator then Hana will throw Divide by 0 error during Query execution. Also this is good practice to handle denominator 0 case whenever we do any division in....

It was almost a year since my last Geospatial Tuesday post. That time it was how-to Import zipped shapefiles into SAP HANA Cloud using Database Explorer. But I still used an external tool called DBeaver to visualize data imported into SAP HANA Cloud. (And before that I even used ASCII to display spatial shapes from SAP HANA!) This time, I....

In this blog, you will learn how to troubleshoot HANA DB authorizations / privileges errors using SQL Script procedure GET_INSUFFICIENT_PRIVILEGE_ERROR_DETAILS OVERVIEW SAP introduced a procedure GET_INSUFFICIENT_PRIVILEGE_ERROR_DETAILS with HANA 2.0 SP04 to simplify troubleshooting HANA related privileges and access issues Earlier security administrators had to troubleshoot privileges and access issue using User-specific trace. This trace generates a log, and the security....

In HANA XS classic, to get access on all analytical privileges(classic AP) in the system _SYS_BI_CP_ALL can be granted to an user(directly or via a role), generally for developers/ HANA Admin. But in HANA cloud or XS advanced using HDI container there is no such analytical privilege exists for developers. Even though Developer has got the....

Try the SAP HANA Modeling functions and possibilities with the SFLIGHT demo database. Reason of the Article To illustrate the process by a concrete example based on the SFLIGHT database. During the process there are many additional steps and setups are necessary. There are also some helpful documentation is available, which can be used during....

Hello folks, I am Vasu Sharma, SAP ABAP on HANA expert, have provided SAP solutions in various domains like manufacturing, aerospace industry, banking, finance and insurance. With the help of this blog, you will be able to set null values in Core Data Service view.   Issue: Recently, I came across with an interesting issue....

Hi All, In this blog we are going to know how you can apply intent based navigation in your application using CDS UI annotations. Let’s start with the introduction of Intent based navigation.   Intent Based Navigation is a technique in Fiori Launchpad through which user can launch other applications depending on the runtime parameters. This....